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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by Rattler

  1. ROFLMAO....BG I agree! What are you studying, barley malts?
  2. Most evenings in North American time zones you can find several Dogz flying on Skies of Valor. Just check our TS channel, and come on in! We had a good time last night. About 8 of us on a late war map, then Dunkirk 1940.
  3. No point. Just a cool 404 page not found error webpage, that's all.
  4. I agree with GK. Just ask to wing with someone, and you'll usually get someone to fly with. There are many humble, unassuming Dogz, though, so don't be upset that no one pipes up right off of the bat. I'm sure that someone will work with you, though. I'll fly with you, when I get the chance. I don't get much coop flying during the weekdays though. Several of the NA Dogz fly in the evenings our time (2000-2400hrs MT; GMT-7)
  5. That's very cool. Smooth too - doesn't take up too much bandwidth.
  6. If you want, join the ladder challenge and have a go at one of the top fellows after you get out of the 'kiddie' pool. Or just set womething up on the side if you wish. I'm sure that someone would oblige you if you wanted that. Sign up here... We try not to pick on the new guys too much. It can cause bad feelings. That being said, there is a great range of skill in the Dogz, as some are more content to fly coops without worrying about their points or kills, etc.
  7. With complex engine management, you have to control the radiator setting (beyond the regular "auto/open and closed"), as well as supercharger settings, fuel mixture, and prop pitch. Not all planes have supercharger settings or prop pitch, but they all (almost all) have different radiator settings. Mixture is mainly needed for the Russian and some Japanese planes. If you don't use the engine settings, you won't get the best performance out of the plane.
  8. ...and pats her bum on the way out as well! Oh, my wife'll kill me for showing her this one, simply because IT'S SO TRUE!! :k9lmao:
  9. I tend to take the 190 in late war coops as well, simply because most Dogz don't. I don't like to give the Allied side a free ride! It doesn't always work out in my favour, as some of the BBury Ardennes missions are a bit weighted to the Allies' favour, but it's still fun to scream in from on high on the unsuspecting Allied ground pounders and rip their wings off.
  10. Rattler

    Hi All

    Salute, Doogerie. Glad to see you've found our humble abode. One of the desk clerks will be along shortly with some contact/server info and such. The Old Man may even drag himself out of his Scotch-induced stupor and deign to welcome you as well!
  11. If you're using mods, the new cockpits are high res (1024x728 or something) The regular cockpits are much smaller (250x 250 of some such.) Thy diabling the 109 cockpits, and that might give you better fps. Look for this folder, I believe: "Cockpits_BF_109_Mod"
  12. Personally, Carl, I think that people who wish the F-14 was still in service are thinking more from their heart than their brain. Don't get me wrong: it's always been one of my favorite planes ever. It was a fantastic plane when it entered service, and through the 90's, but it was sorely long in the tooth. Given the training regime of the US Navy, and the sheer number of launches and traps each plane takes, and the increased weight Tomcats were forced to carry, they were getting extremely worn out, and expensive to operate. Commonality of systems was the way to go, and the brass felt that the SuperBug gave them more bang for the buck. I sure hope that they go through with the AMRAAM 120D; it should be able to engage targets well over 100km (50% over the 120C-7).
  13. Looks, AWESOME, Snacko! I love the 'remove before takeoff' ribbon - nice touch!
  14. Most initial test flights of aircraft are done with the gear down, Mad Trooper, just in case of an emergency. They will most often do high speed taxi trials before takeoffs as well.
  15. Is postimage the host used when we upload a picture when we attach images under the 'additional options' menu of a post reply or new thread?
  16. I modified it, no it wasn't me that made it porn! Looks like PostImages or whoever are Rattler is well on the case, images are being removed. Our hosting company does not like images of that nature... Aye, I removed the pics temporarily. If the authors wish to fix them or delete them, go ahead, or if they don't have priveledges, they can ask myself or Roger to do so.
  17. I'm thinking that the source website for image hosting was hit and has been compromised.
  18. Rattler

    Good to go

    Can you post what mod version you are trying to install (352nd, or AAA?) Have you installed any other mods at all?
  19. No, Jabo - I googled it just awhile back, and your own English Electric Lightning could supercruise. First operational fighter to do so.
  20. and a mate! Have a great day!
  21. Nope. No joke. I'm sure that Roger will be along to sort things out, mate.
  22. Last year on Earth day in Calgary, power consumption was at 104% of the year previous.
  23. Of course, when he invaded France, he did so through neutral Belgium, thus upsetting Sged and calling on Friar, Roger, Mick, et al to come to Sged's defence via the treaty of Duxford whereby Sged's borders were guaranteed by Friar after Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo. The lad was soundly trounced by the blighters, and 1/2 of his room was given to France. Part of the den was given to Sged in compensation/reparation. Of course, this was all in revenge of the time when France was defeated by the upstart lad's great great grandfather, who after playing with his toy soldiers cried "I pwnd them! I pnwd them! RoXXors, blather blather blather...."
  24. We got 23 MPG last summer in our RAV4 pulling 3100lbs of trailer, and maxed out on cargo in the vehicle, going over the Rockies to Vancouver Island and back. Passed many vehicles on the hills too, even ones without trailers. It's a great little vehicle - we can get up to 34 MPG on the highway with it, but it's too fun to drive to get it very often! It has 270 horsepower (V6)
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