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Posts posted by DD_Fenrir

  1. https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/54643-p-51-d-skins/




    Update: 08/10/19




    Update: 09/10/19 AM



    Update: 09/10/19 PM











    Update: 02/07/20


    • Like 1
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  2. Dependent on how faithfully Pat Wilson adheres to historical precedent, we potentially have some have some options, as two P-38 groups flew out of airfields available on the Rheine Map.

    The 474th FG were operating out of A-78 Florennes from 03/10/44 - 30/03/45 and had P-38s throughout


    The 370th FG were operating out of A-78 Florennes from 26/09/44 - 27/01/45, then moved to Y-32 Ophoven, converting to the P-51D Mustang in February/March

    What do you chaps think - all the way in Lightnings or the chance to transfer to Ponies?



  3. Yeah, my bad, forgot about Funflak and Friar, also in the future Gypsy and Papabear could also be potential attendees. Either way, we could have excess pilots, as getting all 20 of us on during one session is unlikely. Even if we end up with under-strength breather contingent (8-12 pilots) AI can make up the rest.

    Regards mission types I think PWCG will deal the missions out according to what the plane is categorized as; in the case of P-38 as a fighter-bomber I would expect to see a good amount of both air-to-air and air-to-mud automatically generated as part of what it does....

  4. No takers?

    474th FG based at A-78 Florennes, consisting:

    428th Fighter Squadron - Callsign: "Geyser"; codes: "F5"; Tail marking: black square

    429th Fighter Squadron - Callsign: "Retail", codes: "7Y"; Tail marking: black triangle

    430th Fighter Squadron "The Backdoor Gang" - Callsign: "Backdoor", codes: "K6"; Tail marking: black circle


    With 16 of us we'd be a full squadron... 16 P-38s in one go! :drool:  :glasses2:

  5. Debrief: Good start last night gents - not to say there's no room for improvement, but plenty to be pleased with.

    Regards things to work on:

    1. RPM - make sure once you are settled in formation in the cruise get the RPM back to the 2200-2500 range otherwise you'll be guzzling much more fuel than your leader. If your leader is on 2400, then aim to be 2450-2500 to give you a little more "bite" and RPM headroom for making the relevant throttle changes in order to catch up if you fall back slightly.

    2. Make power changes much sooner than you think when re-joining; the planes decelerate/accelerate much more slowly than you anticipate so it's easy to overshoot, cut-power then end-up falling back too far because you re-apply power too late

    3. If you're overshooting consider using lateral separation manoeuvres to try and stay behind your leader - use lateral rather than vertical as you will regain sight of your leader much more easily and will require less power changes and limit the problems outlined in point 2. If you have to use vertical separation, and you have room, go low to maintain visual. Going high causes all sorts of issues!

    4. If you can, pull up as far forward on your leader as possible for the purpose of mutual protection - it's easier to check his tail, and just as (if not more!) importantly for him to check yours if you are almost along side.

  6. For those who've registered an interest I'll point you to here:


    Take note of the formation diagrams; some good clues as to what they're after. And don't worry if you're not exact, just at least attempt them.

    And if it's a bit too challenging push out a bit to where you're just mildly uncomfortable! Better a looser stable formation than a risky close.

    Biggest tips are to:

    a) trim, trim, trim, trim, TRIM!

    b) use stick displacements in the millimetric (or lower!) scale, particularly regards pitch

    c) make 3 small displacements not one big one

    d) be premature! Anticipate the correction and get it in a little sooner than you might expect - better to make it sooner and be a little too far out than too late and.. *crunch*

    e) once in a stable(ish) formation get the the rudder trimmed and avoid making formation corrections on the rudder - use small/med-small aileron corrections as the spit rudder is a bit twitchy, unless...

    f) large power changes affect rudder trim; be aware that if you're overtaking your leader and chop power, the nose will move right. Alternatively if you're falling back and increase throttle the nose will move left. Depending on where you are in the formation that might either push you out from your leader or pull you toward him so get ready to correct with either rudder (small smooth inputs required) or aileron (safer but looks a little sloppier)

