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You have created what very few have ever been able to; a home and a family that transcends physical proximity. My wife told me today that a rather rich man donates money to a community nature trails organization with the expectation that his name will be put on large signs with large text everywhere on the trails. Some people try to buy immortality, the best people create it by caring and supporting others, like a family. You are far richer that the man who buys status, you have earned it in all of our eyes. Thank you for giving me a place in your family.


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Well it's not hard to see from the great outpouring of support that you've touched many and made their lives all that much better in this too often hard and cold world. What can I say that hasn't been said. From the flying to the laughing, the learning to the teaching, the triumphs and defeats, the Dogz provide a truly rich and unique experience. I've learned so much about flying, tactics, and history from hanging out with the crew. Getting such a fulfilling experience in air combat, history and social studies couldn't be found anywhere else and for that I am very grateful to you. Take heart there is a better life around the corner. I never had the pleasure of meeting you face to face so perhaps we'll meet next time around, I'll bring the scotch. ;)


BG... I don't have the proper words to express how I feel right now .. but I pray that you are able to read this and know that you are loved by all who you've touched over the years with your warmth and friendly demeanor ..

I remember when I first started with the Dogs and how you helped me work through the game .. learning how to play it and how you always held the game or restarted for me if I was to come in a little late ... I will never forget your kindness and pray that you will recover to hit that "fly" button again.

They say you can tell a man's worth by the amount of friends he has .. BG, you are the wealthiest man I know and I am all the richer for having you as my friend

I will see you again , that I am sure of .. keep a seat for me in the ready room and we'll share a cup of tea before firing up the Spits and heading out on Patrol

Oh and one last thing ... PISS OFF BG !!! lol

I love you Jimmy

Thanks for everything




I thank you so much BG for the friendship and , the endless hours of fun online, and the awesome leadership you have presented for your squad, I was not able to attend the numerous times at Duxford but was there in spirit with you always.

I will always cherish your friendship, you are more than just a friend, part dad, part uncle, and a whole lot of brother.


Salute BG

I've been fortunate to be in aviation and around aviators these last 44 years but I've been really blessed to be included with you and your group of Pilots here with the Dogz. I knew I found the right place the very 1st time I flew with you.



Wow Jim...seven years later...look at the monster you created.

Our friendship grew from simple kindness. I exchanged a few posts with you, fascinated by the pic on your original sig - who I found was your older brother. From there an offer to send you a book and a return invite to join you, Cold_Gambler (what kind of name is that, Angus), GurryPuddle (WTF does that mean Ed?), BunBun and Duffbear for a night of flying.

I remember that first night well: the six of us starting with B239's against Il2's, and the night finished hours and several scotches later with a free for all...flying under bridges for fun.

I think you said the invite was to balance out the amount of Canadians and Americans at three apiece. Who'd ever figure we'd need to balance out Brits, and so many various Europeans as well.

Eventually, we met up with the Hell Hounds (trivia: did you know it was Dubbo who came up with the name DangerDogz? The double D's came like D-Day. First letter of the word. Just like the Hell Hounds). Back then it was only flying on Saturday. We'd fly first then go join BeeBop, Dubbo, PlanB (aka uditoo), Zeus-Cat, Quazi and the nutjob know as LuckyBoy.

More trivia: Jim's suggestion for our squad was the Cunning Stunts. I would hate to think how the logo would turn out. The first logo, also courtesy of Dubbo I think, was Snoopy in his flying hat against a red circle background.

Special times. The game was newer and the squad mates were just getting to know each other. Someone joining in was special.

Bun, Leon and Duff eventually stopped flying and we had an epic decision: Accept the HH's invite to join them...or expand. Well, being the business guru you are, we decided to expand and thus the first recruitment post went up July 31, 2005. http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/48310655/m/4021028243/p/1

First person responding was the killer known at Rattler. Then the floodgates opened and we got the Brits like Rog, Friar, Painless...and the likes of Doubletap and Psycho and so many great friends from the US. My brother Badaim among them.

Since then we've had over 93,000 visitors to our recruitment thread. More than any other squad.

I remember you chortling over each and every new sucker recruit who you reeled in. Doing Joint Ops and raping and pillaging them for members was your best one.

A lot has come about since then. We had at least a hundred join (who can keep track) and almost just as many leave (losers).

Through that time we've had one constant. Sheep.

Well, two I guess. Sheep and your friendship and stewardship.

Many don't know, but I've used Jim as a business mentor through the years. I've consulted him on job changes, business decisions, moves (we're now in our 3rd city since I met Jim) and business ethics. Some of the toughest decisions I've made in business have been after consulting Jim. He has been a business and moral guide for me for many years.

After accepting my first move - but before I left (Jim tried to convince me to stay in Ontario where he lived. I almost did, as gay as it may sound, I wanted to live close to Jim) I drove out to Trenton, Ontario with Jensen and Parker to the Trenton airbase to meet up with Jim and see the Halifax they were rebuilding. Helen came along. True to Jim's habit, he left her in the car most of the time. We spent a good day together and then I took off. Angus, giving us a glimpse of his future, was not allowed by his wife to join us...lol.

Since then I've been lucky enough to visit with Jim and Helen in Duxford and at his house.

Ah, the famous house. All these years I've been telling everyone of Jim's wealth and land holdings. I think some of you didn't believe me. Some of it was myth...much of it was true. It was nice to see it first hand. I think it should be a pilgrimage required once in your life. The Mecca of the DD's...except with scotch. Lot's of scotch. On nights when I feel down, I read through the recruitment threads and revel in the humour and first posts by many of the Dogz as they seek to join the best damn squad in the Il2 world.

Jim, my friend, you've created so much.

