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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. Hi John, outside is 140x140 inside is 108x108mm
  2. Even Bearcat thinks that Mods/HSFX are they way to go (and has done for several years)
  3. As there is no great rush I will uninstall/reinstall the drivers. Thanks for the replies.
  4. There might be a good reason and I am interested in what that reason is. It could be because thats the way Windoze likes it. It certainly is a lot less logical the Amiga OS ever was and a hell of a lot bigger! My original Workbench partition was ........10 MEGS! including drivers and fonts and libs and commands and stuff.
  5. Next Friday I will be taking out my 570 and plugging in a tasty 780Ti to go with my 4k monitor. Last night there was a mention of installing a "clean brand new" set of drivers as opposed to keeping the drivers (latest version). What would the benefits be as I would be putting the same drivers back as I would remove?
  6. Sounds like a good reason to buy some Crosswinds http://www.simhq.com/air-combat/mfg-crosswind-pedals.html
  7. Why am I not surprised?
  8. I was bought this for Christmas and it really is a good read. Lots of detailed colour pictures for modellers and a comprehensive history of its use, http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fairey-Swordfish-Manual-Haynes-Manuals/dp/0857333623/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1420217064&sr=1-1&keywords=haynes+swordfish
  9. Crash

    Christmas Sale

    I have owned FC3 for over a year and STILL not assigned my controls. I have got half way through P-51 (Yeah I know there isnt much to it) and need to do D9 and P-47 when its released not to mention BoS. Its looking good for Elite: Dangerous though. As for RoF I dont think I will bother. CloD and HSFX are both sorted though. edit even though the WartHog HOTAS is plug and play I still havent flown since I bought it (Although I DO have a hard copy of the manual)
  10. Crash

    Christmas Sale

    My brain doesnt need any of this
  11. Happy Birthday Bongo, there does seem to be a lot of birthdays this time of year
  12. Crash

    Salute Bg!

    I have happy memories of meeting and flying with the boss. Salute BG
  13. I have requested the serial for this as part of the Luthier debacle. I will also get the Spit IX and the P-47 when they show up. Lots of settings to do with all my DCS products AND Elite Dangerous
  14. Crash


    Isnt the world expert on 109s (a certain Herr Kurfust) involved or is that the other game/sim?
  15. Bumping this thread. According to the EDtracker website http://edtracker.org.uk/index.php/using/game-support it should run on ANY game that supports Opentrack so it could be the solution if cash is tight.
  16. Mossie please. Going to see the Bootleg Beatles next week.
  17. Use this site to see what the difference is. You can change what you are comparing http://www.hwcompare.com/17153/geforce-gtx-460-oem-vs-geforce-gtx-750/
  18. The thing to consider is that it is a very important part of a system that you will be using for years. I feel that you might be selling yourself a bit short with this.
  19. Crash

    Tiger Moth

    You playroom looks tidier than mine . Nice job PapaBear
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