  7. Another unusual Tuesday release for update to Stable Release. Plenty to digest, in particular fixes to the tree shadows and the AI in a No-render dedicated server environment are particular highlights for me:

    DCS update

    DCS World
    • ChinaAssetPack. Add HQ-7 Launcher and Radar Vehicles
    • URAL-4320T now takes damage as expected
    • Naval Units now have health bars on the F10 map
    • ME. Trigger Zone of Search Then Engage task no longer freezes for relocation in some conditions.
    • Dedicated Server. Issues with -norender and AI not attacking now fixed.
    • ME. Error after clicking the Add button in tab Suppliers that appeared in some cases is fixed.
    • Corrected trees shadows.
    • In external view, the SPAAA ZSU-23 can cause lag, memory leak and even crash if stuck - fixed.
    • ME. Error when click on task Embarking, after changing infantry group - fixed.
    • ME. GUI Error when trying to select tasks "Radio usage when contact" in some cases - fixed.
    • SSE. RAlt+J command will not breaks unit name of the object for the scripting engine.
    • SSE. Coalition.addStaticObject unable to spawn objects on ships - fixed.
    • The spreading under fire of ground units - restored.
    • AI aircraft will not react to lock by undetectable optical systems.
    • Nose illumination lights don't longer illuminate the nose - fixed.
    • F10 map. The names of enemy airfields will not float away in the Fog of War mode.
    • MP. If setting is not enforced in mission file, used setting is not displayed on MP UI - fixed.
    • ME. Error when use the selecting arrows from stop condition with LAST WPT - fixed.
    • ME. Error when trying to delete cloned task - fixed.
    • Added interface variable 'ammo_type_default' for assignment of default munition mix for aircraft canons.

    DCS F/A-18C Hornet
    • JSOW/JDAM Launch Zones will now update when switching to TGP TGT Point
    • Maverick no longer tries to lock while during slew to TGT Point with Non-Realistic TDC Slew Option
    • Weapon Programming no longer retained after the aircraft is shut down
    • Auto-bombing no longer affected by unselected waypoint altitude
    • AGM-65E(F) indicates RDY when Master ARM is SAFE - fixed.
    • Added some more input commands for FLIR controls on Right Console on Sensor Panel for 3-pos switches in category "Special For Joystick".
    • AGM-65 FOV can be changed even when not selected.
    • Aircraft position initialization, WPT designation isn't canceled by range if aircraft position is invalid.

    DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3 LLC
    • Adjusted alpha channel for afterburner flame effects. (WIP)
    • Added missing floodlights.
    • Corrected directional sounds
    • Increased volume of external engine sound.

    DCS Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3 LLC
    • Decreased volume of structural stress sounds.
    • Corrected error from having the module show up twice in the mission editor.

    DCS F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations
    • NEW: JESTER can now tune radar elevation for a specific distance and altitude
    • Added JESTER Elevation Menu
    • Adjusted trim speed
    • Adjusted pitch damping
    • Adjusted power at low speeds
    • Adjusted Speedbrake drag
    • Adjusted pitch moment with gear and flaps
    • Adjusted High AOA buffeting to start at higher alpha
    • Fixed VF-24 Livery
    • Gave JESTER a bit more trust in his pilot, adjusted his eject criteria
    • Fixed swapped x and y in map markers, will work with JESTER again
    • Fixed possible right engine flameout bug on in-air respawn
    • Added new Quickstart mission “Watching the Devildog - Laser Guided Bombs”
    • Added SP and COOP (2 Crews) version of Watching the Devildog
    • More Tweaking to Afterburners (which remain WIP)

    DCS 2000C by RAZBAM
    • Weapons System Command enabled.
    • Radar search behavior updated to simulate real radar:
      - Radar antenna in TWS will not follow locked target.
      - Contact icons can disappear if they are not inside the radar sweep.
      - Contact icons now display on which bar they are located.
    • Following keybinds are modified:
      - Special Modes FWD to Weapons SystemCMD FWD
      - Special Modes AFT to Weapons SystemCMD AFT
      - Target Unlock/Special Modes Deselect to Weapons SystemCMD Depress
    • Updated Mission 06 of the campaign:
      - fixed the AI flight lead behaviour. He will now drop bombs from the
      - south and return to the anchor point.
      - fixed rare problem with the AI flight lead not taxiing.

