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Posts posted by DD_Fenrir

  1. Mission Date 01/12/44

    402nd FS - Fighter Sweep, Zulpich Sector

    485th FS - Road & Rail Strike, Cologne

    410th BG - Road & Rail Strike, Zulpich



    370th FG


    402nd FS: (Courtesy of Capt. Sean O'Sullivan) Upon ingress to the patrol area at angels 12, Red 3 spotted four bandits below us still within the frontline, N/W of Nettersheim.
    Red flight immediately dropped down to trail the E/A, now confirmed as 262s, with White flight providing top cover. 
    Whilst the four 262s were duly dispatched by Red flight, White flight spotted and engaged a formation of six Ju 88s higher and to the North of Nettersheim.
    Red flight re-grouped with White flight who had already got plenty stuck in to jerry and assisted in bringing down all E/A.

    With the squadron reformed, we headed North to continue our patrol of the front-line, checking in with Snowdrop along the way.
    On the return leg heading 160', bogies were spotted to the East near the 410th target area of Zülpich, although upon closer inspection these turned out to be escort P-38s so we headed back to the Southern patrol point.

    Eagle-eyed Red 3 once again spotted a pair of low flying 262s N/E of Nettersheim that were duly taken care of by Red flight.
    With the squadron now brought down low, we looked for ground targets of opportunity to attack (Red 3 and 4 still had their bombs).

    After a number of successful attacks on Howitzers and AAA, with ammo running low, we headed 250' to recover at Florennes.

    Well flown gents, good teamwork all round and a decent tally of E/A destroyed, crucially to no losses on our side.

    Group COs note: 11 kills total, no losses, an excellent result for both the squadron and the new Captain's debut. Also a fitting retort to the Luftwaffe should they have felt some satisfaction at the misfortune they caused us previously. Well done 402nd!

    402nd Sqn Log 01-12-44 a.PNG

    402nd Sqn Log 01-12-44 b.PNG

    402nd Sqn Log 01-12-44 c.PNG

    402nd Sqn Log 01-12-44 d.PNG


    485th FS: (Courtesy of Maj. Mick Payne-Less)

    Well done 485th, in the face of ridiculous amounts of AAA we managed to bag a very respectable haul of ground targets in Koln.

    Unfortunately we lost 1st Lt Luke Rox due to both engines being hit by AAA. His replacement will be with us forthwith.

    Sadly we also lost Funflak to high speed topsoil contamination. 
    Congratulations to Capt Fenton Rea for a huge individual haul of 10+ AAA batteries, enough to keep any “intruder” running for some time.

    No enemy aircraft spotted which was just as well given the amount of lead in the air over the target. 
    I would like to work on improving our coordination when attacking such a well defended target in an effort to avoid further losses chaps. A more thorough briefing and attack plan would help, coupled with better situational comms between pairs. This is something all of us need to work on, not least of all myself.

    A big thank you to our P51 escort for taking at least some of the AAA heat from us.

    Group COs note: Well done indeed to cause such casualties amongst the enemy in the face of fierce resistance 485th; it's what we've come to expect from you hard charging bastards. The losses were unfortunately inevitable given the weight of fire brought against you, but Group HQ are glad to see that you are not resting on your laurels and are actively seeking out areas to improve and become even more lethal. We mourn the loss of the experienced 1st Lt. Rox, so recently promoted too and the new blood we held so much hope for, 2nd Lt. Lou Keyberstad.

    485th Sqn Log 01-12-44 a.PNG

    485th Sqn Log 01-12-44 b.PNG

    485th Sqn Log 01-12-44 c.PNG

    485th Sqn Log 01-12-44 d.PNG


    410th BG 


    410th Sqn Log 01-12-44 a.PNG



    • Thanks 3
  2. Stable version update inbound chaps and chapettes!

    Big things: F/A-18C ground radar modes and lots of new  3rd Party DLC campaigns for SP, but mainly a ton of fixes!

    Jet-jockeys note: the SA-2 is no longer as dumb as it used to be so watch yourselves out there!




    introduced new campaigns:

    • DCS: F-14 Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations.
    • DCS: AV-8B Sky Warrior Campaign by Eagle86.
    • DCS: F/A-18C Operation Pontus campaign by 373vFS_Greg, 373vFS_Petritis, Baltic Dragon.
    • DCS: F-5E Black Sea Resolve '79 Сampaign by SorelRo.
    • DCS: F-16C Red Flag 21-1 Campaign by Bunyap Campaigns.
    • DCS: F/A-18C Rising Squall Campaign by Inverted.

    DCS World

    • Sound. Fixed sound beating on external views with some angles of view.
    • Ships placed in shallow water vanish - Fixed.
    • MP. Visual damage to the carrier not shown on server rejoin - Fixed.
    • MP. AI Aircraft phantoms. Some control surfaces do not show movement - Fixed.
    • SA-2 (S-75). Corrected missile autopilot. Fixed high-probability miss.
    • AI cold start with RADAR continuous search enabled on waypoint zero - Fixed.
    • AI Ticonderoga class ships will fire even if they dont have line of sight for weapon - Fixed.
    • Improvement. Player controlled ground unit now shown as white on F10 map.
    • BTR-82. Added desert livery.
    • Channel map. Units fall through bridges - Fixed.
    • AI Continues to fire on aircraft after the pilot has bailed out - Fixed.
    • F10 map. Measuring tool in F10 misaligned if Scale GUI not set to 1.0 - Fixed.
    • MP. Blackout/Redout in MP - can still control aircraft - Fixed.
    • 3D. Add new model Mk-82 Snakeye inert.
    • AI aircraft. 'Attack Group' task appears broken - Fixed.
    • The torpedo LTF5b misses the target - Fixed.
    • AI aircraft. Escorts do not engage correctly, SP and MP Server - Fixed.
    • AI F/A-18C should turn off radar if their ECM is ON - done.
    • Voice chat. Returned the ability to select audio devices in simulation mode.
    • NS 430: Manual brightness cannot be adjusted - Fixed (Caution - do not set to zero, as NS-430 screen will become unusable).
    • M45 Quadmount doesn't register hits because of incorrect armor thickness - Fixed.
    • DCS Updated Czech localization.
    • Time of the bridge destruction is not recorded into track, that caused wrong replays - Fixed.
    • Cockpit Missile Launch sound update.
    • Module Manager. Allow to uninstall multiple modules at once.
    • AGM-154 JSOW final maneuver miss - Fixed.
    • ME. Fixed GUI Error while trying to save mission when window "New mission setting" is open.
    • ME. Triggers. INITIALIZATION SCRIPT buttons (Open, Reset) doesn't work - Fixed.
    • Fixed a typo in checkMaxDistance function which prevented it's proper work with marker beacons.
    • Fixed bug in the global Radio that should have led to some improvement of game performance.
    • Ships. Added bulk cargo vessel Handy Wind with helipad.
    • ZSU-57 recoil animation without shot for left barrel - Fixed.
    • Crash when loading a mission with F/A-18A - Fixed.
    • Crash on unit collision with static map object in some cases - Fixed.
    • Updated French localization.
    • Updated Japanese localization.
    • Updated Russian input translations.
    • Crash in avArmamentControl_AYK22_F18 - Fixed.
    • MP. Crash from the conflict between different versions of the Tarawa ship scripts - Fixed.
    • MP. New network predictor for aircraft.
    • Crash Stack Overflow crash on wcWing::trySelectAndAssignTargetGroup - Fixed.
    • AI WWII. AI will follow in climb until overheat - Fixed.

    DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3

    • Adjusted cockpit gauges’ glass reflections.

    DCS JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

    • Added: AG Radar TA mode.
    • Added: cockpit throttle texture.
    • Added: clickable mirror.
    • Added: call ground crew to reinstall/refill supplies (drag chute, oxy bottle, etc).
    • Added: if M>=1.35, cannot move the throttle from AB zone to [IDLE, MIL] zone unless the throttle emergency button is pushed down. Otherwise, it may cause engine surge or even flameout.
    • Added: gun sight/limiter preset in special option panel.
    • Added: more keyboard binding for knobs.
    • Fixed: number of tracked contacts in TWS mode (up to 10).
    • Fixed: SD10 not track jamming target after radar burn through.
    • Fixed: if radar not burnt through jam, SD10 can still loft.
    • Fixed: radar un-notchable (need more tuning).
    • Fixed: radar HOJ contact status not updated if jam after lock/track.
    • Fixed: SMS program not reset if DTC updated after rearm.
    • Fixed: pod still works after disappearing from pylon.
    • Fixed: campaign 07/09 localization.
    • Adjusted: chaff/flare program burst can be salvo (check your special option panel).
    • Adjusted: if born in air, it will not trigger foggy canopy, until land and open canopy then fly high (if relative humidity is high on ground).
    • Adjusted: zeroizer seat function switch turned on by default in cold start (Don't forget to turn it off before repair!).
    • Adjusted: throttle keyboard control step size.
    • Updated: localization (CN, RU, DE, ES, and FR) and credits.
    • Updated: cockpit model and texture.
    • Added: Radar elevation slew rate in special option (need to re-check your previous settings).
    • Fixed: c701 weird axis behavior when zoom in.
    • Fixed: gun limiter preset not work.
    • Fixed: oesp program type mismatched.
    • Fixed: wmd7 on wing station causes laser guided weapon impact deviation.
    • Fixed: throttle axis movement when M>=1.35.
    • Fixed: crash in campaign 02.

    China Asset Pack by Deka Ironwork Simulations

    • Adjusted: all ground units use WSTYPE_PLACEHOLDER as wstype4.
    • Adjusted: weapon rcs.
    • Fixed: ZTZ-96B collision model.
    • Adjusted: JF-17 can carry only one of the same pod.

    DCS AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations

    • Added: Missing keybinding for seat height adjustment.
    • Added: JDAM Terminal Parameters are enabled.
    • Added: AGR20 - APKWS II guided rockets.
    • Updated: USS Tarawa: Changed the missiles from Sea Sparrows to RIM-116 RAMs.
    • Updated: Changed Course Knob to Course Switch functionality.
    • Updated: Rocket options: FFAR rockets (Mighty Mouse) have been deleted.
    • Updated: JDAM LAR representation on the EHSD.
    • Updated: Added 1.5 sec delay for JDAM release. This is the time the AC computer takes to send the bomb the target coordinates and terminal parameters.
    • Updated: High quantity bomb loadouts for consistency in weight and drag.
    • Improvement: Engine sounds with the assistance of 112th_Rossi.
    • Improvement: MPCD converted to Stroke (SVG) symbology.
    • Improvement: JDAM Data Block enabled in the EHSD.
    • Fixed: Course line not appearing for target points.
    • Fixed: WYPT and WO/S position when map is North-UP and Magnetic Heading selected.
    • Fixed: Map rotation when it is North-Up and Magnetic Heading selected.
    • Fixed: TCN and TO/S position when map is North-Up and Magnetic Heading selected.
    • Fixed: AWLS station position when map is North-Up and Magnetic Heading selected.
    • Fixed: SEQ. not displaying correctly on EHSD.
    • Fixed: Analog clock shows only ZULU time regardless of cockpit time set in ME.
    • Fixed: ALE-47 is OFF when starting in the air.
    • Fixed: EHSD bearing indicator always uses True Heading (fixed with SVG).
    • Fixed: TD symbol missing dot in center (fixed with SVG).
    • Fixed: EHSD course line remains green when a different color is selected.
    • Fixed: EW not resetting ECM dispensing program after rearm.
    • Fixed: CCIP cross and BFL still visible after all bombs have been released.
    • Fixed: Corrected position of wing tip vortices for KC-130.
    • Fixed: MPCD displays show on same spot when display mode is HUD ONLY.
    • Fixed: Aircraft going supersonic when high quantity bomb loadouts are released.
    • Fixed: DMT HUD symbology.
    • Update: LHA Tarawa search radar definitions.
    • Fixed: ground roll stutter when moving from stopped position.
    • Fixed: aircraft rolling forward when chocks removed.
    • Fixed: position of AN/AAQ-28 LITENING on wing pylons.
    • Fixed: Corrected issue where refueling empty external tanks and then dropping them would result in aircraft unrecoverable spin.
    • Fixed: AG Gun gunsight boresight.
    • Ottoman Courier Campaign:
      • Prologue M02: fixed rare issue where mission would not progress after radio switch to range.
      • fixed issue with truck hitting the Georgian UH-1.
      • fixed issue with N14 not taxiing.

