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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Crash

  1. Crash

    New Toy Mmm

    My friends that live in my computer have a new place to live
  2. Soon to be available Thermaltake 675 watt modular PSU. free (postage only)
  3. More skins for those who dont use Chkskinz PzVIH1 441 1944 v14.dds PzVIH1 AO1 1943 light grey v7.dds PzVIH1_501st.dds PzVIH1_505_1rd_Company_112.dds PzVIH1_505_1rd_Company_113.dds PzVIH1_505_1rd_Company_122.dds PzVIH1_505_1rd_Company_132.dds PzVIH1_505_1rd_Company_134.dds PzVIH1_Public 8.SS-Pz-Reg. Das Reich white 832 1943 v1.dds PzVIH1_PzD_Abt_507_114.dds PzVIH1_WildSau.dds
  4. Nice Tiger skin now in Checkskins PzVIH1_F13 v13 take 2.dds
  5. Crash

    Today I .....

    I spent a lot of time setting up 2 installs of VoiceAttack and getting it to look in the right AppData folders. Got it working eventually. Viacom Pro is coming along well and when I understand what to say it works well. I also have done another cold start and circuit. Need to watch some more videos of how to make the HUD SOI etc.
  6. Crash

    Today I .....

    Cold started an A-10C took off, flew about a bit and went BRRRRRRRT
  7. Making progress with Viacom. Looking forward to trying this
  8. I have updated and I am getting to grips with Viacom. Next will be PointCtrl then the fun/frustration will start
  9. The thing is that when you are playing you dont know exactly how far away the target is so set sights at 500 metres and adjust to suit.
  10. In your missions folder.
  11. Have you got this Swep?
  12. Did David Crosby die last night? I hit the ground and the view went to external but I didnt have the ascending to heaven view
  13. Crash


    I had Cinema4D on the Amiga a long time ago
  14. I have bought the knee pad extension for viacom
  15. The plan is first of all to get Viacom Pro running well as at first I plan to do single player stuff and also set up Point ctrl (again).
  16. MY New Year's resolution is to get a grip on DCS, but NO MORE PLANES until I can use what I have
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