    • Full set of 20 training missions made by Baltic Dragon is now available.

    DCS C-101 by AvioDev
    • Added cockpit lighting synchronization in multicrew.
    • Fixed anti-collision light that could be off disregarding cockpit switch position at hot start.
    • Fixed not working animation of rear canopy of another human controlled C-101 in multiplayer.
    • Fixed again forward canopy synchronization so that partially opened canopy of human controlled C-101 is visible now for another player in multicrew.
    • Radioaltimeter DH light will not illuminate now above 2000 ft.
    • Added wing condensation effect.
    • Fixed several knobs inputs binding to keyboard or HOTAS (like markers, ignition light and MPR dimmers, stby horizon caging etc).

    DCS Su-27
    • Corrected Su-27 training mission "Internal 30 mm Cannon".

    DCS Spitfire IX
    • Added german Spitfire flight manual
    • Sun glare issues fixed

    DCS F-5E
    • Combat Mix set as default munition mix for cannon.

    DCS Fw 190 A8 "Anton":
    • Adjusted frontal cockpit glass frame sizing
    • Adjusted frontal glass opacity and color

    DCS Fw 190 D9 "Dora":
    • Adjusted frontal cockpit glass frame sizing

    • F-15C: The Georgian War campaign by Baltic Dragon:
      - M10: Adjusted windsock position to prevent interference with AI flights.
      - M11: Adjusted windsock position to prevent interference with AI flights.
      - M12: Prevented Flanker despawning after landing from triggering an ROE violation.
      - M14: Adjusted trigger logic to allow player to escape ambush without being fired upon.
    • F-15C Aggressors BFM Campaign by Maple Flag
      - Corrected Tanker speeds, altitudes, radios and TACANs
      - Updated documents to add tanker info
      - Corrected some voice over triggers to stop overlaps


    • Thanks 1
  8. Sorry I missed last nights Dogz DCS eve chaps, but I had been invited to partake in a Multiplayer campaign for the Spitfire Mk.IX on the Normandy Map and thought I'd check it out, partially cos it's something I have always wished to do but also because I could see an opportunity for more Dogz to get involved if they so desired.

    Wiggy of 443 Sqn chased me down after seeing some of my YouTube content, and having had a chat he's happy to extend the invitation to the wider Dogz.

    Here's Wiggy's overview:


    It’s a co-operative campaign in DCS using the Spit.IX.LF.  We’re following the operations of No.443 squadron from their arrival in England in April’44 until the end of August’44.  We have acquired their actual Operations Records books from the national archives and picked missions which we can recreate as authentically as possible using the Normandy map, arrange them, and fly them to as high a standard as possible, as realistically as possible.  This includes proper r/t, formation flying, lots of discipline, flying professionally, all that good stuff. We have status boards and rosters, a/c service boards, persistent a/c and hangar, briefing boards, verbal briefings with online whiteboards, modpacks for extra goodies, pilot checklists, all on a website. 

    The focus is on immersion and ‘serious fun’ - we want to create an experience as close as possible to what those real chaps had to experience.

    If you’re interested to know more, I can send you over an overview and SOP document of how we operate. 

    If you’re still interested I can merge you into the campaign (we’re 5 missions into the pre-invasion campaign so far).  We also run an OTU environment to get everyone up to speed with our procedures and whatnot.

    How does it all sound?

    Oh, it’s a small group of us, 6 at the moment. Been running on and off for a year or so (depending on DCS bugs), although the campaign proper has only just started.  We run it in DCS OpenBeta. 

    Oh and here’s a film thing I composed....


    I played Mission 6 as Red 2, winging the Squadron Leader. We were dive-bombing a bridge near Carentan, having taken off from Funtingdon in England and flown at wave-top height in formation (which we changed using signals only) cross-channel in the early evening sun, climbing to Angels 8 about two thirds the way across, and hitting the French coast - all without having to use comms!