    DCS M-2000C by RAZBAM Simulations

    • Added: New keyboard bindings. See forum entry for complete list.
    • Added: New axes. See forum entry for complete list.
    • Added: NVG gain (with keyboard binding).
    • Updated: HSI VAD rho/theta select behavior.
    • Updated: ADI Cage/Uncage mechanism behavior.
    • Improvement: INS Vertical Update.
    • Improvement: INS Oblique Update.
    • Improvement: Updated exterior Model LODs to show Navigation Lights better when further away.
    • Fixed: Cockpit flood light rheostat.
    • Fixed: HSI adjustment knob behaviour.
    • Fixed: Locked target becoming DO when decreasing range.
    • Fixed: boresight/vertical scan display order.
    • Fixed: Radar ACM mode elevation bug.
    • Fixed: IFF HUD "A" or "F"(english) symbol not shown on Magic triangle lock.
    • Fixed: HUD FPM wrong drift caging at high bank angles.
    • Fixed: Wrong altitude transitions for HUD FPM caging/uncaging.
    • Fixed: Behavior for UVHF preset knob when using manual freq.
    • Fixed: OBL radar cue to match beam position.
    • Fixed: Flood Light effects.
    • Fixed: Radar screen range switch limited to 80nm. Now you can select 160 and 320 display ranges.
    • Fixed: PCN ΔLat/ΔLon distance factor.
    • Fixed: Wrong ΔAlt input in PCN.
    • Fixed: green radio ch knob not turning when radio off.
    • Fixed: Wrong TWS Closing Velocity.
    • Fixed: TACAN not working.
    • Fixed: Radar slow elevation increase.
    • Fixed: CCRP turn cues (inverted and not reacting to roll).
    • Fixed: Added INS switch on to Autostart sequence.
    • Fixed: Police light ON/OFF switch.
    • Fixed: IFF set OFF on Air Start but still operates as if on.
    • Fixed: Adding more than 5 waypoints to VTB does not remove the oldest one.
    • Fixed: Can only add 4 waypoints to VTB instead of 5.
    • Fixed: VTB WP persistence across flights.
    • Fixed: CCRP-IP release cue.
    • Fixed: HUD WP reticle at correct place with wrong INS alignment.
    • Fixed: Waypoints position displayed on VTB is not affected by the INS drift.
    • Fixed: VTB Waypoints can't be added if outside radar azimuth cone.
    • Fixed: VTB Waypoint system stuck when 5 waypoints are added.
    • M-2000 Autostart crash - Fixed.

    DCS C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

    • Fixed C-101EB Syria medium landing quickstart mission.
    • Fixed C-101 EB IFR Flight training mission.
    • Fixed boarding ladder, helmet and chocks flickering at cold start.
    • Fixed excessive pitch up moment during takeoff when using correct trimming.
    • Added trim margin to landing phase.
    • Modified elevator efficacy. Now the control stick has to be pulled further backwards during takeoff, as in the real airplane.
    • Reduced engine pitch moment.
    • Fixed Heading Reference System drift when flying headings close to 360º or 180º.
    • Added C-101CC IFR training missions (EN and ES).
    • Added C-101 Campaign.

    DCS F/A-18C Hornet by ED

    • Added GMT/GMTT radar modes.
    • Added SEA Mode for radar.
    • Added functionality for ASPJ (jammer).
    • Added functionality for S/A and AUTO ALE modes.
    • Added Transmit Designate (TXDSG) option on the Situational Awareness display.
    • Added Fuel Low BIT.
    • Added Bullseye on Hornet Targeting Pod.
    • Added Black Area Along Top of Targeting Pod Display.
    • Added BDU-45.
    • Added Auto lase for GBU-24.
    • Jamming targets not displayed on radar, should be in dugout - Fixed.
    • RWR Contacts displayed on the wrong azimuth - Fixed.
    • Change OFFSET function logic - no more freezing symbols.
    • When on the ground with weight on wheels, it should be possible for the player to create/edit countermeasure programs - Fixed.
    • After command AACQ on the target, the acq point cue remains frozen on the display, even when press undesignate to return to search - Fixed.
    • Acq point cue should not be displayed if an L&S exists - Fixed.
    • CCIP Gun piper aims low on first run of DCS - Fixed.
    • AGM-154a PP missing target - Fixed.
    • FPS Hit on user track using EXP-1 - Fixed.
    • TWS mixes with other modes - Fixed.
    • Issue with maverick after rearm, display fails - Fixed.
    • Moving the TDC or simply manoeuvring render the radar beam stuck - Fixed.
    • GMT mode can cause significant FPS drop - Fixed.
    • Radar raw hits and tracks are displayed in AOT zone - Fixed.
    • RTS GACQ not displayed when radar tracks target with GUN selected - Fixed.
    • Missile flyout symbol in radar page is not azimuth stabilized - Fixed.
    • TWS BIAS azimuth centering can cause radar to get stuck at the new azimuth center - Fixed.
    • TGP target point on SA page behaviour is opposite to TGP movement when DCNTR is used on SA page - Fixed.
    • Radar scan can lag or get stuck under heavy maneuvers - Fixed.
    • TWS mode. Radar sweep can become stuck during scan - Fixed.
    • JADM Crossed out in DDI but not HUD - Fixed.
    • AGM-65E can't be fired with Mav page as SOI in certain conditions - Fixed.
    • "Right Engine RPM Failure: Auto Start Stopped" - Fixed.
    • SLAM X'd out in DDI but not in HUD - Fixed.
    • FTT break lock on TDC HUD - Fixed.
    • Barometric pressure knob sensitivity - Fixed.
    • Walleye jettison issue - Fixed.
    • Fix Hat symbol on RWR for aerial emitters - Fixed.
    • Jammed radar can support SARH tracking - Fixed.
    • FLOOD mode issues - Fixed.
    • When you start AACQ when B-sweep left from the target, it move on left after targeting - Fixed.
    • After undesignate target ACQ Point Cue still show - Fixed.
    • SD-10 missile appears as U in RWR - Fixed.
    • Gauntlet instant action syria mission problems - Fixed.
    • A2G radar. Oil rigs are not shown in sea mode - Fixed.
    • PAI Phantom pilot remains in the brace position after catapult launch - Fixed.
    • Sensor control switch left doesn't display Az/El anymore after re-entering A/A mode - Fixed.
    • F18 Dispenser program 1 not showing when starting from ground - Fixed.
    • TXDSG and SA page Provides ranging to jamming tracks - Fixed.
    • Hook bypass switch solenoid not functional - Fixed.
    • Added missing czech Hornet training localizations.
    • Hornet sounds like chopper - Fixed.
    • GACQ - search pattern off - Fixed.
    • Crash cockpit::F18::avArmamentControl_AYK22_F18 - Fixed.
    • Datalink on Attack Radar only showing on max range - Fixed.
    • Reduced sound stutter on close up views.

