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And its impressive.

thread here,


Main Features

• 6DoF support with over 100 fixed cockpits

• AI improvements

• Improved radiator & overheat modeling

• Difficulty option changes

• Bomb fuzes

• Stationary plane spawning

• Reworked bomb damage

• Control surface & pilot's head positions transferred over network

• Mouse wheel zoom

• Bombing commands

• Additional waypoint parameters

New Flyable Planes

• PE-8

• TB-7 M40

• IL-4

• Fw 190 A-4 1.42 ATA

• Mosquito XVIII "Tse-Tse"

New AI Planes

• TBD-1

• Hs 123

• IK-3

• Cant Z 506B

• Ki-45 Kai Hei

• Ki-45 Kai Tei

New ground units

• Autoblindo AB 41

• Carro Armato L6-40

• Carro Armato 13-40

• Semovente 47-32

• Semovente 75-18-40

• Crusader III

• Several new groups and companies based on existing tanks & vehicles

AND MORE... (see the Guide for details)

For the full readme, download at bottom of this post.

6dof, who saw that coming.

seems like we'll all be going slower on stock now,

Improved radiator & overheat modeling

4.11 introduces a more detailed and more accurate radiator model. It is different from the

previous model in many ways, the main differences being:

• radiator settings now have an impact on both water/cylinder and oil temperature

• outside temperature now has an impact on oil temperatures

• engine rpm has a bigger impact

• impact of WEP is dependent on extra power generated

• mixture setting has an impact

• the density of the air has an impact

• aircraft speed has a bigger impact

• there is no longer a fixed period after which damage occurs in case of overheat

• introducing a random chance for damage depending on how strongly the engine


• type of damage is depending on if it is water/cylinder or oil overheating

You will generally find that the planes overheat a lot more, in particular if you are not on a cold

map in fast level flight. As a guideline, on hotter maps you can expect fighters to be able to

sustain about 70% power at 70% pitch without overheating radiators closed, for bombers it is

somewhat more. The values in many cases are reasonably close to real life maximum

continuous settings (please don't go by cockpit gauges, they aren't always accurate).

If you start a low speed full power dogfight with a closed radiator, you can expect the engine

to overheat rapidly and to get damaged quickly. War emergency power settings should

therefore only be used in an emergency, otherwise your plane might get destroyed without

your enemy even firing a shot.

To keep engine temperatures low, remember:

• use low rpm (reduce pitch), in particular oil temperature are sensitive towards rpm

• use low throttle settings (and avoid WEP)

• open the radiator

• fly faster (don't climb at too low speeds)

• use an as rich mixture as possible



I think the most exciting part is for me is the A.I. improvements. This is going to be awesome!!! :rock: Now will all this translate over to UP 3.0 RC4? Probably not, have to wait for the new version me thinks. I would also like to track down exactly what changes were made to the F6F and F4U. Hopefully they've increased the speed a bit.


Oh, what an unexpected Xmas present! Makes for interesting reading. Have to agree, the AI improvements look great. Two weeks to release?...

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Wow....the full README certainly contains some interesting stuff for mission builders. I would suggest you have a read.

They seem to have incorporated quite a few of the UP3 features as standard now plus some interesting new ones.......

  • 2. Administrators

Yeah, it really does seem impressive, especially the AI and overheat.

AI no longer be able to dive past the dive limits, only been asking for that for about 9 years!!!!

Anyway, it will lead to some sort of decision to be made.

Obviously no one knows how much changes to existing classfiles have been made yet, but they will not be rewriting UP3 to go over 4.11, thats for sure.

UP3 may however reap some of the benefits, as its much easier to take for example the 4.11 AI code and put it into 4.10.1 than make all of the 4.10.1 mods fit 4.11, and they 'may' cherry pick the best stuff out.

From a personal point of view, i'll be keeping a clean 4.101, clean 4.11 and a UP3, and probably a modded 4.11 for eye candy and sounds.

If they could only all pull in the same direction, what a game!


If they could only all pull in the same direction, what a game!

Hit the nail square on there you did. It's just not human nature methinks. There always has to be the fellow with the whip. :whip2:

It does look impressive though. I'm glad I bought that 1T drive!


Obviously no one knows how much changes to existing classfiles have been made yet, but they will not be rewriting UP3 to go over 4.11, thats for sure.

Really? Why have they said something to the effect? Probably a lot of work but it might happen some time in the future, no??? It would be a real shame to have come this far only to leave things fragmented. As you said, hopefully many of the new features can be added to UP3. If not, that's kind of a deal breaker for me. Don't know but I think I'd much rather have better A.I., overheat modelling, and improved Navy fighters then UP3 and all it's goodness without these improvements. Wondering though if, between the F6F/F4U changes, new A.I. limitations and overheats, will the Pacific become an absolute mindless slaughter for the Japs??? Not that its not historically accurate to a large degree but it might make for some imbalance. Hopefully the new A.I. routines will offset this as sounds like their shooting will be somewhat better and flying more unpredictable. Anywho, sorry to say, but what a terrible cluster of crud this is turning out to be especial where mission building is concerned.


I'm sure there will be lots of pressure for many of these new features in UP3 or dare I say.....UP4??? :sheepsmile:

  • 2. Administrators

They've actually said that they haven't gone out of there way to make it difficult re compatibility, its just the way that it works, meaning changing so much of the stock game code will without doubt affect/break some mods for 4.101. As its taken them a year to turn UP2.01 based on 4.09 to UP3 based on 4.101, to expect them to scrub that and go to 4.11 is unlikely to say the least.

But this is all speculation at the moment by myself as to how much, I'm just drawing together all i've read on the different forums.

Certainly the general noise coming out of both camps is much less hostile than in times gone by.


They've actually said that they haven't gone out of there way to make it difficult re compatibility, its just the way that it works, meaning changing so much of the stock game code will without doubt affect/break some mods for 4.101. As its taken them a year to turn UP2.01 based on 4.09 to UP3 based on 4.101, to expect them to scrub that and go to 4.11 is unlikely to say the least.

But this is all speculation at the moment by myself as to how much, I'm just drawing together all i've read on the different forums.

Certainly the general noise coming out of both camps is much less hostile than in times gone by.

I here ya. Perhaps a changeover would not be quite as difficult however since much of the groundwork is already done. Well, time will tell. A boy can dream can't he?

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