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Everything posted by Jabo

  1. Well, abandoned the Velociraptor idea in favour of a pair of 500gb WD RAID III SATA II drives currently running RAID 1(Mirrored) in the PC (the pair cost less than a 150GB VR). This setup now gives me a 5.9 in the Windows Experience Index (overall 5.5 from 5.2 - cpu's the bottleneck now
  2. Regretably Jim, I could fill your 74GB drive with my photos, let alone the 50GB of music that I have, plus iso's of all my software etc etc etc. At present, I need around 200GB of storage, let alone the OS and installed software. I have no idea about the customs duty other than "a lot" LOL
  3. That's what the thread was originally about Jedi, I hijacked it to ask a question about hard disk drives...
  4. Maybe I've missed the point here, but what's the point of shelling out for a Velociraptor when a bog-standard SATA II drive hits the same 300MBps data transfer rate? So it's just the seek time which is quicker? Confused of Coventry
  5. D'you think it's worth the hassle Jim? I'm not sure how much difference it'll make to my PC - The HDD is the bottleneck at present, but perhaps I'd be better off waiting for the prices to fall here and just getting a big standard SATA to tide me over... ~S~ Jabo
  6. Wonder if I could possibly impose on one of my fellow DDz on the other side of the herring pond...I have a requirement (OK, call it 'want') for a WD Velociraptor (pref 300GB) and they're a LOT cheaper over there (despite the exchange rate). Do you chaps know of any suppliers over there who'll ship to the UK? I know Newegg are down to £150, but won't ship Any suppliers cheaper? ~S~ Jabo
  7. One thing that we don't seem to have touched on much is the subject of cable management and the difference that can make to the internal temps of the hardware - Having had a serious go at this in my new case, I'm finding that both the CPU and GPU temps are significantly lower under load than before - Typically the CPU now runs at a steady 38 deg C as opposed to mid-40s and the GPU is some 10 deg cooler at 45 deg C and this is in a smaller case. Worth spending the time on I think. ~S~ Jabo
  8. Now that's interesting, 'cos we're running cards with the same chipset (Mine's a factory over-clocked BFG unit) but the manual included with the card is very definite about not using the card with PCIe 1.0 and no mention of any sort of caveat re: SLI. It's not going to cost me much sleep given that my mainboard is running PCIe 2.0 anyway, but thanks for the intel. ~S~ Jabo
  9. Yep, I use a grounded mat with sits on the bench top and a wriststrap which connects me to the mat. Probably overkill, but I always felt that was preferable to blowing things up. ~S~ Jabo
  10. Yep use CPUID myself - nice little app.
  11. Are you sure about this Falconise? - AKAIK my NV card won't run in a PCIe 1.0 slot. Admittedly I've not tried it, but then again testing anything other than the recommended solution with 180UKPs-worth of hardware is not my idea of a Good Plan.
  12. Ditto - Nice to watch my flaming wreckage for 30 mins whilt I'm waiting for the next mission.
  13. Jabo

    TS registered member

    ROFL - You...You...You wouldn't dare call me drun' if I wash shober
  14. Jabo

    Oh the pain...

    Just downloading it now Crash - I'll let you know how I get on. Incidentally, you don't have to register on their forum, I just went on and found the post as a guest, and clicked the download link ~S~ Jabo
  15. Jabo

    Oh the pain...

    okey dokey, I'll go have a look ~S~ Jabo
  16. I can pay for them but i need an address in england to be sent. My size is XXL and squad number is 7. Im sure Vila will step up with hes details. thx m8 for all the hard work. really appreciate it. gec 2 XXL shirts ordered guys. I'll bring them to Duxford with me on the Friday. We can sort the cash out then, can't be bothered to faff about with PayPal. ~S~ Jabo
  17. Jabo

    Oh the pain...

    No, no, the stick's all installed and works in game fine (the basic controls, pitch,roll, yaw and throttle along with all 8 fire buttons! Why do I need 8 fire buttons? Can't hit anything with one so...). The Pain I was referring to is really with the SST. It would be nice to have a graphical version, but this doesn't seem to be an option with Vista, you get the table version or nothing. Anyway, I think I'm getting to grips with this now as I removed all my key mappings, then put them all back in again
  18. Jabo

    Oh the pain...

    Please, I'm just wanting some pointers on how to set the blasted thing up. Macros and the other whizzy stuff can wait. Anything you can send me will be much appreciated. Email addy in profile m8. Thanks Jedi, are you sure you want to take this challenge on? See you online (probably Thursday even.) ~S~ Jabo
  19. Jabo

    Oh the pain...

    Here's the thing chaps. Finally took the plunge and changed my 5-year old Saitek stick for a nice new X52 pro. There's one minor issue though. How the devil do you get it set up? I've been trying most of this evening, and I'm blowed if I can work it out. Could one of you kind people who know how to do this help out a dog in distress please? The basic controls (programmed through the hotas section in-game) are OK, but using the SST...Well, lets just say I've not been having much fun. Thanks in advance ~S~ Jabo
  20. I can sort them out for you m8. What size shirt do you normally take? You too Vila. I can get any size up to XXL. Normal format is white polo shirt with DDz logo on front and callsign, number and www.dangerdogz.comhttp:// on reverse. If you have a credit/debit card, you can order them over the phone directly from the printers if you wish, but I'm happy to get them for you if that's easier.
  21. Hey oldtimer, yep, tickets are available on the gate, although they are cheaper in advance. You can order up to the beginning of July I think, but I'll check that for you. Be nice Vila, I was just trying to be helpful. ~S~ Jabo
  22. Not sure which airport you would fly into m8, but I guess it would be Stanstead (handles most of the European short-haul stuff). Getting to Duxford is really simple from there as it's only about 15 miles away so...If you're flying to Stanstead, let me know, and I'll drive there to pick you both up. Or if anybody's coming up from the South, they might be persuaded to stop off there...More money for beer! Woohoo ~S~ Jabo PS Is that really lucky Vila - or is it a cunning plan to save more money on haircare products? PPS Be nice to Sid and ask him to bring the camper van...
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