    DCS F-16C Viper by ED

    • Moving the TDC or simply manoeuvring renders the radar beam stuck - Fixed.
    • Speed brake close seems too fast - Fixed.
    • NO Waypoints set can not move tgp in CCRP - Fixed.
    • AIM-54 shows as a U in RWR - Fixed.
    • Barometric pressure knob sensitivity - Fixed.
    • New single missions - Titles in caps. Does not match other missions - Fixed.
    • Steering Select Autopilot Error - Fixed.
    • Improve Shutdown sounds.
    • RS on HARM and SD / 11 Filter creates count down problem - Fixed.
    • Added Chinese Viper Early Access Manual.
    • Fixed typos in TWS & Link-16 Training mission.
    • Updated Viper Early Access Manual.

    DCS F-5E Tiger II by ED

    • The headwind and tailwind anomalies have now been fixed.
    • SD-10 missile appears as U in RWR - Fixed.

    DCS A-10C II Tank killer by ED

    • CCIP mode uses the wrong elevation - Fixed.
    • Updates to HOTAS CMS functionality.
    • Jammer now stops after 10 seconds timeout in AUTO mode only.
    • Countermeasure HOTAS Command Change.
    • Implemented jammer automatic OFF function in AUTO when the threat is not valid anymore (takes 3 seconds timeout in any case).
    • Oil Pressure Gauges Oscillate prior to Engine Start - Fixed.
    • Added 'Current MA' HMCS profile item to control current MA objective symbol (the red triangle) occlusion.
    • HMCS ground PPLI setting not respected - Fixed.

    DCS P-47D Thunderbolt by ED

    • Damage geometry parts updated.
    • Fixed animations for brake pipes.
    • Tail buffet destroyed the tail too quickly - Fixed.
    • Open cowl flaps destruction from buffeting.
    • Light and compass light dimmers animation fix.
    • Cockpit. Some labels missing proper name - Fixed.

    DCS Bf-109 K4 Kurfürst by ED

    • Fixed typos in IA Missions.
    • Added Russian localization for IA Missions.

    DCS P-51D Mustang by ED

    • P-51D: full rudder authority with missing rudder surface - Fixed.

    DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

    • NEW: Added ability to enter length and heading associated with waypoints on TID.
    • NEW: Added Co-Op version of Operation Reforger.
    • NEW: Added SuperCarrier version of Operation Reforger (WIP).
    • Added clickable cockpit on/off toggle to mouse keybindings.
    • Added Eng online manual URL to /Docs/.
    • Fixed AIM-9 Training Mission.
    • Fixed M-61 Training Mission.
    • Fixed various issues in Operation Reforger Campaign (typos, bugs, etc.).
    • Fixed Walkman crashing to desktop when switching tape sides.
    • Associate launched TWS AIM-54 with a track rather than object; to disambiguate multiple tracks with the same target object.
    • Internal work on missile API abstraction layer for future API changes.
    • Fixed JESTER staying in TWS-A with inflight missiles but no launched TWS tracks.
    • Fixed JESTER B-1 Lancer callouts.
    • Prioritized kneeboard datalink list by AWACS, Carrier, others.
    • Fixed RIO Airspeed indicator bugs not being able to be set.
    • Fixed clock becoming inaccurate over time.
    • Slightly improved DDD shader performance.
    • Fixed night backlighting on RIO weapons drum (TURN visible constantly).
    • Fixed gaps in ECS tubing connections.
    • Fixed various instances of Z-Fighting.
    • Increased AoA indicator peak brightness.
    • Fixed Indexer brightness control not influencing AOA indexer light intensity.
    • Fixed G Meter needle clipping into its dial face.
    • Increased brightness/reach of refuel probe light.
    • Fixed DN LOCK ORIDE lever moving with emerg hyd pump handle.
    • Fixed first digit in the Mode 3/A code panel animating incorrectly.
    • Added missing stencil for missile cooling.
    • Fixed formation lights not being visible in LoD 1.
    • Adjusted various aspects of TID rendering for more accuracy:
      • Increased space between radar upper/lower and elev angle.
      • Repositioned weapon status.
      • Fixed missing + inside circle of own aircraft symbol.
      • Fixed missing altitude on some waypoint symbols.
      • Slightly tweaked degree and minute symbol positions in TID font.
      • Slightly tweaked degree symbol shape (now less round) in TID font.
      • Added decimal point to lat long format and moved minute symbol to the end.
    • Fixed max length of all TID vectors from 1.35" to 1.5".
    • Fixd JETT button moving together with ORIDE lever.
    • Fixed unbalanced internal afterburner sounds (L/R balance).
    • Added some TF-30 intake whine to interior sounds for F-14A.
    • Fixed playback location of afterburner sounds internally.
    • Improved sound balance in the cockpit slightly.
    • Adjusted drag for fuselage fuel tanks.
    • Fixed some instances of TF-30 disassembly/fire at ~Mach 1.
    • Fixed DLC ground spoiler operation.
    • Fixed Man devices partial deploy issue.
    • Adjusted TIT high altitude temperature model.
    • Added downlock override for landing gear.
    • Increased pitch with power effects.
    • Tweaked drag in the transonic region.
    • Fixed a crash where jettisoning certain weapons would crash.
    • Fixed one half of VF-103 appearing black/dark.
    • Improved/Fixed STT collision steering algorithm.
    • Fixed radar max range gate on PLM/VSL/MRL and PAL transitional acquisition modes.
    • Fixed show CR (course) prefix for tracks instead of MC (magnetic course).

    DCS: AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

    • Fixed issue where nav-fixes would be made after switching out of Maverick-sighting.
    • Multiple fixes to FLI and ADI gyroscopes, amongst other fixing drift simulation and (mis-)alignment.
    • Increased the strength of the Landing/Taxi light.
    • Fixed weapon selector RR mode erroneously overriding take-off symbology.
    • Fixed flares empty (FACKL SL) indication not resetting after re-arm.
    • Fixed Brä 24% (FUEL 24%) not causing a master caution warning.
    • Corrected RB-75 guidance for aircraft targets.

