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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Crash

  1. Got you problems sorted Nick?
  2. SSD fitted and now running Win7. Acronis True Image 14 worked like a charm. Now I need to set the graphics and all this, although it seems better already
  3. My install is on G drive and I have just installed steam on my C. By some fluke I still have a copy of my 1C folder in My Documents. How do I get the game to run?
  4. Looking good so far. When all updates and shit are installed I will make an image. The last time I tried this I made the backup successfully but when I came to use it the dialog box said 6 hrs left to install. Even ten minutes later it said 6 hrs to go. Would there be any reason why it would be so slow? The SSD might be here tomorrow so what should the procedure be?
  5. I now downloading drivers and stuff and this and that

  6. Just seen this on the Banana forum Dear IL-2 fans! First of all we wish a Happy New Year! (if its not too late for that) Well you maybe have been asking yourself, what happend to us and the ongoing patching. We are very sorry for not making much noise lately! We were (and still are) reorganising the team and things have slowed down during testing and fixing phases. We wished to have the release date near last Christmas, but there where bugs to catch -as usual - and we just didn't want to rush it, just at the cost of the quality. We hope you understand our intentions. We had 3 Alpha and 2 Beta versions - and currently the first RC in testing. Thus we are pretty sure, that it won't be too long until the final release of 4.13. So again we say sorry for the silence and the long delay - after all, we are still there! AND we already have alot of new stuff to add, planes, incl. flyables, objects as well as features, so this story may continue quite well. Stay tuned...!
  7. Thanks for the sympathy Mick, and I do hope so
  8. The latest news is that the motherboard cant see the dvd drive. As the old one is IDE with a SATA adapter plugged into it I will pop down to the computer shop tomorrow and buy a SATA one, remove every thing, wipe the bios and start again. Deep joy
  9. @ Arthur thats what I thought too.......What has happened so far is, remove old nvidia drivers, remove old card, attempt to fit new card but it was slightly too long, remove boot drive and hard drive cage, fitted new card, attempted to fit hard drive in new position, remove one stick of memory to allow hard drive to fit in new position, connect all cables (I had to go into the loft to get the correct cable to power the new card) refit memory plug everything back into the computer and switch it on However it wouldnt start so boot into Linux and it all works. Booted with Disk Director which showed C drive as Primary, Active and unallocated. Window was hiding in the D drive. Things just went downhill from there.
  10. I cant make it happen the windows install got stuck in a reboot loop and now the bios is playing up. I think I will give it a rest and return to it tomorrow. :madpc:
  11. Well I played about and I am now installing Windows. As the DVD is without any service packs it looks like there will be a lot of crap to update. I have lost my TrackIr profiles but not the Target stuff as thats on another partition Oh well I will try to get it running for the SEOW tonight.
  12. Current update : There are now 7 hours left to resize the partition The plan is to unplug the old boot drive then set up the old spare as the boot drive, and hopefully install Billys masterpiece onto the recently created partition. IF that works plug in the other drive that has all the fight sims installed on and go from there. Anyway the SSD drive will be the future boot drive so who knows what will happen? Its so exciting being 65!
  13. Just ordered a 120 Gig SSD Might be here Tuesday heres hoping.
  14. So I tried the recovery like FT suggested but no good. I then tried to use my True Image boot disk to make a back up of the windows partition but it wouldnt do that. Next I booted into linux and backed up my docs and download folder ready to instal windows but it wouldnt instal as it couldnt create a system partition. Oh well I thought, I could try to install on the other hard drive but again it couldnt create a system partition. Back to Disk Director to split the other drive so as I could install on a new partion. It now informs me that it will take ELEVEN hours just to resize the partition. Looks like I will be buying a SSD to put win7 on. I dont know when I will be up and running again.
  15. At long last I have set up my labeled MFDs and have stated level bombing. I have watched several videos on how to do it but cant get the crosshairs to stay on target. They always drop below the target no matter what airspeed I put in as as a result they fall short. Am I missing something? On one vid the guy keeps it on by altering the airspeed without turning the sight mode off but it has no effect for me
  16. Hi John, outside is 140x140 inside is 108x108mm
  17. Even Bearcat thinks that Mods/HSFX are they way to go (and has done for several years)
  18. As there is no great rush I will uninstall/reinstall the drivers. Thanks for the replies.
  19. There might be a good reason and I am interested in what that reason is. It could be because thats the way Windoze likes it. It certainly is a lot less logical the Amiga OS ever was and a hell of a lot bigger! My original Workbench partition was ........10 MEGS! including drivers and fonts and libs and commands and stuff.
  20. Next Friday I will be taking out my 570 and plugging in a tasty 780Ti to go with my 4k monitor. Last night there was a mention of installing a "clean brand new" set of drivers as opposed to keeping the drivers (latest version). What would the benefits be as I would be putting the same drivers back as I would remove?
  21. Sounds like a good reason to buy some Crosswinds http://www.simhq.com/air-combat/mfg-crosswind-pedals.html
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