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According to the oracle that is google translate (not jedipedia) this translates as 'snapshot in the cook'. Something lost there I feel.



Jediteo is correct. :) It is "Niederdeutsch", basically influenced by the medieval age and preserved. Especially in the northern parts (lower) of Germany. "Lower" (Nieder) means altitude here as "upper"(Hoch) usually means south (the alps). That also goes for the language - Niederdeutsch and Hochdeutsch. Niederdeutsch is also often called Plattdeutsch (Flat-German).

It means "Schau in die Küche" (look into the kitchen) and was a term used for high buildings and towers since you were able to look into the kitchen of the households of the settlement, village or city. It is likely that this sign indicates a high tower or building.

Due to German history you can find examples for this even outside of German territory today. Especially close to the baltic sea and generally North-East Europe. Danzig(Dantsig) in Poland or Tallinn in Estland are examples for this. Both towns have "Kiek in de Kök". In Germany it is usually "Kiek in the Köken" though.

"Kiek" is still a dialect term today. For example in Berlin some say "Was kiekste so?" which means "Was schaust du so?" or in english: "What are you looking at?"

"in de" is easy: "in die" or english "in the".

"Kök/Köken" is also easy as the German word is Küche/Küchen (kitchen in singular or plural).

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