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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. You may have seen my profile change on the forum.
  2. Rattler

    HL help

    Jest pullin' your chain, mate.
  3. Rattler

    HL help

    [sarcasm] "G" will allow a marvellous invention, called the "retractable landing gear" to descend from most machines in the sim, allowing the belly to have sufficient clearance from said terra firma, and prevent further embarrassment. [/sarcasm] Also, don't worry - we regularly prang our kites.....
  4. You choose: we hear you granola munchers swing both ways.....
  5. Rattler

    HL help

    No problem, mate!
  6. Rattler

    HL help

    Download the client as per normal, and run the executable. Select "Forgotten Battles" after clicking yes on the license agreement, put in a new nickname (DD_Wingnut, or just Wingnut, whatever, but it will be your in-game nic) and a password. Click on "connect", then confirm your password, then give an email address, and you'll be in! [attachthumb=1] [attachthumb=2] [attachthumb=3]
  7. How did we get onto the subject of your genitalia? HeeeeYYYYYYOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Zing! DT Woah!!!!
  8. I take it that you're over Sunday again, then?
  9. Do you have a Canon digital camera? CRW is a Canon letter code for labelling files.
  10. Here's Gamespy's take on it.....April 08 (patiently holding my breath for 2 months.....) http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/storm-of-war-b ... f-britain/
  11. Great to hear from you,mate, and congrats BTW!! No, no news on BoB SoW as yet....wait for when min. specs are released, and then I'll believe someone that it's coming soon....... Grrrrrrr
  12. This is what I got with my Badger Anthem 150 from my darling wife last Christmas.... [attachthumb=1] $80.00 CAN
  13. Neverwinter Nights 2 Mysteries of Westgate. Any really good combat flight sim that comes down the pike: i.e.: BOB SoW (2 weeks; be sure!)
  14. Holy cow! That is one huge bird! I have to admit, you Brits can make one pretty airplane... The DH Swallow comes to mind as well, and the DH Dragon....
  15. Rattler

    Roll Call

    I saw Quasi on YIM yesterday too, and asked about how things were. He said there was devastation 20 minutes in any direction from him, but they were ok, and none of his friends or loved ones were affected.
  16. Nae, mate - I work for a living and my parents were married when I was born.....
  17. That's also correct; multiplication does not worry about order, and without checking, I reversed them. 1.
  18. Monitor quit....I have to use that one..... I always could use an upgrade to my 19" CRT..........seems everyone else is getting flatscreens.
  19. :cat: My 3 cats approve of this post..... (Gus on the left, Daisy in the middle, Zoe on the right, just in case you're trying to figure out which one is which....)
  20. you multiply them because you have 1/2 of a group of 1/10.
  21. I can't play it. What codec do I need?
  22. Blairgowrie also has a good way of solving a situation like this - throw some easy numbers at it. BTW - you multiply them together because in math, "1/10th of 1/2", the "of" means x (multiply.) 2 x 4 = 8 means 2 groups "of" four.
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