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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. maybe this http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=117720
  2. I remember you Bucky get yourself up to 4.12.2 from here http://dangerdogz.com/forums/files/category/1-patches/ and then download HSFX 7 from here http://www.242sqn.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=30 and then get it to 7.02.
  3. Hi Kev, yes I have an 10 cm extension and it does make small adjustments of the stick a lot easier to do. As for the length required it all depends on where and how the stick it mounted as it is possible to put strain on gimbles and FFB motor if its too long. I never thought I would end up with what I have got after being told that there was no way I was having a car seat in the dining room How it evolved
  4. This is what mine looks like at the moment
  5. Looks like the Airbus Beluga but bigger and prettier. I see one of the Belugas most days where I live.
  6. I have just asked at 242 Sqd maybe they might know something.
  7. What about trying it on Sunday, with a LOT of bombing missions?
  8. Hello Kelly, try this http://dangerdogz.com/forums/topic/11153-installing-hsfx-7-the-easy-way/
  9. I know about the saying Grandmothers and eggs but did you check where the installer was pointing?
  10. I think its now sorted. I have tried a new profile and its stopped jumping
  11. Why not? all you have to do is click on the updater
  12. I was going to leave the update until a change over date was decided, but after last Tuesdays mission I thought that as others have I might as well join in
  13. I found the torrent very slow as BT dont like them. However there is an option to download from web which speeded things up a lot.
  14. I have never had a problem either apart from "magic mouse" turning selecting icons into a game
  15. It seems to be, If I get a chance today I will try out DCS and RoF but 1946 works although I dont bother much with 6DOF. DCS seems OK
  16. Sorry I didnt join last night. My trackir view is jumping all over the place. I have turned off all the snap and pan view settings and played around with the trackir settings but the view keeps jumping every few seconds which make flying and shooting a bit more of a challenge than I need at the moment. I have had a look in the Atag forums but I cant find any info. Does anyone have an idea how to make it run smoothly? 1946 has no problems and there are no other light sources interfering. I might make a recording of what it looks like later on.
  17. Thanks for hosting Fen, I managed to hit the walls, strafe a train and nor crash into the ground this time.It was hard to see who was who as my icons showed only the distance and I didnt want to accidentally switch my engines off when flying low level as I know what happens On the flight home over the channel the game froze up which was a disappointment, I said goodbye on TS but I had turned off the Target software so although I pushed the button TS didnt know
  18. Thanks Kev, I found the file and altered it as suggested. I will also do this http://theairtacticalassaultgroup.com/forum/showthread.php?t=5374&highlight=Newview but I think it could be a couple of weeks before it is installed, set up and I know what I am doing with it. Its a good job I have a laptop and read the instructions as I try to follow them
  19. I am not sure if my convergence is saving as it seems to revert to 383.83 feeters. I also cant find my confUsers.ini I have installed it on E/flightsims/steam but I cant find it there either
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