    DCS: SA-342 Gazelle by Polychop Simulations

    • Fixed color of external lights.
    • Fixed view distance of external lights.
    • Added ammo type selection for the SA-342L’s GIAT M621 cannon to the mission editor loadout screen and ingame rearm / refuel screen.

    DCS UH-1H Huey by ED

    • Gunner setting (for both modes - single player and multicrew).
    • Added advanced view settings for gunner view and gun direction. Now the player can uncouple them from each other using two presets: with the head tracking devices (such as TrackIR or VR) and without such devices, and also assign the gun to other axis controlling devices. In addition, with a head tracking device, the gunner view and gun direction are automatically uncoupled.
    • Also fix some bugs, rename input profile for VR and TrackIR, and without VR and TrackIR.
    • UH-1H UN Mission 2. Trigger zone too small - Fixed.

    DCS Black Shark by ED

    • Ka-50. corrected single missions received except Ka-50 - Night Patrol.miz.
    • Courier single mission. Removed a soldier running through the nose of a helicopter.

    Flaming Cliffs by ED

    • Su-25T. Implement a HUD colour shield.
    • F-15C. SD-10 missile appears as U in RWR - Fixed.

    DCS Combined Arms by ED

    • Fixed damage caused by ZSU-57-2 HE-shells.
    • Fixed ammunition amount for BTR-82A.

    DCS Campaigns

    Mi-8MTV2 The Crew campaign by Stone Sky:

    • 1.11Combat and 1.10Arctic. Corrected tiggers.

    F/A-18C Serpents Head 2 campaign by Badger 633:

    • Mission 4 Camp 2 Rev 16TH. Update of ship fired missiles.
    • Mission 7. Marshall vehicle drifted to different route and prevented another vehicle from accessing a critical trigger - Fixed.

    F/A-18C Raven One campaign by Baltic Dragon:

    • Mission 05. Reduced chance that Prince will hit the water during the dogfight.
    • Mission 06. Updated Marshal frequency to match the kneeboard.

    M-2000C Red Flag campaign by Baltic Dragon:

    • Mission 04. Fixed issue with Banshee flight stuck on WP 2.
    • Mission 15. Fixed issue with flight lead orbiting instead of turning.

    The Enemy Within 3.0 campaign by Baltic Dragon:

    • Mission 13. Fixed rare problem where rescue helos (Uzi) would crash into each other on takeoff.

    Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger, F-86F Hunters over the Yalu, DCS: Fw 190 A-8 Horrido!, P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney, Spitfire IX The Big Show by Reflected Simulations:

    • More realistic flak and AAA.
    • AI behavior tunings.
    • Mission progression fixes.

    The Border campaign by Armen Murazyan:

    • Mission 8 - Radio hunting. Radio signal source did not appear on time - Fixed.

    A-10C Stone Shield campaign by ED:

    • Redesigned missions.

    A-10C Basic Flight Training campaign by Maple Flag Missions:

    • A-10C BFT Campaign voice overs replaced and various triggers updated to improve playability.
    • A-10C II BFT Campaigns created and included in the campaign package.

    Memory of a Hero Campaign by Stone Sky:

    • Mission 13. Fixed escort route for Mi-24.
    • Mission 15. Fixed the number of enemy armored vehicles.

    F-86F Hunters over the Yalu Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

    • Flak defenses fine tuned for survivability

    DCS: UH-1H Worlds Apart - Spring 2025 от Low-Level-Heaven:

    • Mission 2 and 3 - Adjusted AI behaviour


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. So, as I did back at the beginning of November (campaign date) where I presented the months summary, here are the 2nd Months operations Top-Trump stats for you guys to ruminate on (last months total in brackets):

    370th Fighter Group total missions flown to date: 62 (28)

    370th Fighter Group total sorties flown to date: 422 (200)

    370th Fighter Group total Air Kills to date: 157 (60)

    370th Fighter Group total Ground Kills to date: 752 (266) 

    Top Scoring Squadron, Air Kills to date: 402nd - 95 

    Top Scoring Squadron, Ground Kills to date: 402nd - 391

    Top Scoring Pilots, Air Kills:

    Capt Lt. Fenton Rea, 485th - 26

    Maj. Arjen Efftee (KIA), 402nd - 12

    Lt. Casey Baker (KIA), 402nd - 11

    Top Scoring Pilots, Ground Kills: 

    Capt Lt. Fenton Rea, 485th - 114

    Maj. Mick Payne-Less, 485th - 99

    Maj. Arjen Efftee (KIA), 402nd - 62


    Further Stats:

    485th FS:

    Gr. Kills/Sortie   Air Kills/Sortie   Losses/Sortie
    1.69 (1.32)   0.29 (0.23)   0.103 (0.066)


    402nd FS:

    Gr. Kills/Sortie   Air Kills/Sortie   Losses/Sortie
    1.87 (1.34)   0.45 (0.38)   0.086 (0.074)


    410th Bombardment Group total missions flown to date: 14

    410th Bombardment Group total sorties flown to date: 33

    410th Bombardment Group total Air Kills to date: 5

    410th Bombardment Group total Ground Kills to date: 65

    Top Scoring Crew, Air Kills:

    2.Lt. David Crosby - 4

    Maj. E Shoo - 1

    Top Scoring Crew, Ground Kills: 

    Maj. Sid Viscous (KIA) - 21

    2.Lt. Dave Haggis (KIA) - 21

    2.Lt. David Crosby - 13


    Gr. Kills/Sortie   Air Kills/Sortie   Losses/Sortie
    1.97   0.15   0.060
    • Like 1
    • Thanks 5
  4. Mission Date 29/11/44

    402nd FS - Fighter Sweep, Mönchengladbach-Düren Sector

    485th FS - Intercept, Mönchengladbach-Venlo Sector

    410th BG - Road & Rail Strike, Cologne



    370th FG

    402nd FG - No aircraft returned to base. Reports of heavy air combat near Jülich, 485th reports that the 402nd requested assistance with bandits in the sector but having found the engagement lost sight of the 402nd aircraft after battle was joined. Ground units reports 5-6 P-38s seen falling to earth in enemy territory, many on fire.

