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Everything posted by Friar

  1. Dave, The X52 is on my permanent wish list, mainly because it seems to be the set that crops up most. I have been tracking it for a while now and here seems to be one of the cheapest http://www.komplett.co.uk/k/ki.asp?sku= ... 76BFE08D72 but if you do decide to go for an x52 and find it cheaper, please do let me know, cos'
  2. very good. just shows how far cgi has come
  3. i assumed by doing fryer jokes, you were taking the pith anyway
  4. why all the fryer jokes all of a sudden, you guys...
  5. AB-250: Type: Air burst munition dispenser carrying "SD-2" antipersonnel fragmentation bombs or "SD-4" hollow-charge antitank munition.
  6. Friar

    Prop Pitch

    i believe it shows it as activated, but only kicks in when you get the throttle over 100% but NEVER activate it when the engine in running normal revs
  7. hey fsm, the cavalry has arrived
  8. your battery is probably fine, taking it out and putting it back is like a re-boot for the motherboard
  9. i dont have a problem tonar, its painless, i was chipping in
  10. leave it then, you have enough to do. it will also keep it constant where i use the username for other sites as well. Salute from the "Friar"
  11. excellent utility, also gives descriptions of weapons, so gone will be the days of "what is the sc500?
  12. Roger, does that mean you are going to change my login name? i am not bothered about leaving the login as f r i o r - o n e
  13. Gentlemen, For some time now I have been musing over my name, "F r i o r". (spaced to prevent the censor making the change-see below) Recently I have dropped the "one" (people in the office often accuse me of dropping "one", but I deny all knowledge
  14. here is watt (noice spelling, funny eh, no, ok then) I know. RCB's have a rating for "leakage". all electrical units leak a bit of juice. flouresent lights leak, irons, kettles etc, if that goes over the limits, the rcb will trip. I am just in the process of building a couple of ponds and had an electrician in to do the wiring for the pumb and filters. he had a look at my current (no pun intended) setup and advised a seperate RCB for the exterior supply as my type of solutuon is prone to tripping RCBS and I would not want it going at random times. Now, another story he told me was of a friend of his that had the RCB keep going at different times, but nealrly allways at the same time in the morning. it turned out that they had lots of electrical devices in the house (kids had major stuff in the bedrooms hi-fis, powerful computers plazma screens etc) and when the central heating kicked in in the morning, the extra leakage was enough to put the RCB over the top and trip. he proved it by changing the time his heating came on to a bit later and the same thing happened. This is all probably of no use but I thought that i would share. Edit: I just noticed you put MCB, dont know if RCB is the later version
  15. the bios (basic/base/begginging input output system (i think)) is what the pc reads when it first boots up. its what gets the pc going. when you have a look inside on the motherboard there is a large button battery, like the ones that go in watches etc, just bigger. it keepsthe clock running etc when the pc is powered off. i have had this option reccommended to me before to solve another sort of problem. i did not need to do it in the end. if you do remove it and replace it, when the pc next boots you will be prompeted to re-set the date and time and it may take a few moments do some checking i believe. i would add that i have never actually removed one !
  16. Friar

    Prop Pitch

    this thread goes to prove that there is no right answer. the other night i was talking to bbloke about this very subject, asking him how he flew the 190. he said to me that he uses about 95% prop pitch, rads open and boost on when engaged. i tried it the other night flying on my own zooming about on a practice map of my own whilst trying some new stick settings (also trying to get it over or around 400 kmh) it it ran for ages with out any sign of over heating, in fact i had run out of amo from shooting up ground targets and had turned it off before heading back to base to practice landing.
  17. the lead has gone out of mine....
  18. Remember Enforcer, my confessional
  19. sorry i had to leave a bit soon chaps, i was getting very hot due to the burning stare my wife was giving me (i dont normally get to fly mondays) it was great while it lasted, although flying with 3 other guys all called "Nick" did make me feel like changing my name.
  20. Ahh, British (sorry Dave) English Council workmen at their best.......
  21. how about giving them the void skin, so that they are all white, that might help (graphics card is working just fine now i sorted drivers out by the way crash )
  22. i would definatly second that. i went from a standard pci sound card to an audigy 2 and gained about 12fps
  23. Friar


    "so you say your husband is in insurance"
  24. would love to see a video of that !
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