FlatSpinMan Posted July 26, 2011 Posted July 26, 2011 Somebody say it ain't so! I just heard about this this morning and came here to post. Who do we have to 'hit' to sort this fuck up out, Jim? As long as none of us need to do it by flying and shooting or bombing we may be in with a chance. I will type this slowly as I know you are not a fast reader, BG. Unfortunately I've been away from this forum and Il2 pretty much for the last wee while due to real life. Since I signed up life has happened to me - good stuff though - 2 great little kids, we bought an apartment, nearly finished an M.A. - oh, and Rise of Flight's career mode came out too. That's pretty nifty. It all has kept me busy but I have been pleased to keep in touch, even sporadically, with you Jim. I still remember reading the welcome page and laughing out loud at the humour that is so representative of .. well, actually mainly just JP, but I presume the other guys sort of liked it too, or equally maybe they hated it but just barfed in their mouths and swallowed it down again uncomplaining, like the real men they are. "Say! How about a nice big cup of Shut the Fuck Up?!" and "The DangerDogz - we rarely weep openly in a mission" are the examples that leap to mind. That kind of sharp, self-deprecating (and other-deprecating) spirit really sucked me in, a complete breath of fresh air from other communities full of 'honour' and "chivalry" and other similar abstract nouns. You started it Jim. A haven for normal (I use that term generously) guys who want to play a great sim on-line, hang out and talk rubbish without having to take things seriously. Timezone differences meant that I never really flew with the Dogz though I do fondly remember the one or two times I managed it. Unescorted C-47's and there's me in a FW-190! As I said at the time, it was like porn for (sim)pilots! Naturally I fucked up the landing and died but then, you wouldn't have wanted it any other way, I'm sure. I also clearly remember how thoughtful and welcoming you were in inviting me here, explaining how co-ops worked, and helping me get teamspeak set up (Disclosure: I feel I should fess up - it just suddenly started working 'miraculously' 'cos I found the ON/OFF switch near the mike after about 15 minutes of your troubleshooting everything, not because I rebooted as I believe I may have... 'implied' at the time), as well as learning about who I am in our email exchanges. I thought we had some common ground in our life experiences, both being 'economic migrants' or should that be 'want-to-marry-exotic-and-ruthlessly-talented-and-capable-while-still-being-charming-foreign-women emigrants'. To contemplate just how much you achieved after uprooting yourself and travelling so far professionally, socially and personally is very impressive. Well done, Mr. Jim, I'm a fan. There's not many can claim to have done the things you have. Of course, this DangerDogz thing you started is going to hang around your neck like a reeking dead albatross, but hell, can't get 'em all right, can you? Good luck, BG. Kia kaha! (NZ Maori for "Be strong") Jude Quote
Fireman Posted July 26, 2011 Posted July 26, 2011 I too am one of those suckers, ahem, I mean members, who was recuited during my stint at Joint Ops. It is hard to believe quite a few years have passed since that day. I havent flown much in a while, but have tried keeping up with the posts. I had the honor of meeting BG a few years back (we live less than 2hrs apart and I wish we cud have bumped into one another a little more often) to have a coffee just prior to one of his trips to Duxford. The group of mutts he has assembled here are a testament (for good or bad...lol) to the type of person he is. He has given us all so much in the way of friendship and comraderie and so much more. Heres to you BG.... Quote
sged Posted July 26, 2011 Posted July 26, 2011 ~S~ Jim! Today I got an e-mail telling me about your condition, it felt like a cold shower! Also read your post about what happened, and I must say, many people can learn from your optimisme! I know I haven't been online anymore for quiet some time, but you, and all the DD's are still in my heart, even my Duxford experience has a special place in my heart. Just sad I've never met you in real life, but the many pictures and the chats made up for that. You have been an inspiration in harsh times, a true friend, patiently guiding me through my babysteps on IL2, pushing me gently towards my 1st virtual flyinglessons on joint-ops. I know I made you proud once I got my wings. You might be very happy to hear, that, after a 4 year break, I picked up my drumsticks again, and enjoying it even more then before. Last saturday, I played a mayor concert with Gene Taylor, a very gifted pianoplayer, and several clips have been posted on You Tube. Knowing that this music is to your liking, I'll post a link of a song from that day, that I want to dedicate to you, my friend. Saluting the biggest man I've ever had the pleasure to meet in life. Quote
Bun-Bun Posted July 26, 2011 Posted July 26, 2011 Jim, I remember the first night you flew with me, Ed and Duff. I stuck you in a P-39 and I flew a B-239 to see if you could make a deflection shot. I watched you take off and I wondered when you were going to raise your gear. You never did. Thanks for all the great Friday nights, Operation Beercan, Christmas over Bastogne, 262's smashing up the B-17 formation and hanging around with a bunch of Pony drivers. Now raise your gear and trim out dude... Your friend, Leon Quote
