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3. Danger Dogz
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Crash last won the day on March 24

Crash had the most liked content!


About Crash

  • Birthday 01/16/1950

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    Buckley North Wales
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    I have been told I do :)

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Mongrel (8/8)



  1. I enjoyed the mission and agree that more AI and available airframes will make it even better. It felt a bit like the old days with so many on TS and flying. Could always do with more DDs joining in.
  2. A bit late to the party for Episode I The Phantom Menace
  3. Star Wars.....Episode IV A New Hope
  4. Hope we get a good turnout from the Dogz.
  5. I have asked the WingWalkers if we could use some of their missions on our server with mods on. this was the reply No problem, you should have the files already for every map you have flown on your computer in your dogfight/GB_PublicServer folder. You need to start the mission editor and enter the name of the mission's file with the .msnbin file extension as the master file with the .mission extension does not download online. Once you have loaded the mission into the editor with the .msnbin file save it to your computer and that will generate a new .mission file from the msnbin file and then you can load the mission normally.
  6. It would be good to get some of the Dogz who have dropped by the wayside involved in this.
  7. You are in love, aren't you Friar
  8. Do I need to remove OpenXR tools for WindowsMR?
  9. I would assign a button TS would see it but then assign left mouse click instead. So I use Xpadder and it works fine. Bucky, do a google search and have a look on youtube.
  10. Not having a good time. Cex found a scratch and wont buy the old headset. Had issues setting the Quest up and then it died, so I have ordered the replacement, due Wednesday
  11. TS has a problem with joystick buttons. Try JoytoKey and set a keystroke for it. Then go into the tools menu and options then test your mike with that.
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