    We switched formation from finger four to line astern as we ran into target and commenced our attack dives with 3-second separation; we all dive bombed the target, and whilst were all close, no-one actually hit the bridge - darn! AAA was pretty intense and on our egress and climb-out we bumped into a flight of 109s and had a proper scrap! I was hanging on to Red 1's tail as best I could through a series of gyrations when someone called I had a bandit sizing me up; a 109 was converging from my 7 and I had to break hard to avoid a volley of lead that passed a little too close aft of my rudder! Fortunately, White 1 was on him and clobbered him as he overshot me.

    As I tried to regain a visual on Red 1 I spotted an aircraft at 9 low that was set to pass under me and as it closed I was able to ID it as a bandit. I performed a hard split-S rolling on the way down to drop on his 6 and as he pulled up and left gave him a good deflection burst; he was under my nose so couldn't see the results and as I relaxed the turn to re-acquire him, he appeared undamaged. So I re-saddled up as he levelled and then broke right, with me cutting inside and pulling in closer for a better shot. My next burst clobbered him properly and down he went!

    After that I found a Spit to join with (turned out to be White 1) and the skies seemed to have cleared so we managed to get everybody reformed and cruised back across the Channel basking in the golden light of a setting sun.

    Prior to landing we switched into echelon formation and ran into break in sections; it was getting pretty dark by then so landing was not as easy at it could have been but we all made it down safe and ambled back to our respective dispersals and shut down. Phew!

    If the sound of this floats your boat, have a wander over to the 443 website and have a peruse: https://no443sqn.wixsite.com/443squadron

    Some interesting documentation over there too that is relevant outside of the campaign environment so worth a shuftie...

    So, to summarise:

    • No icons/labels
    • F2 own a/c only view
    • proficient formation keeping required (doesn't have to be Blue Angels but you will need to maintain a reasonably consistent position)
    • No F10 map icons so navigation can be challenging if you're not experienced and get separated and have forgotten the cardinal headings to get home. However, provided you can stay within the vicinity of your flight lead, they'll do the work for you.
    • Un-mission related comms chatter to a minimum.


    What is required:

    •  OpenBeta (there are ways to switch your install to this version - and back again - if you only have Stable)
    • Spitfire LF.IX Module
    • Normandy Map Module
    • WW2 Asset Pack Module
    • A freeware WW2 Units ModPack (available from 443 Sqn)
    • Simple Radio Standalone
    • Discord - similar to Teamspeak used for pre-flight meet, Briefings & Debrief


    Missions  are run on Thursdays if sufficient people are available to make it worthwhile. Whether we do this every week... I dunno. I still get a hankering for AVTUR and would miss my Tomcat too much I fear! Plus I wanna be available as the Dogz DCS Guru to those Dogz not wishing to partake in the campaign. We can discuss this aspect further going forward.

    If you want to take part but are concerned about your proficiency then Wiggy runs an OTU training course to help bring you up to speed, and I of course will happily jump on our DCS server and assist anyone who wants to finesse any aspect of their flying that they may feel is not quite up to the levels demanded by the campaign on any evening after 2230 BST/GMT.

    Let me know your thoughts chaps.



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  9. Two things:

    1. A-4E Mod is updated to version 1.31.



    Version 1.3.1 - 17 June 2019



    • Added new quick start (instant action) missions (4 in Caucasus, 4 in Persian Gulf).
    • New keybindings
      • Added "clickable cockpit" binding to mouse
      • Added AWRS keybinds
      • Added axis for white floodlights
      • Fixed lighting axis
      • Added APC keybinds
      • Added engine start/stop keybinds for joystick
      • Added View padlock bindings
      • Added BOMB ARM and BDHI keybinds
      • Added new incremental controls for lighting



    • Corrected cockpit position with respect to external model (Gunsight alignment is slightly affected but the offset should be negligible)
    • Aircraft will now be hooked into the catapult if spawned on the catapult.



    • removed unused FC3 keybindings for HUD and HUD modes



    • Some unused keybindings may be removed. Primarily leftover FC3 keybindings.