BBloke Posted July 26, 2011 Posted July 26, 2011 S~ Jim et al. You truly are a God amongst men. I feel priviledged, overwhelmed and humbled to have been a part of the group you created. Flying with the Dogz and Hounds was always a pleasure - All thanks to you You patience knows no bounds. Your selflessness, no limits. My warmest and heartfelt wishes to you and your family and all your fellow flying brothers. There's always a sheep in my pen with your name on it BBloke aka Chris Quote
Kira Posted July 27, 2011 Posted July 27, 2011 Jim, I just checked my joining inquiry post, and what I found astonished me. I couldn't believe it has only been four months that I've been officially a member of this group you created. Having read the introduction/welcome on the squadron page, I thought "Now here, finally, is a group that's in it for all the right reasons. Fun, Comradeship, and Flying (or perhaps, 'Comradeship, Fun, Flying')". After only two flights as a visitor, I was asked to officially join the group. The open friendship offered by the group hasn't abated since, and makes it feel like I've been here from the start. Knowing as little as I do about you, I can easily understand why I got that initial "this feels right" impression about this squad. Quite simply, a group will take on the direction, and by extension, personality, provided by its leader. I am quite fortunate to have known you, however brief the time. I only wish it could have been longer. Fair winds and following seas, my friend. Adam Quote
Bonger Posted July 27, 2011 Posted July 27, 2011 Man..... like some....it's has been awhile for sure........ I am so saddened to read the news of Jim's condition. Jim, I would first like to take this time to apologize to you and the rest of the Danger Dogs on my disappearance from the Squadron for nearly 2 years now. And most importantly I must thank you m8 from the bottom of my heart for letting this 1st time newbie join the DD under your wing during a SEOW campaign as your top turret gunner in a bomberand later on as your tail gunner in a IL2 with us as usual flying slow and low this was a baptism of fire I will never forget. Your one of a kind laugh and your endless patience we all witnessed during your loading of a dozen or so players on the many, many server hostings, your late night kind hearted expertise spent helping me tweak my graphics card and the land clearing stories you told us all on TS are few of the many things I am grateful for in having the pleasure in knowing you as the great person that you are. And with all that being said, I'm DAMN SURE by NOW you and Helen are cutting a well manicured lawn from Ottawa to the shores of Nova Scotia by now.... I salute you Blairgowrie! Peace my friend, Tim aka Quick Draw "Bonger" McGraw Quote
Shadow Posted July 27, 2011 Posted July 27, 2011 Hey Jim Yup, been a while, I know. But, I'll tell you something. Not a day goes by when something doesn't remind me of this zoo and the head zookeeper that brought me into it for so many years of fun and online frolicking. Just heard about your situation and thought I'd pop in and lend my voice to those already singing your praises. It has been a pleasure and an honor serving under you and being a part of the Dogz. I'd flown with a few squads but none showed me the support and humor that I experienced with this one. Thank you for bringing me into the fold so long ago and I truly wish you comfort in whatever comes next. Chuck Quote
Okie Posted July 27, 2011 Posted July 27, 2011 Jim, So much has been said already that is so true as to the amazing man you are. You should know that although I have not been an active member with the Dogs for some time I think of you often. I remember you befriending me years ago on the Community Help forum at UBI Zoo and then joining myself and the fellas for our Friday night flying. Hours and hours of flying under bridges and crakin wise. You should know that when I was struggling with the decision to move to Tulsa and start a new life with Yolanda you had an active part in that decision. You said, " Don't let the grass grow under your feat". A simple statement really but because it came from you it weighed heavily on me. Thanks for that. It was the best decision of my life. I pray that God will provide peace for you and Helen now. I love you my friend... Ed Quote
DoubleTap Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 Winter, 2005 - Nondescript mall on Long Island, New York I pick up a small CD case of IL2 Sturmovik in a game store. Having recently become interested in trying a flight sim again, I was looking for a new one, but had read a glowing review of this "older" sim a while back. It's only $10 dollars, so how can you go wrong? Still, I turn over the jewel case, and read the back, debating. Multi-player, historically accurate, mission builder, yes, nice, nice...OOH! You can strafe individual soldiers as they run for their lives?! Sold! On such small (and slightly psychopathic) decisions are larger adventures made. Summer, 2007 - Historic Airfield at Duxford, England I stand under a brilliant, blue English sky, the sun pouring down on a gorgeous countryside which stirs something deep in a Yank's soul which would be hard to explain. Overhead Spitfires, Hurricanes and dozens of other works of art which in another era were tools of war roar and growl, climbing and pouncing. Beside me stand both men I have only just met face to face yesterday, but whom I have known and counted as friends