    It seems a black day for the 402nd in particular and the 370th as a whole.

    Reports coming in...

    402nd Sqn Log 30-11-44 a.PNG

    402nd Sqn Log 30-11-44 b.PNG


    485th FS: Maj. Mick Payne-Less returned from a well earned rest period to lead four ship searching for ground attack aircraft harrying our troops near Mönchengladbach.

    485th Sqn Log 30-11-44 a.PNG

    485th Sqn Log 30-11-44 b.PNG

    485th Sqn Log 30-11-44 c.PNG

    485th Sqn Log 30-11-44 d.PNG


    410th BG


    410th Sqn Log 30-11-44 a.PNG



    370th FG

    Awards and Promotions:

    Captain Fenton Rea is awarded the Congressional Medal of Honour.

    Fens MoH 30-11-44.PNG



    Captain Sean O'Sullivan is posted to the 402nd FS.

    2nd Aaron Massengill Lieutenant is posted to the 402nd FS.

    2nd James Hendley Lieutenant is posted to the 402nd FS.

    2nd Luke Zander Lieutenant is posted to the 402nd FS.

    2nd Lieutenant Roger Over is posted to the 402nd FS.


    2nd Lieutenant Artisan Well is posted to the 485th FS.



    402nd Roster 01-12-44.PNG

    485th Roster 01-12-44.PNG



    410th BG

    Awards and Promotions:






    410th Roster 01-12-44.PNG

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2
  5. Mission Date 29/11/44

    402nd FS - Rail Target Strike, Bullay

    485th FS - Reconnaissance, Nettershiem-Gerolstein

    410th BG - Reconnaissance, Gerolstein-Nettersheim



    370th FG

    402nd FS: 

    Weather was poor, we climbed through the cloud cover, clear skies at 8K ft.  After spending some limited time over the clouds, it was time to dive back into them, to find our ground targets. Red 2 was out of sight for a bit in the cloud business, but joined us over the target.

    Did lots of damage North of Bullay, and a few clicks south. Red 3 reported some damage to his a/c, but no real issue flying wise.

    Went back to home base where we all landed. Red 2 suffered main gear collapse on touch down. He was fine, his P38 was not.

    All in all the 402nd accounted for 25 ground targets destroyed, an excellent performance in any conditions, let alone the horrendous weather they were obliged to contend with. Excellent work!

    402nd Sqn Log 29-11-44 a.PNG

    402nd Sqn Log 29-11-44 b.PNG

    402nd Sqn Log 29-11-44 c.PNG

    402nd Sqn Log 29-11-44 d.PNG


    485th FS: Capt. Fenton Rea led a six ship reconnaissance patrol in despicable conditions. As we crossed the frontlines near Nettersheim, the Squadron was engaged by light AA fire. Zenith Red Leader determined that the fire was being directed at Red Section and attempted to keep the gun focussed on them dispatching White flight to attack the gun, which they did with remarkable rapidity.

    On reforming we had a distress call from Snowdrop Leader, declaring that they were being engaged by bandits some 25km SSW of the 485ths current position. Regrouping the squadron, Zenith Leader made for their sector forthwith. Enroute it was determined that Snowdrop had split up and Zenith White section was detached to assist the Snowdrop lead who was further west as Red Flight engaged a single Fw 190 harassing an A-20. Zenith red leader fired a burst at the e/a, causing it to break off it's attack on the A-20 but then overshot and the bandit was picked up by Reds 3 & 4 but they were unable to finish off the 190 before being practically run-over by a flight of P-47s and, in the interests of safety, being obliged to break off. Neither of the Red Flight sections were able to reacquire the e/a in the murk, and he either ran home or was shot down by the Thunderbolts.

    Meanwhile White Flight had got separated in the awful visibility, though White 2 - 2nd Lt. Stellar Artois - had found the bandits making moves on Snowdrop leader; one of the e/a lost control and spun-in as Artois engaged (this was claimed by the rear gunner on Snowdrop Leaders a/c) at which point White 2 came under fire from a 2nd bandit in the vicinity, casing significant damage to the left boom of the Lieutenants a/c. However Red Flight arrived just in time and Capt. Fenton Rea shot and heavily damaged the e/a. The Fw 190 lost control as Rea overshot and was last seen spinning into the gloom, however, it's destruction could not be confirmed and thus he could only claim a probable.

    Zenith Leader then instructed White two to RTB with White 1 to support, and headed back in to the recon area over the frontlines to cover the remainder of Snowdrop squadron. Shortly thereafter Snowdrop called they were withdrawing and the 485th attempted to engage some scattered ground targets in the gloom with their guns and few remaining bombs. They managed to account for a few guns before Zenith Leader called it a day All aircraft proceeded back to  safe landing at Florennes.

    All told we claim one e/a probable, one e/a damaged, 5 AAA guns destroyed and 2 artillery guns.

    485th Sqn Log 29-11-44 a.PNG

    485th Sqn Log 29-11-44 b.PNG



    410th BG

    4 aircraft took off from Eindhoven to carry out a recce in the area north east of Prum. An uneventful flight to the area apart from the fighter escort appearing then disappearing, didn't see them for the rest of the flight duration. On reaching the patrol area and just before turning onto the Northern leg along the lines we were attacked by Fw190s. These were called out by Delta but they attached themselves to us very quickly. Sid picked up damage in their first attack so he turned back over the lines and headed home but was chased by a determined 190. Delta and Crash had a dogfight for a short period until support came in the form of welcome 485th P38s. Crash and Delta were able to break off and begin the northern leg but Delta picked up flak damage soon after. They got rid of bombs on artillery targets and headed back to friendly lines. Delta's damage caused him to head for Aachen to land but didn't get there, he ditched south east of Monchau. Crash headed home. Meanwhile the persistent 190 chasing Sid was damaged by the rear gunner and, when turning to engage a P38 lost control and went in north of Prum. Sid was very badly damaged and decided to head for the airfields on the west of his route back to Eindhoven but had to bail south east of Petit Brogel.

    Given the weather and fighter activity it was a very interesting mission. Well done boys for surviving....

    410th Sqn Log 29-11-44 a.PNG

    410th Sqn Log 29-11-44 b.PNG


    370th FG

    Awards and Promotions:

    2nd Lieutenant Patrick Last is promoted to 1st Lieutenant; congratulations Lieutenant!

