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Everything posted by Jabo

  1. Jabo


    Indeed. Although these days, the mainboards tend to arrive with a floppy disk image for the SATA drivers on the driver CD so you can create your own - joy. What OS are you planning to use m8, and what Service Pack revision is it? ~S~ Jabo
  2. Jabo


    What he said - While it's one thing for a GPU to get to that temperature, there's no way the CPU should be that hot. Couple of questions; Are you using the stock cooler? Have you removed the tape from the underside of the heatsink and then cleaned both the top of the processor and the heatsink using a suitable cleaner (I use a specialist one, but anything alcohol based should be OK)? Have you applied a thin layer of thermal compound (the thinner the better)? Have you checked fans, seating of heatsinks etc? There are a number of Hardware monitoring programs out there. I use CPUID Hardware Monitor which is free and will report core, GPU and HDD temps plus fan speeds and a number of other things I don't understand
  3. Found this - pretty much sums up my day... ~S~ Jabo
  4. Crash was wondering who was confirmed for Legends this year, so I thought a compact and bijou threadette on the subject might be in order. I'll kick things off; Jabo - arriving Friday, departing after Sundays activities Knight - Ditto ('cos he's getting a lift from me
  5. Jabo

    Sid's Day Out

    Looks like you had a good day out there m8, and some nice piccies too! Just googling for your 'what is it?' pic ~S~ Jabo
  6. Nice Cuda - Similar to my recent build - I've run XP32, XP64 and Vista 32 bit on this rig so far, and been happy with all, but niggly problems have eventually seen me wind up with Vista (no DX10 in XP32, no Windows Live or DX10 in XP64 - Windows Live and DX10 in Vista) - Don't tell Jim but I occasionally play other games which prefer those things. Sad thing is Vista benchmarks slowest of the three
  7. Jabo

    I are confuse

    In some cases, many, many hours of grief
  8. Yep, tried those, no change to the cards listed - oh well...
  9. Same here, I've tried all the DLLs and they make no difference to the available cards. I'm in the fortunate position of being able to run in 'Maximum' settings mode, but it would be interesting to know why I'm not seeing the options you have Roger. ~S~ Jabo
  10. Just as well you didn't log in as anything else m8 ~S~ Jabo
  11. Not sure about the second problem m8, but I reckon you can solve the first one by using autohotkey, a free utility for creating macros which can then be assigned to a button on your controller. Website is here. I used it when I was trying cachya, and found it pretty straight-forward. ~S~ Jabo
  12. Durrr...Not sure m8, will have a looky Hmm, that's an interesting point FT, as I am currently running a higher monitor resolution than usual - I wonder if switching between modes is causing this - Oh well, I'll go kick the tires and light the fires and see what happens. Will report back later ~S~ Jabo
  13. Are you sure this is nothing to do with any anti-virus/firewall settings - I'd be inclined to try turning off the firewall(s) and see if that helps. Good point from Gec there - see if Roger would mind providing a bit of remote assistance. ~S~ Jabo
  14. Hmm, not tried that, but always used alt-tab before without a problem
  15. Nothing wrong with your memory Jim, it was me. I also pointed out that when in the past we had taken machines which were pre-loaded with Vista, and tried to re-build them as XP machines, we had big problems getting drivers for the internal components (this was a particular problem with laptops, but also to a lesser extent with desktops too) Yes and no
  16. There are a number of sort of free codecs out there which will enable you to play back DVDs - I'd need to have a look though. ~S~ Jabo You're running XP right? Scrap that - download VLC media player (google for VLC and you should find it) - plays pretty much anything...
  17. are you using the same USB port for the X52 as before?
  18. No better I'm afraid Rog. I have found something interesting though - The problem only seems to surface when I alt-tab back to the desktop. This indicates a pretty obvious solution, but I like to be able to hop out and back into the game again while I'm waiting for everyone else to finish. ~S~ Jabo
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