for much longer, and a childhood friend from Long Island. That afternoon, and that whole trip, even just a weekend, was a phenomenal experience and one of the most cherished of my life. I met kindred spirits from other nations, drank and laughed with them, shared our mutual history and deep love for a bygone era in which the very best of mankind squared off against the very worst, and prevailed. I owe one man for that once in a lifetime experience, for that memory of sun soaked English fields, boundless sky, and elegant machines racing through the clouds. I owe him for friendships both made and made stronger, for days of laughs and camaraderie, for creativity unleashed and challenges overcome. Jim, I thank you for allowing me to join the DangerDogz years ago, and for being the heart, soul and Patriarch of this group which has given me so many great memories. It is an ASTOUNDING thing to think how many disparate characters were brought together from so many different places to not only meet virtually for years, but that so many would travel so far, across oceans, to meet one another in person. That is, it is astounding until one comes to understand the kind of person you are, the personality you possess, and the spirit that lies within. From then on, it all kind of makes perfect sense. I will sip a wee bit of whiskey in salute to you tonight, Jim, and I hope you will understand just how very much you are admired and loved. Glenn "Doubletap" Perreira Quote
gec Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 hi Jim, it was not you who called me here, but i'm truly grateful to Painless who dragged me here and to you for letting my, not always so pleasant mug, stay here. it is a privilege to be a part of this fine group shaped in many, if not all ways by you. Salute Sir! Gec Quote
Hamilhoff Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 Hi Jim, it's been a long time since Jabo brought me to the Pound but I still recall how welcoming you were. It's funny but considering I struggled to even get my kite in the air, you never made me feel like an outsider and always had kind word of advice... Like "maybe just watch the next mission" or "have you thought about being an air gunner?" ). Despite the fact that it's been nearly three years since I last flew with you guys (due to move over to Australia), I still have fond memories of our trip to Duxford and of the many nights I spent flying with the Dogz. You made something very special and despite being MIA, I will be back someday to fly again. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but I know that we'll see you again up there again in that dark blue world. Come to the edge. We might fall. Come to the edge. It's too high! COME TO THE EDGE! And they came, and he pushed, and they flew. Tally Ho BG Hamilhoff Quote
Shadrach Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 Only been with the Dogz 18 months so still a toddler but can honestly say that since joining I haven't flown online anywhere else it is that good - if a little strange. Salute! Quote
Dance Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 My thoughts are with you and your wife BG, you were invaluable to me over at the zoo, keeping the quiz going, sorting out disputes. You are invaluable. Quote
danjama Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 I posted this over at Ubi, but I want to copy it here too, so that it's not missed. How saddening it is that i'm logging in (registering at these forums) today to reply to this topic. I've been involved in il2 online for many years, and have met many friends I otherwise wouldn't have, and I respect and value all of them. Though I have never held a lengthy conversation with or hours of profound tongue wagging with BG or - Jim, I still consider him a friend, and a decent, proud person, a person whose presence I have always appreciated here on the (ubi) forum. I flew with the DD's a few times, in 2010, but never got the chance to again, for various reasons (but the times i did fly with them, were always refreshingly relaxed and really fun, compared to other squads and servers). However, he made a great impression with me while on comms, and I am honestly saddened inside to read about these events - they couldn't be more remote in relation to my life, but they still have had this effect on me. I now wish I spent more time getting to know him, and actually, I feel the same way about alot of people in my own life. I don't know the situation...if a recovery is possible, but I will hope for it as hard as I can. I wouldn't want him stolen away from his family and loved ones. If he does have to leave them, then i'll just say well done to him, for being the man that he is, to his family and loved ones, and maybe i'll see him on the other side. The great mystery that is death could now be upon him, and i'm sorry. Tally Ho', BG. Quote
