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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/20 in all areas

  1. So I had a play with the Spit and got it off the ground but I cant find out how to set/center the VR view. The engine sounded really good I have sent Miles a PM about the PointCTRL so that might be on its way soon. I think that using that will help me with my control set up and if it works as well as I hope I should be give DCS a good go.
    1 point
  2. oooo! Hello everybody, It finally snows in Moscow while we continue the work on the new aircraft. Including the new Collector Planes for both the Western and Eastern fronts of the war - Yak-9, Yak-9T and Hurricane. Today we're ready to show you the progress achieved at the moment for the British Hurricane, which will have 5 (!) different modifications in our sim: Hurricane Mk.IIa: basic model armed with 8 ั… 7.69 mm Browning MGs; Hurricane Mk.IIb: the number of MGs has been increased to 12; Hurricane Mk.IIc: this model had 4 x 20 mm Hispano guns; Hurricane Mk.IId: anti-tank model armed with 2 x 40 mm Vickers-S guns and 2 x 7.69 mm MGs; Hurricane Mk.II with Soviet weaponry that was installed on the Lend-Lease aircraft: 2 ั… 12.7 mm UB MGs, 2 x 20 mm ShVAK guns and Soviet bomb and rocket holders. We hope that this nice selection of the Hurricane models suitable both for the Western and Eastern front would be a great addition to IL-2 Sturmovik series:
    1 point
  3. Great list of planes though๐Ÿ‘ Looking forward to the p40's particularly in the cliffs engine.
    1 point
  4. Buttkicker and banana should never be in the same thread title. That aside, other than a piece of sound software, what is banana and its particular relevance to VR?
    1 point
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