This might be a Canadian thing but has anyone seen the 2 TV Standard Life commercials. They are really outstanding.
The first depicts 2 Standard Life Actuaries who discuss the odds of certain things happening. In a beach scene, the first guy says there is a 20% chance of being stung by a jelly fish. The other guy says there is a 2% chance of stepping on chewing gum. Then one of the guys gets concerned and a massive dinosaur type thing steps into the set and one of the actuaries says he was just about to mention it.
The next ad is the same two guys in a street scene. One guy says there is a 20% chance of a car not stopping and there is a 12% chance of a bicycle making an illegal left turn. Then this dude, riding a Emu goes by, and one of the Actuaries says "What is the chances of that?' The other guy