Strider Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 ~S~ At a typical DD co-op session, enroute to the target: Quazi: Five dollar foot-long...(sung in that great southern drawl) Strider: Hey, Quazi. I was thinking about you when I was in court yesterday. Quazi: Howzzat? Strider: It was the weekly hooker court when they have them all show up together. I looked at the bunch of them sitting in the courtroom along with a few Johns and thought to myself "Five dollar hosebags" and it sounded like your voice! Quazi: You doan say. I had to move my headset from the multitude of bursts of loud guffawing and laughter that nearly deafened me. That and many more similar as well as more personal experiences with the guys and especially with you, Jim, are what I'll treasure for the rest of my life. It's what kept me coming back week after week (usually getting creamed in the game) because it was always a guaranteed good time with BG and the boys from all over the world (until R/L interrupted me as it does all of us from time to time---I'll be back). The world is a far better place for you having been here, M8. It wouldn't have near the problems it has if only there were more like you. I learned more about life from you than possibly anyone else. Thank you so much. Ditto all the accolades above. Clear skies and a gentle tailwind wherever you fly, M8! I'll be your wingman soon enough. ~S~ to you and to all the Danger dogz! Bill Quote
Kira Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 Several individuals from RealJambo's forum wished for me to add their thoughts and prayers here. Celeon999 Im very saddened to hear this. I had no idea about his condition until now. I sadly have experience with this damn disease within my own family aswell so rest assured BG, that i know all that comes along with it. Ive read this thread here and the posts leave no doubt that you have a lot of friends whose thoughts are with you and wish you all the best. Please count me in aswell mate. Real Jambo A sad post but nevertheless an important one, which is very welcome here. Thank you for letting us know. Although I only rarely played IL-2 I remember Blairgowrie well from the Ubi days. You tend to remember people for one of two reasons - either for good or bad. Blairgowrie definitely falls in to the category of 'good'. Please pass on my thoughts to him and his family. fireftr18 I didn't know Blairgowrie, but my thoughts and prayers are still with him. It sounds like he fought a good fight and will be heading to the home base where we all will meet someday. I'm sure his new wingman will guide him well. Maverick We all know these people, but in reality we don't know these people..Apart from on a few occasions the people of this and other forums never actually meet but we all still manage to find some bond that runs between us. BG was one of those people..I read his posts and just accepted that he was one of the people on the Ubi forum. Now he becomes a human being and it is sad what he is now having to endure. I wish all the best to him and to his family. These are difficult times for them to deal with. Quote
danjama Posted July 28, 2011 Posted July 28, 2011 I only want to add, that reading through this topic tonight has really touched me. It's such a beautiful reflection of the man himself. Quote
Bucky Posted July 29, 2011 Posted July 29, 2011 Jim, I first met you in December 2006 on the ubizoo forums, back when my callsign was Stihlcanuck.I joined up with the Danger Dogz a short time after and you remembered me from the ubizoo.You helped me get setup to fly online,as I was new to everything.The DDz are the first and only squad I ever joined. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Sincerely, Bucky Quote
JG52Uther Posted July 29, 2011 Posted July 29, 2011 BG I will always remember first meeting you in person at Duxford, and many personal chats at the ubi forum. A true gentleman and I feel honoured to have known you. May you and your family find true peace. How I would like to remember you,in the sunshine at Duxford 2007 Quote
Mayhem Posted July 29, 2011 Posted July 29, 2011 On 7/26/2011 at 6:04 AM, T_O_A_D said: I'm a little late for the party, but I've been busting my ass, and stepping out of my comfort zone this week, and especially tonight. I'll explain in a bit. Your the blame! Be Sure! Since 2003 I've been enjoying your company, post/comms/target drone ;-) in some sort of way.\ I've always been fascinated by your Brother pic, and the story behind it. Soon you guys will meet and talk again, I hope. I recall you defending my honor, right after I had become a Moderator over at UBI. Even before we had really even started to be Friends, deeper than Forum members. I then, set aside a spot in my heart for you m8! I recall this following post. You had a Dream, and you lived it. http://forums.ubi.co...07926#287107926 Quote blairgowrie Posted Fri August 27 2004 I was born just after WW11 started which means my 65th is coming up soon. I love this game more each day. My dream is to have high speed Internet in this area soon. We will be able for years to come, and look back at your words, and keep them dear to our hearts, due to the wonders of today's technology. I recall the day you approached me, and told me you would like to make me an Honorary Dog. I was a bit humbled, and didn't know how to say no. I'm sure glad I stammered on the words, and choked my way into this fine group. After being in management for several years, and Moderating over UBI I finally had a place to cut up and be myself. Because if it/you, I've been invited to enjoy a couch tour anytime I can make it to the UK. I was never more happy than to include you over at UBI and a few others, as Moderators. We won't mention them, this is all about you bud! And we all appreciate the work you have done there. Well this week I decided, due to a current project, to step out from under my rock, and leap into on-coming traffic. I stopped at Walmart tonight after working all day, and picked up my first bottle of Scotch (in your Honor) Went home cracked it open, and added some Honey to it, then warmed it up, and drank it, to