    • fixed floating nosegear
    • Fixed init code where left wing tip nav light turns invisible when the master light switch is toggled at the start
    • Updated anti-collision rotation angle to 180 degrees
    • Fixed RWR initial volume to match volume position
    • Added aggressor liveries to AUSAF
    • Fixed condition where flaps indicator is invisible when power is not available
    • replaced EDM8 files with EDM10 files as support for EDM8 was dropped with
    • updated theme to get loading image automatically loaded when A-4E-C is used


    List of new keybindings



    • Clickable Mouse Cockpit Mode On/Off



    • Lock view (cycle padlock)
    • Unlock view (stop padlock)
    • All missiles padlock
    • Threat missile padlock
    • Lock terrain view
    • AWRS: Toggle multiplier
    • AWRS: Quantity select increase
    • AWRS: Quantity select decrease
    • AWRS: Mode Select CCW
    • AWRS: Mode Select CW
    • APC: Power - OFF
    • APC: Power - Stby
    • APC: Power - Engage
    • APC: Temp - Cold
    • APC: Temp - Std
    • APC: Temp - Hot
    • BDHI - TACAN
    • BDHI - NAV PAC
    • BOMB ARM - OFF
    • Function Selector: OFF
    • Function Selector: ROCKETS
    • Function Selector: GM UNARM
    • Function Selector: SPRAY TANK
    • Function Selector: LABS
    • Function Selector: BOMBS & GM ARM
    • Interior Lights: White Floodlight Increase
    • Interior Lights: White Floodlight Decrease
    • Interior Lights: Instrument Lights Increase
    • Interior Lights: Instrument Lights Decrease
    • Interior Lights: Console Lights Increase
    • Interior Lights: Console Lights Decrease



    • Lock view (cycle padlock)
    • Unlock view (stop padlock)
    • All missiles padlock
    • Threat missile padlock
    • Lock terrain view
    • Engine Start
    • Engine Stop
    • AWRS: Toggle multiplier
    • AWRS: Quantity select increase
    • AWRS: Quantity select decrease
    • AWRS: Mode Select CCW
    • AWRS: Mode Select CW
    • APC: Power - OFF
    • APC: Power - Stby
    • APC: Power - Engage
    • APC: Temp - Cold
    • APC: Temp - Std
    • APC: Temp - Hot
    • APC: Power - STBY/OFF
    • APC: Power - STBY/ENGAGE
    • APC: Temp - STD/COLD
    • APC: Temp - STD/HOT
    • BDHI - TACAN
    • BDHI - NAV PAC
    • BOMB ARM - OFF
    • Function Selector: OFF
    • Function Selector: ROCKETS
    • Function Selector: GM UNARM
    • Function Selector: SPRAY TANK
    • Function Selector: LABS
    • Function Selector: BOMBS & GM ARM
    • Interior Lights: White Floodlight Increase
    • Interior Lights: White Floodlight Decrease
    • Interior Lights: Instrument Lights Increase
    • Interior Lights: Instrument Lights Decrease
    • Interior Lights: Console Lights Increase
    • Interior Lights: Console Lights Decrease


    Joystick Axis

    • Lighting: Instrument
    • Lighting: Console
    • Lighting: White Flood
    • AWRS Drop Interval

    Available here:



    2. A pdf version of the original (real) "Tactical Pocket Guide for the Douglas A-4 Aircraft" with bomb tables for optimum settings for various weapons is avaible here:


    Someone's tested out the data against the DCS Skyhawk and apparently, it works!

  10. Hi Chaps, 

    Any help on this issue would be gratefully recieved.

    Got this warning after an attempted update:


    So hit the Intel driver link at the bottom: 



    However I've no idea which applies to my hardware. Any ideas?

  11. Ok Mick.

    It's very situation dependant.

    RWS (Range While Search) Mode

    • Has longest detection range
    • Has widest/tallest search areas available to the radar
    • Only directly provides bearing & range to a contact (altitude can be worked out roughly by antenna elevation but that's more an intermediate level skill)
    • Cannot ID contacts as friendly/unknown/hostile (in F-14)
    • Cannot generate a track so target aspect/heading unknown
    • Cannot be used to launch/guide weapons

    Best situation to use: Cruisin' , looking for something interesting. (Generally not a good idea to be in midst dogfight... but never say never!)