    2nd Lieutenant Luke Rox is promoted to 1st Lieutenant; congratulations Lieutenant!

    2nd Lieutenant David Reginald is promoted to 1st Lieutenant; congratulations Lieutenant!






    402nd Roster 30-11-44.PNG

    485th Roster 30-11-44.PNG



    410th BG

    Awards and Promotions:






    410th Roster 30-11-44.PNG



    370th FG Claims Record 30-11-44.PNG

    410th BG Claims Record 30-11-44.PNG

    • Thanks 3
  6. Thought I'd highlight a few of my fave Third Party skins that are available for the glorious F-14 in case they tickle your pickle also...


















    https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3305797/ - Note: made for the DCS F-14B initially, the real squadron only ever flew the 'A' variant.



    https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3305679/ - Note: made for the DCS F-14B initially, the real squadron only ever flew the 'A' variant.





    https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3307339/ - Note: this download is only the first half of the pack, a further link to a google drive containing the other elements is contained within the download.





    As a rule, they should go here: 

    F-14A: "X":\Users\"yourusername"\Saved Games\DCS*\Liveries\F-14A-135-GR

    F-14B: "X":\Users\"yourusername"\Saved Games\DCS*\Liveries\f-14b


    However, as a general rule, skins are completely interchangeable between the two variants; as a stickler for authenticity I keep mine segregated but there is nothing to stop you from putting an -A skin in the -B folder or vice versa, should you desire. 


    The artists that have done some of the above have further offerings that may intrigue or excite you:

    Reflected (him again!): LINK




    flying_isoko: LINK



    My penchant tends to be for the more tactical schemes; if you prefer the more colourful liveries then be sure to scour the F-14 Skins repository at ED User Files to find some you like:

    ED User Files F-14 Skins Link


    And please feel free to post links to any that tickle your pickle. Can never have enough good Tomcat skins!


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. Mission Date 28/11/44

    402nd FS - Fighter Sweep, Nettersheim-Düren Sector

    485th FS - Rail Target Strike, Zulpich

    410th BG - Rail Target Strike, Bonn



    370th FG

    402nd FS: 

    It is with a heavy heart that the 402nd report the death of their squadron leader, it is a very sad day in the 402nd, his excellent leadership will be sadly missed, not to mention his laid back presence at the bar in the the mess in the evenings.

    We were preceding along our patrol route, when we initially spotted 5 enemy aircraft at our low one O'clock, in two elements, a three ship and a two ship. Major Arjen Eftee led the attack and dived on the three ship, whilst the second element started to dive on the second enemy element. During the dive, the second element noticed many more enemy aircraft under the cloud coming into view  slightly behind the first aircraft spotted and pulled out of the attack to maintain altitude advantage. Alas this was to late for the lead element, and Major Arjen Eftee's aircraft was seen to impact the ground after the dive down.

    Captain Kevin Fruitbat as ranking officer, took command of the remaining planes in the flight, with the first priority to extricate 2nd Lt Dennis Falcon out of a very hairy situation. Fortunately he still had plenty of energy, and so was instructed to shallow climb on what ever heading he was currently on, whilst Captain K Fruitbat and 2nd Lt Patrick Last flying as his wing, maneuvered to position themselves to cover his initial escape. It was during this point that the Captain realised his radio was fitted with a faulty radio crystal and was unable to directly talk to the 485th, and so all messages had to be relayed through a ground controller. After this work around was figured out, the 402nd urgently sent position, altitude and bandit number chasing us, requesting a heading for intercept with the 485th to give support.

    The 485th replied with a heading and that they were 10 miles north of our position but lower. Not long after this, with 13 bandits confirmed in tow we sighted the 485th and quickly ascertained they were still climbing, so the order was given to turn west to give them time to get more altitude. The enemy obviously had not spotted the 485th as they turned to follow the 402nd. This allowed the 485th to latch onto the back, and battle was joined, at this point the 402nd reversed course and entered the fray.

    At first the 402nd maintained combat formation and flew purely defensive against the more numerous enemy, as it appeared in the confusion they weren't fully aware that the 402nd had been joined by the 485th, until this was no longer tenable, and battle was fully joined. In the ensuing melee, the 402nd claimed 3 confirmed, with one apiece to each pilot, a Fw190D for the Captain, and Bf110's for the Lt's, along with damaging at least 3 other enemy aircraft. During the fight, both Captain K Fruitbat and 2nd Lt D Falcon received damage, but were able to continue. 

    Finally the last of the enemy aircraft was seen to go down, and the call to return to base was given. Shortly after regrouping, Captain K Fruitbat gave command to 2nd P Last, as he decided that his aircraft was too heavily damaged to return and land, and so looked for a area devoid of trees to bail out over. The remaining two ship returned to base, and landed safely. 

    Without the quick assistance given to the 402nd by the 485th, It would almost have certainly been a much bleaker day for the squadron, in what was already a bleak day.

    402nd Sqn Log 28-11-44 a.PNG

    402nd Sqn Log 28-11-44 b.PNG


    485th FS: Capt. Fenton Rea led a four ship attack on the Rail Station at Zulpich and train targets therein, the flight successfully destroying a train and a number of AAA guns in the vicinity. Heading NW to Düren to see what other ground targets the area might yield, the 485th received an assistance call from the 402nd, initially interpreted as an alert to more ground targets. However it quickly became apparent that the 402nd were engaged with and heavily outnumbered by enemy aircraft. The 402nd reported their altitude as Angels 12; the 485th were at Angels 5. Turning South and clapping on all available sail, climbing as fast as possible, Zenith squadron were passing 7,000ft when they saw 3 P-38s coming north with 13 bandits, a mixed force of Fw 190Ds and Bf 110s, in pursuit. Leakage White 3, Capt. Kevin Fruitbat (now leading Leakage squadron) in an excellent tactical decision, dragged the conga line to the west allowing 485th to tack onto the trailing elements of the bandit group in the climb, with Leakage squadron turning back in to engage as Zenith leader called they were committed. Thereafter proceeded the largest air engagement yet recorded by the 370th FG. There were simply too many e/a to maintain cohesive elements and the fight broke down into a massive furball covering 10 square kilometres, ranging from 10,000ft down to the deck.

    The 370th FG combined gradually managed to whittle down the odds but not without cost as Zenith Red 4, 2nd Lt. Harrison Hailey, already wrestling with a faulty radio did not return; Zenith Red Leader witnessed a P-38 seen to crash into woodlands after being attacked by an Fw 190D-9 on the frontline west of Zulpich. It is presumed that this was Red 4. It was his first mission.

