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S~ Gents! We have this huge super awesome surplus store here in Kitchener (yes, as in THE Lord Kitchener BTW). I had not been by in a few years though as its not in my area of town. Today I found myself driving by. What's great about the exterior is they have a full real T34/85 tank in the front parking lot and a full real Spitfire mounted on the roof. I'm not able to ID the version of this Spit, so I'd be greatful if someone can make a positive ID. See pics (tank not included). So I drive by and I'm admiring the Spit and the tank and quizzing my girlfriend on what they are - she's been told this info before so she's expected to remember! LOL - when I notice they've built a small addition onto the front of the huge surplus building. I swear my breath caught in my throat and I fealt slightly faint when I yanked the wheel over and we screeched into the parking lot.

There in front of me was a new shop nestled right under the Spitfire on the roof. It was a glory to behold... it's name... The Spitfire Emporium.

We parked and as I ran up to the front doors my girl friend informed me with a laugh that I am apparently "a plane nerd". I'm ok with that. I proved her right immediately as I asked her to take my pic in front of the store. (See pic)

So in we go. Everything Canadian military aviation you could imagine assailed my senses all at once. WII aviation paintings, images of Buzz Beurling, RCAF (vintage and current) T-shirts, hoodie sweaters, model aircraft, Spit's Hurri's, Mosquitoes and the iconic Lancaster all coming at me at once!!! Aaarrrrrgg!! My vision narrowed and I think I almost passed out because when the ringing in my ears eased a bit my girlfriend said "You'll be ok honey. Just breath, and go play." Man, she's awesome. There was too much to get pics of everything I wanted but I did grab a pic of a model Stuka that had about an 18" wing span and a huge Corsair that was at least 2.5 feet wide. (See pics)

After I had my fill (or I had had enough impatient looks) it was time to go. No purchesses today as wisely advised by my partner, as the state I was in I was preapred to blow the budget in one fowl swoop! I do know however, that for the next decade my birthday and x-mas ideas will be coming from The Spitfire Emporium.





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