help clear this Summer cold/flem in my throat. I then downloaded Audacity, and a Karaoke instrumental sound track tonight, and started belting out some Lyrics. I haven't sang much, if any since High school except to the radio in the car. Well after about 5 hours, I came up with this, Duet with myself. Why a Duet, well I couldn't get it right enough without a Wingman. Besides how many times have you wondered if there wasn't two of me, while being used as Fodder? Its a song called My Old Friend by Tim Mcgraw I can't afford to give you material things, but I can give you a piece of me, for all of you, that has been freely shared over the years. It's not perfect, but its Dogz rough, and the typical, dive in, and worry about getting out alive later. Dogz fighting style. I hope it brings a tear to your hardened heart, you Old Goat. Helen just download, and play in Windows media Player Edit: My daughter just told me, that's the sound of twin toads on your tail Also just learned how to fade out at the end with the software, so recompiled the song. I've been playing with Audacity some more, And have removed some of the Duet effect, and made it an Mp3 to save some space. Quote My old friend, I recallThe times we had hanging on my wall I wouldn't trade them for gold Cause they laugh and they cry me Somehow sanctify me They're woven in the stories I have told And tell again My old friend, I apologize For the years that have passed Since the last time you and I Dusted off those memories But the running and the races The people and the places There's always somewhere else I had to be Time gets thin, my old friend Don't know why, don't know why Don't know why, don't know why My old friend, this song's for you Cause a few simple verses Was the least that I could do To tell the world that you were here Cause the love and the laughter Will live on long after All of the sadness and the tears We'll meet again, my old friend Goodbye, goodbye Goodbye, goodbye My old friend, my old friend Goodbye, goodbye I can hear you now. Helen I've seen and heard it all now. Toad sang me a song, Give me another scotch to go please. Cancer its such a ruthless, self serving bastard. But it does often give us the remaining, a chance to express our love and thoughts to the poor SOD fighting it. Unlike the silent killers, Heart Attack, Stroke and so forth. Leaving the living, left wondering, and struck with a painful empty void in their hearts. Thanks Jim! For being strong enough to fight this beast, and giving us the gift of your remaining time with us. See ya later today M8! Pretty Dang obvious, We all Love man! Your Friend Todd Great song Todd, I musta missed that one. Hope you don't mind but I processed your song just a bit. Hope you like it. My old Freind by T_O_A_D v2.mp3Fetching info... Quote
T_O_A_D Posted July 29, 2011 Posted July 29, 2011 No problem Mayhem, I could use any advise available. I just started playing with this stuff. I added a link to it on a place called Songtube. earlier after you made this post. When I get home I'll listen to your work on it, and probably update that file too. External link http://www.song-tube.com/audio/My_old_Freind_by_TOAD Ok at home, how did ya do that? it has better and worse sound qualities. Lets take this to the private side, and a new thread, I don't want this thread Hijacked. Quote
Snacko Posted July 29, 2011 Posted July 29, 2011 Wow, even though this may be way too much to read, I am amazed at all the names I have heard about but never met. I've been here about 3 years and feel like a noob in this thread. I have not been able to post because I am up at the lake on vacation with a shitty internet connection. I am not used to that as many of you know! It's taking me 3-4 minutes just to load the DDz webpage!! So, I have been holding off posting anywhere, but I hope this goes through, and I'll keep it short.. I do also thank BG and all the DDz who started this squadron! The dedication to continue to host many coop sessions each week for 7 years is absolutly amazing. I admit I could not do it, but am grateful to all of you who have been faithful in filling in for BG and for BG to keep it going! This is probably too much already. Hope the post makes it. See y'all when I get home. Snack Quote
Dr. Killpatient Posted July 29, 2011 Posted July 29, 2011 Jim, Thanks for letting me get to know you and your excellent squadron by openly inviting us fellows from other squads to join in on your missions...I do miss the days when we flew together on Saturday afternoons & wish I'd made it more often over the past few months. Great company and lots of laughs... Stay strong & Godspeed, my friend. - Matt (II/.JG53_Dok) Quote
Sulky Posted July 29, 2011 Posted July 29, 2011 i feel bad, that i have missed so much of the goings on here in the last nine months due to our country (uk) trying a last chance bit of sabre rattling. I have only been back a few weeks but in that time i have been trying to move myself and my family to gibraltar, and with that havent been active at all with the dogz. I do try and look on the forums as much as i can at the moment for one reason only, to hear Jim tell us how he is getting on and how sometimes things are hard but a little dram helps him every now and again......... you are a true fighter my friend I came here a couple of years ago and jim was the first person i met and too be honest a nicer person you could never meet. You are a true legend Sir. Salute Quote
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