    Zenith Red 2, Lt. Rox, after dispatching 2 of the bandits came under fire from yet another and the enemies aim was a little too true; heavily damaged Red 2 managed to disengage from the fight and made for the airfield of Bierset, where we are relieved to say he made a successful safe landing. 

    Despite these setbacks, the 370th acquitted itself magnificently and after about a 10 minute period, the skies were cleared of enemy aircraft. All told, the group managed to account for nearly all the e/a first spotted, our claims totalling 11 of the 13 initially counted. It is assumed that the remainder ran home to lick their wounds. At this point the group returned home in mixed formation, with several aircraft having sustained varying degrees of damage, but no further pilots were lost.

    On a personal note, the 485th extend our deepest condolences to the 402nd for the loss of Maj. Arjen Efftee who so effectively led their squadron for so long and to great success. He was respected and admired by all of us here in Zenith squadron and we mourn his loss to both you, us and the Group.

    485th Sqn Log 28-11-44 a.PNG

    485th Sqn Log 28-11-44 b.PNG



    410th BG

    The 410th attacked their assigned target and, despite the strong winds, obliterated it. However, the defensive fire from the ground was some of the strongest yet encountered with ~20 AAA guns in the target vicinity; such a withering rain of flak was going to cause issues and so it proved. That said, despite the damage received by their aircraft, both 2nd Lts. David Crosby and Major Major were able to regain friendly territory, with Major force landing at Venlo, and Crosby just managing to belly land his crippled A-20 across the frontlines.

    410th Sqn Log 28-11-44 a.PNG

    410th Sqn Log 28-11-44 b.PNG


    370th FG

    Awards and Promotions:



    Major Kendall Bozeman has been posted to the 485th Fighter Squadron.

    2nd Lieutenant Lou Keyberstad has been posted to the 485th Fighter Squadron

    Flight officer John Johnson has been posted to the 485th Fighter Squadron


    402nd Roster 29-11-44.PNG

    485th Roster 29-11-44.PNG


    410th BG

    Awards and Promotions:






    410th Roster 29-11-44.PNG



    370th FG Claims Record 29-11-44.PNG

    410th BG Claims Record 29-11-44.PNG

    • Thanks 4
  8. 28 minutes ago, Crash said:

    Was I captured? I was JUST west of the lines by a 100 metres or so

     No, Crash, you made it by the skin o' your teeth old bean!


    29 minutes ago, Crash said:

    The flak at the target was horrendous there must have been 20 or so of the werbelwind or whatever they are called.

    Yikes! That sounds like a pretty bowel loosening recipe... despite it you did some damn fine work on the target though. I'll get the debrief proper up when I can.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. 370th FG

    Awards and Promotions:

    Captain Arjen Efftee is promoted to Major. A long time coming Major, but congratulations, it is well earned.

    1st Lieutenant Fenton Rea is promoted to Captain.

    Captain Kevin Fruitbat is awarded the Bronze Star.

    Fruitbat's Bronze Star 28-11-44.PNG


    2nd Lieutenant Karl Spartan is awarded the Bronze Star.

    Perf's Bronze Star 28-11-44.PNG


    2nd Lieutenant Dennis Falcon is awarded the Bronze Star.

    Wingflyrs's Bronze Star 28-11-44.PNG



    Captain Fenton Rea is transferred to the 485th Fighter Squadron.

    A new pilot has been posted to the 485th Fighter Squadron - we await confirmation of his identity.



    402nd Roster 28-11-44.PNG


    485th Roster 28-11-44.PNG

    • Thanks 2
  10. Mission Date 25/11/44

    402nd FS - Fighter Sweep, The Hague

    485th FS - Fighter Sweep, The Hague

    410th BG - Attack Rail Targets, Shiedam



    370th FG


    Taking 2 x 1000lb bombs in case the Luftwaffe refused to play, the 402nd were obliged to jettison their load just crossing the frontline when a flight of Bf 109s deigned to put in an appearance; the e/a engaged 402nd from the Easy with a slight height advantage but the 402nd held together well and mad good work of covering each other and all e/a were dispatched within relatively short order. Continuing on to target the 40nd were then directed by 'Marmite' ground control to bandits in the Breda/Roosendaal sector. Quickly turning southeast the squadron spotted the bandits at low level just as they were crossing the Hollandschdiep, Red flight engaging a group of Fw 190s to the west and White flight another to the east. Quite a furball developed at low altitude, but all e/a were eventually knocked down, with Leakage White Lead, 1st Lt. Rea trailing some further bogies out to the East, his flight and Red in long pursuit. They caught up with the bogeys just east of Tilburg and engaged, though White 2, 2nd Lt. Karl Spartan was hit by flying debris - the entire vertical stabiliser in fact! - when his last victim exploded violently in front of his aircraft, obliging Spartan to try and dodge the wreckage. His port engine inoperable, he bugged out for home base, making a succesful landing.

    A similar fate befell Red 2, 2nd Lt Dennis Falcon, though fortunately he too made it home under the watchful escort of his squadron mates.

    All told the 402nd claimed 15 enemy aircraft destroyed, a superlative feat gents, well done indeed.

    402nd Sqn Log 26-11-44 a.PNG

    402nd Sqn Log 26-11-44 b.PNG

    402nd Sqn Log 26-11-44 c.PNG



    Major Payne-less' debrief again outlines a tale of unfortunate luck and bad timing regards encountering the Luftwaffe; just a few minutes too far South of assisting in the first engagement and a few kilometers too far North when the call from 'Marmite' control came through request all aircraft assist in the Breda sector; that said the ordnance they elected to carry was put to good use with Capt. Cloister and 2nd Lt. Iden Hoe ruining the day of several AAA gun positions near Schiedam, accounting for 7 guns between them. 

    485th Sqn Log 26-11-44 a.PNG

    485th Sqn Log 26-11-44 b.PNG


    410th BG

    The 410th attacked their assigned target, accounting for a number of transportation targets, though we mourn the loss 2nd Lt. Dave Haggis who lost control of his aircraft at low altitude and spun in; this dedicated, fearless doyen of the group will be much missed.


    410th Sqn Log 26-11-44 a.PNG

    • Thanks 2
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