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I've got something that would like to offer to everyone:

I read quite a bit, so in all the books I read, there are some that are biography's of pilots, bombardiers etc. So what the hell do I do when I'm finished with them... I normally give them to the salvation army not far from here, but wait a minute here.

How about we start a chain of passing these books on to each other?

Here How I think we could go about it, its a bit complicated but it might be worth it:

When I'm finished with a book, I announce it here on this thread or another and any dogz who wish to read it, send me an email with his address and I simply send it to him. Let's not bother with a system where You send me the money for the shipping and then I send it to you. I'll pay for the shipping. And its quite allright cause the dogz who got the book, once he's finish with it, well he do the same and send it to somebody else... So you receive a book for free and you pay the shipping to send it the next happy dogz. its the same 5-6$ that goes around.

Lets just make sure that if you request the book, you do read it and send forward so the chain is not broken.

The only problem is that after a while the tread could get quite long.

Well thats the basic idea

Any suggestion or is anybody interested?

Oh yeah ! by the way, I do read them in english... heheheh .



Very generous and a good idea for those who can bring themselves to do it.

I never give up a book, even if it sucks.

Once I get my grubby paws on it, it is mine till I die. Bought five books yesterday while in Maple Ridge and Langley ... went to hit some Antique shops with the wife ... I almost always find a book or two.

LBF had a great idea that I have taken up. If I have a soft cover, then acquire the hard cover I will pass along the soft cover one.


Well, if the book went around and its trip is finished from one to the other, then how about a little auction between us for the ones who would want to keep it and the money goes to pay for the web site?

We could have this little auction on teamspeak. Geee! imagine the mess,


Hey Drinksky...

You sure you don't want to reconsider, your aversion to a book in a PDF format?

This list despite its title of Master Book Archive is incomplete it has nearly doubled in size since I made this list.



Frankly I cannot keep up with the catalogue anymore and have all but given up. There is easily another 30-40 gig of the stuff here on various dvd discs.

This does not include documentary and other footage. I very nearly have a complete set of Die Deutch Wochenschau (The German Weekly News - propoganda from the War.)

If there is anything anyone wants just let me know, and I will get it to you somehow. :)

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Very impressive list Waldo, I think that just earned you the title 'K9 Librarian'.

What is the copyright status on those books, I ask because it has given me an Idea...


Very impressive list Waldo, I think that just earned you the title 'K9 Librarian'.

What is the copyright status on those books, I ask because it has given me an Idea...

Long winded answer...

In Canada, where prostitution is legal (the Trick is that COMMUNICATING for the purpose of prostitution is ILLEGAL, so if you can arrange a service and a price without communicating with the woman you're in the clear!) [i tell this story to illustrate how stupid some laws in Canada are!]

In Canada, the copywrite status, on just about anything I download (from just about anysite/or any method) is mine free and clear, so sayeth the Surpreme Court of Canada. (The ruling is a lot more complicated than that, but that is the essence of their decision.)

The American recording industry, of course - and understandably, is doing everything possible to compel the Canadian Government to specifically write a law that would reverse this Court based decision. However, being little pricks, and natural thorns in sides, the former governing party (The Liberal Party) was resisting this incursion on our sovereignty! The current Government (formed by the Conservative Party) is in Minority status and is sympathetic to big business, but thankfully too weak to affect even such minor change.

Canadian civics lesson over. :)


book time... :blob8:

I Finally got a bit of time to write about this book I have to give away...

It's Murray Peden's autobiography , a heavy bomber pilot from Winnipeg who flew for the RAF 214Th . The first half of the book is about his training, the rest about the Sterling bomber He flew on night missions for a while. A strange looking plane. Then a few mission moving spy from england to France and back. And this is where it get really interesting, he was re-train to fly a modified version of a B-17 that wasn't use for bombing but to jam German's radar with all kind of electronic devices installed on board. The crew would fly along the with the B-24 and scramble Germans signals.

Its a hardcover book. Title: "A thousand shall fall", 480 pages and I,ll


When I was a wee lad; well maybe around 15, I used to spend my summer holidays picking raspberries at my cousin's farm in the Carse of Gowrie. The Sea Furies from Leuchars Air base in Fife used to practice right over my head. They would come right down to within a few hundred feet. Bloody marvelous aircraft and I have fond memories of it. Hard to believe that was 55 years ago.

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