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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. Had to Google that one...bloody pommies! Doesn't everyone have one then?
  2. I have a Badger Anthem 150 dual action, with a 3 gallon tank/compressor combo.
  3. Yes, I know that this means that I have 3 planes on the go right now.... The 109G4Trop is giving me paint scheme troubles.
  4. :k9lmao: Very good, Kelly.
  5. We were discussing it while flying Spits vs 109s last night. I was laughing so loud, Natalie came downstairs saying I woke her up! I loved that show...Laugh In too...."verrrrrrry interestingk......"
  6. 1.0 = 1000m, 1 "click" 0.3 = 300m You may only open fire on us if you are at 1.1 or greater.
  7. Ok; how can I cause my CRT to "die" and at the same time convince Natalie that I need a new 22" flat screen??
  8. I think that we've hijacked yet another thread. Sorry, JP: I feel your pain. I will make it my mission to personally take out Mr. Painless/Remorseless/Recognitionless next round.
  9. Chad? Isn't that your neighbor's boy?
  10. A4? What is this A4 nonsense? We have 11" x 8 1/2" paper here in the colonies, not this "A" or "B" silliness!
  11. Here's one from awhile ago... [attachthumb=1]
  12. Rattler

    ATI 3870

    The nice thing about waiting for the game to come out, or at least having the specs released, is that you can then use a 1-generation removed video card to upgrade to.
  13. Rattler

    cool avitar

    Nope, you aren't depraved: I thought so too! :blind:
  14. No. Mick: that's a mitten hanger to dry my kids' mitts after being out in the snow for several hours. I suppose that it could be used for hair care.......hmmmmmm Naw...
  15. Do they at least get the Kubota?
  16. Here's one of me in my Christmas present, #13 of the Oilers, Andrew Cogliano [attachthumb=1] And one of the devil cat who keeps messing up my Track IR, "Daisy" [attachthumb=2]
  17. That looks really cool, Chet.
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