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Everything posted by Friar

  1. i bought tir4 recently and it has made a lot of difference to the s.a (although i am still not very good at it!) it can be a bit frustrating at first until you have tweaked the settings to suit you. delta7 has written a very good review on warclouds and can point you in the direction of template settings. it is simple to tweak and does not reuire any technical ability. i have the threee poinmt clip that comes with it on the baseball cap that came with it. flying in a group is real cool when you can turn your head around and look at the other around you. i used to use a hat to look before but found the jerkyness of it frustrating. bottom line GO FOR IT!
  2. A Walk Down To The Pub I woke up excited this morning (must stop thinking about Sister Janet in stockings and high heels) but also because I am going to pay a visit to our pub, “The Downed Pilotâ€
  3. Friar

    Hello all

    Thats normally the sort of thing that gets asked about the Priory
  4. Friar

    Hello all

    Ah welcome to my flock (no, Bbloke) VC. I am here to look after this motly crew, being assigned from the Priory of St Oleg. We are an interesting order, based in a castle in Lichtenstein and founded on modern, and some might say radical views. If you would like futher information then please let me know and I will give you the links to the articles I have written about the order. Should you feel in need of any councilling after a nightmare session in the air, or have any stories that involve being chased through a golden sun light medow by young maidens and feel you just have to get it off your chest,remember, I am all ways here for you. And as I tell everyone, cash ensures confidentiality. I look forward to flying with you soon, we Brits need to teach the colonials a thing or two. S!
  5. and i left and missed it all so it seems from your screen shot
  6. does any one know if it is possible to re-programme the zoom function on the map (currently right click of mouse)to a key / joystick button?
  7. thanks chris, sorry about last night, soon after sending the message, i decided to head off to bed, it had been a bad day! forgeting about the invite, but as you were busy, it seems no problem. hopefully speak to you tonight
  8. no i think that it was made quite a while ago by London Weekend Television (who are no longer around, and have not been for some time)
  9. i have just finished watching a british made mini series called "piece of cake" based on the book by derek robinson. 6x 50 min episodes following hornet squadron from their posting to france in 49 to the moving back to britain for the battle of britain. i would like to say that i really enjoyed it. great spitfire action.
  10. any one got a spit skin (prefer vb or similar) with black nosed prop, green/brown camo ?
  11. chris, the pc does only have 256mb of memory. am i right in thinking that sp2 needs more?
  12. well that bottle of holy st olegs priory special reserve port certainly helped.... in safe mode i went in to add/remove programs and removed all the hotfix's and windows updates, and hey presto it booted back into normal windows mode. plan of action now... 1. remove norton using the special remove program. 2. disk defrag 3. install sp2 4. check for any patches 5. re-install norton any further comments ? / suggestions edit: ran a dell crash analysis utility and it pointed towards the roxio cd and aol (turns head and spits) needing driver updates, which does tie in as i tried to write some files to cd that were waiting to be written but it kept saying that the drive did not have a cd in it.
  13. hi guys, thanks for the support. 1. i have created the boot disk just in case 2. i can only boot in safe mode but norton wont uninstall in safe mode. i have downloaded the norton removal tool and that will not work in safe mode either. know any other ways? i have the sp2 upgrade disk, is it worth applying that from safe mode to see it helps?
  14. Guys, i need your help! my chairman brought me in his home pc to sort out a problem with his subsciption to norton. it had expired and he had bought a new one but could not apply it, but that is bye the bye. i am now at the stage where the old addage of "being up to your arse in aligators, when all you wanted to do was drain the swamp". is in force Here is the problem.... After installing he new version of norton, windows update kicked in. it downloaded some 62 updates. now when the machine re-boots i get the "blue screen of death" that states "a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to precent damage to your computer. if this is the first time you have seen this error screen,restart your computer and follow these steps. run a system diagnostic utillty provided by your hardware supplier and check for memory" etc The stop number was 0x0000007F The pc is a dell dimension 2400 running xp home sp1 there is no re-store point saved. he has had this problem before after doing a windows upgrade but i was then able to use a restore point to cancel out the upgrade. I only remembered this when confronted by the blue screen shit! (so the re-store point seems to have been lost/deleted) i have run the dell dianostics that can be found via the f12 boot menu all tests have passed. i can boot up into safe mode ok. the dell is standard and has not had any new/third party hardware added. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can i remove the updates via control panel add/remove? What should i do next chaps? re-install o/s (if i can get a disk)? beers all round if you can help !
  15. me too. ordrerd from play.com and it did say 17/11 now says 8/12.
  16. At the blowing of the wind and in the decay of autumn; in the chill of winter, and the promise of spring under the blue sky and in the warmth of summer we remember them. At the dawn of day and at the setting of the sun we remember them. With joys we long to share and with sorrows we bear alone in work we have to do and life we have to live we remember them. With thankfulness and regrets,
  17. as it's my birthday on the 18th and the release date is the 17th, i have just placed an order for mine as an early present from me to me !
  18. ok, if this thing has legs, i'll host, and i'll ask my wife if she would collate the votes. we will need categories......suggestions please, that will be the test to see if this idea has any miles in it. no categories, no votes. and as bg says, lets keep it lightheated, but bear in mind, i would like categories that could throw up at least a couple of potential winners, having a section called "Funniest Post by someone from Lichtenstein", isnt going to work, although i would just like to say before i collect the award, i would like to thank my wife and kids for putting up with me, to sister wendy for , well lots really.
  19. As a spin off from a post I have just made on the training thread, I have had an idea...... Its heading towards Christmas, how about we have a virtual awards night. We could all meet up on ts wearing our birthday suits (oops sorry thats the other group,) our Diner jackets etc and have virtual "gongs" awarded. (perhaps called the "Golden Gonads"). The awards could be both humerous and serious (as a way of showing an appreciation). The receiptients would then be entitled to have the title in their sigs etc for a year. Now, what would the categories be..ermm...not sure on that one, how about "Best use of a TB3", "Least likly to trouble the scorer", "Outstanding Contribution to the Squad", you get my drift? Now the tricky bit would be voting. It would have to be annomi.. anomin.. secret, so, once the categories have been published, the votes could be sent via email, to someone on the fringes of the squadron, say a willing wife, girlfriend, partner, and who would keep them secret. They would collate the votes and then send them, say to BG, just before the ceremony. What do you guys think..is this a non-starter, or should I get my virual dj cleaned?
  20. i have downloaded it and used it and it very clever. dont be surprised by some of the sentances that are displayed for what you have said, but it still seems to recognise the commands. I read somewhere also that they had map the keys to disable it as the same one for push to talk on ts. so that they could use it to control any ai wingmen and still be able to chat on ts. i keep meaning to fire it up again. there are downloadable key mappings also i believe. i chose to start from scratch, which takes some time, but i thought that i would just do the onces that i thought that i would use most.
  21. dave, does it require any technical input as to optimize the system, or can it do it for me? i am always on the lookout for tricks/tweaks to get the best from my machine, i've had a quick look for it with google and the reviews seem really good, and if you reccommend it, well, what more can i say..
  22. no problem m8, it is usually you who is taking care of my behind, and it is I that should be offering thanks and appologies for all your guidance and patience.
  23. As usual roger you were spot on..... i had forgot that i had "tweaked" zone alarm settings to turn on parental control. turned it off and hey presto, the pictures are back. many thanks to all who offered help, gee I love you guys....
  24. shadow was not able to help due to a version mis-match (i have v2, he has 1. something,many thanks anyway m8 for taking the trouble to join on ts) it seems that the settings screen for images is different. can any one else help please?
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