    TWS (Track While Scan) Mode

    • Has shorter detection range than RWS
    • Search areas available to the radar are more limited so as to maintain a contact update of under 2 seconds (needed for tracking functionality)
    • Provides bearing, range & now altitude to a contact
    • Can generate a track of contact(s) so target aspect/heading now is known
    • Can ID contacts as friendly/unknown/hostile
    • Can track multiple targets whilst maintaining scan of surrounding area to improve Situational Awareness (SA)
    • Can be used to simultaneous launch/guide multiple Fox-3 type (Active Radar Homing (ARH); AIM-54 Phoenix, AIM-120 AMRAAM and R-77) weapons
    • Cannot guide Fox-1 type (Semi-Active Radar Homing (SARH); AIM-7 Sparrow, Matra Super 530 and R-27R/ER) weapons 

    Best situations to use:

    1. Found something interesting, could be bad guys, let's find out!
    2. Is bad guys! Let's engage Beyond Visual Range (BVR) with multiple badass boom-sticks!


    STT (Single Target Track) Mode

    • Has similar range restriction as TWS
    • Used to lock the radar antenna to Track a Single Target - hence Single Target Track (STT)
    • Cannot track multiple targets simultaneously
    • Cannot maintain scan of surrounding area to improve Situational Awareness (SA) during track of target
    • Can be used to launch guide all A2A weapon types, however...
    •  Primarily designed to guide Fox-1 type (Semi-Active Radar Homing (SARH); AIM-7 Sparrow, Matra Super 530 and R-27R/ER) weapons

    Best situations to use:

    1. Run out of Phoenixes! Bad guys still inbound! Pick the most dangerous and lock him up for a Sparrow shot!
    2. Approaching a furball at BVR distance and want to help my mates out without accidentally shooting one of them down.
    3. Want to target a specific bogey for a BVR Phoenix shot to avoid my wingman and I shooting two missiles at the same target


    In the F-14 all these BVR modes have to be asked for from your RIO; if you have a breather in back then ask him nicely over TS; if Jester is back there then you request the various modes via his Menu.

    For those flying the single seater a/c, you will have the means to choose these yourself as pilot.


    As for symbology (F-14 specific): 

    Unknown _images/3.png Unknown sensor track in RWS, TWS and STT modes.
    Hostile _images/4.png Track in TWS and STT modes designated as hostile by RIO.
    Friend _images/5.png Track in TWS and STT modes designated as friendly by RIO.
    Home base _images/15.png Waypoint representing home base, carrier or airfield.
    Waypoint _images/16.png WCS navigational waypoint, supplanted by number indicating waypoint 1, 2 or 3.


    Altitude Numerics _images/34.png When altitude numerics are selected for display a number on the left side of the tracks indicate track altitude to nearest ten thousands of feet. The number four as an examples indicate an altitude between 35,000 and 45,000 feet. Available on radar and data link tracks.
    Firing Order Numerics _images/35.png
    Indicates AIM-54 phoenix target prioritization (1 to 6) in WCS when in the TWS mode. Next missile launch will target track with number 1 and remove the number from that track to advance the other 5 track numbers one step to prepare for next launch.
    Mandatory attack selection on a target forces the WCS to always include that target in the prioritization.
    Next launch selection automatically sets hooked target as number one in the prioritization queue.
    Time-to-Impact (TTI) _images/47.png After AIM-54 launch the firing order number on a track is replaced with the TTI or time-to-impact indication, showing WCS calculated time until missile intercepts the target track. When the AIM-54 active command is sent the TTI numbers flash to indicate this.
    Velocity Vector _images/36.png
    Velocity vector emanating from center dot of tracks when velocity vector display is selected.
    Vector direction represents track heading and length represents track speed so that the max indicated speed (1 800 knots) is 1.5 inches on the TID.
    In TID ground stabilized mode the vector direction represents track true heading and the vector length represents track ground speed.
    In TID aircraft stabilized and attack modes the vector direction represents track relative heading (to own aircraft) and the vector length represents track speed relative to own aircraft.
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