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Hey all,

As Rise of Flight needs skins to be official approved by community vote, myself and the rest of the ROF flyers would appreciate it if we could get as many of our fellow Dogz to Vote on a new Dangerdogz Rise of Flight Skin pack, that MadTrooper and myself have put a lot of work into, as possible. Please register at the Rise of Flight forums if you haven't already and vote on the poll topic here http://riseofflight.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=219&t=23160 . Once again thanks to all of you for all the hours of great flying and hijinks. Each skin has a dedication to our late patriarch BG on the tail section, so even if you don't like Rise of Flight you may want to vote just as a tribute. It would be great if we could show our strength and totally knock the poll out of the park. More skin packs will come soon, just speak with MadTrooper or myself if you would like help with a skin for ROF. :sheep1:


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Will do, but can't on the phone, will have to wait til I can get to the 'puter


Will do, but can't on the phone, will have to wait til I can get to the 'puter

Ah, isn't modern technology wonderful.


done and done. Absolutely first-rate job there. Those skins are increadible. Well done!


Vote in. Nice work guys. Very sharp, now I just have to learn how to fly that nasty little bugger.


Thanks Guys,

We really appreciate your support. Tribunus, just PM me or Mayhem with inputs about what you would like to have on your skin and we'll do it. Not a problem.




I voted too.

But I don't understand what this is.. Why do you need to have a custom DDz skin built into the game? Who else would want it besides us?


So others can see our skins when we fly on public servers (like Heliquins or Oceanic). It is both a good advertising tool and a recruiting tool. Plus it is an ego boost, lol.

Another plus is that we can use our skins in our own dogfight or co-ops without the need to turn "mods" on.


Ahh.. so RoF doesn't send the skins over the internet like IL2 in the game..

Negative on that Snacko, the skin themselves must be downloaded and installed via torrent from the official ROF skin packs available on the official ROF site. Both historical and "Fun" skins must be approved by the ROF community for use in the games 'mod OFF' or 'protected' mode which most servers use to prevent wacky looking skins from ruining the look of the game. Basically when ROF is updated they add approved skins identifiers to the code. If someone is using a skin downloaded in an official ROF approved skin pack and you have also downloaded and installed that same official skin pack, you will see that player wearing their skin. If you have not downloaded the official skin pack containing that skin, you will see them wearing a default skin.

The skin itself is not transmitted at any time when playing online. Only an identifier or pointer of what skin you or anyone else is using from an official pack is transmitted. Like I said, if you haven't downloaded that skin pack manually you won't see the skin. If a server supports 'mod ON' mode you CAN use any unofficial skin you want, and if anyone else in that server has installed that same unofficial skin they will see it. ROF however wants to maintain a level of quality control in the 'mode OFF' or what they call 'protected' mode, in which case you must be using a officially aopproved skin. Many server require 'mod OFF' (protected) mode or they won't let you connect. Even and if you TRY to select a unapproved skin when your ROF settings are set to 'mod off' mode ROF will not allow you to pick it or even view it in the hanger.

Even when making skins, if you want to see how they look in game you have to set ROF to 'mode off' unprotected mode. Then if you later want to join one of the more populated servers online, you have to remember to switch your settings back to 'mode on' mode. I'm not sure how it works in ROF in offline mode as I never use it hardly but it definitely applies to online mode. Hope that helps explain that clearly.

The whole scheme of the system makes it a bit of a pain to skin for ROF as each skin requires a description text file and screen shots that must be in a precise format as well as the skin conforming to certain brightness and contrast levels. All your files including screenshots must be put into a poll topic on the ROF skinning forums which doesn't allow you to upload anything directly so everything has to be hosted externally. Once you've gone through it all once however, it makes the whole process less painful the second time around.

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