Hundreds of us have become friends - nay, family members - because of your selflessness, love and generosity. I myself have met about 30 to 40 Dogz, from Vancouver Island to Toronto to the US to England to wherever the hell FT is from (I think he is Irish?). I will have this new family forever because of you.

Most of all, I will have forever you in my heart and my prayers.

I'm a wealthy person in so many ways. Wealthy in family, in fortune (ok, middle class) and friends and opportunity. But I'm a richer and better person for knowing you.

You are my friend and brother.



Thanks for all the help an patience you gave me when I first joined and had so many problems especially with team speak, and thanks for all the many hours of dedication you have given to all of us.

It was a privilege sharing dinner with you and Helen when you passed through the Detroit area. Wish I could have made it to Duxford with you and the dogzs.

Warm Regards



BG Thanks for all the fun of wasted time but it has been fun and again I say thank most of all for letting me fly with DDz hope to see ya on the other side in the real heaven may God be your co-pilot. I will be praying for ya.

Your friend Fastdad

P.S. I've finally learn to land with crashing, and again thanks for all the fun.



When you welcomed me to the dog pack 4 years ago, I was a rookie who didn't know a stick from a rudder pedal. And I still don't!! Thanks for the great times, my friend.



As you know I've been away from the sim for quite a while. But I will never forget the kind treatment you gave me and your invite to join the squadron. I learned a lot and had a great time while I was here. I will never forget the help and friendship you provided for me.



BG, you've done a great job with so much in your life, this squadron is just another example of your talents applied. I won't be able to drop by later on TS, nor make the trip in person, but I want you to know that this world has surely been better because of you. You've built up everything that you've touched, but most importantly, you've built up everyONE that you've touched. That's the mark you've made, your legacy, and that's pretty special. Thank you for making my life a little better, a little happier.

There's one other thing- I used to needle you about being senile, a joke of course, in light of your obvious intellectual gifts, but stopped when I found out that it bothered you. God, man, do I ever wish now that you'd get the chance...

Take care, m8, and until we meet again, happy landings!


I'm a little late for the party, but I've been busting my ass, and stepping out of my comfort zone this week, and especially tonight.

I'll explain in a bit.

Your the blame!

Be Sure!

Since 2003 I've been enjoying your company, post/comms/target drone ;-) in some sort of way.\

I've always been fascinated by your Brother pic, and the story behind it.

Soon you guys will meet and talk again, I hope.

I recall you defending my honor, right after I had become a Moderator over at UBI. Even before we had really even started to be Friends, deeper than Forum members.

I then, set aside a spot in my heart for you m8!

I recall this following post.

You had a Dream, and you lived it.



Posted Fri August 27 2004

I was born just after WW11 started which means my 65th is coming up soon. I love this game more each day. My dream is to have high speed Internet in this area soon.

We will be able for years to come, and look back at your words, and keep them dear to our hearts, due to the wonders of today's technology.

I recall the day you approached me, and told me you would like to make me an Honorary Dog.

I was a bit humbled, and didn't know how to say no.

I'm sure glad I stammered on the words, and choked my way into this fine group.

After being in management for several years, and Moderating over UBI I finally had a place to cut up and be myself. :icon_shaking2:

Because if it/you, I've been invited to enjoy a couch tour anytime I can make it to the UK.

I was never more happy than to include you over at UBI and a few others, as Moderators. We won't mention them, this is all about you bud!

And we all appreciate the work you have done there.

Well this week I decided, due to a current project, to step out from under my rock, and leap into on-coming traffic. :o

I stopped at Walmart tonight after working all day, and picked up my first bottle of Scotch (in your Honor) Went home cracked it open, and added some Honey to it, then warmed it up, and drank it, to help clear this Summer cold/flem in my throat.

I then downloaded Audacity, and a Karaoke instrumental sound track tonight, and started belting out some Lyrics.

I haven't sang much, if any since High school except to the radio in the car.

Well after about 5 hours, I came up with this, Duet with myself.

Why a Duet, well I couldn't get it right enough without a Wingman.

Besides how many times have you wondered if there wasn't two of me, while being used as Fodder?

Its a song called

My Old Friend

by Tim Mcgraw

I can't afford to give you material things, but I can give you a piece of me, for all of you, that has been freely shared over the years.

It's not perfect, but its Dogz rough, and the typical, dive in, and worry about getting out alive later. Dogz fighting style.

I hope it brings a tear to your hardened heart, you Old Goat.

Helen just download, and play in Windows media Player

My old Friend by toad.mp3

External link here for song


My old friend, I recall

The times we had hanging on my wall

I wouldn't trade them for gold

Cause they laugh and they cry me

Somehow sanctify me

They're woven in the stories I have told

And tell again

My old friend, I apologize

For the years that have passed

Since the last time you and I

Dusted off those memories

But the running and the races

The people and the places

There's always somewhere else I had to be

Time gets thin, my old friend

Don't know why, don't know why

Don't know why, don't know why

My old friend, this song's for you

Cause a few simple verses

Was the least that I could do

To tell the world that you were here

Cause the love and the laughter

Will live on long after

All of the sadness and the tears

We'll meet again, my old friend

Goodbye, goodbye

Goodbye, goodbye

My old friend, my old friend

Goodbye, goodbye

I can hear you now.

Helen I've seen and heard it all now.

Toad sang me a song, Give me another scotch to go please. <_<

Cancer its such a ruthless, self serving bastard.

But it does often give us the remaining, a chance to express our love and thoughts to the poor SOD fighting it.

Unlike the silent killers, Heart Attack, Stroke and so forth.

Leaving the living, left wondering, and struck with a painful empty void in their hearts.

Thanks Jim! For being strong enough to fight this beast, and giving us the gift of your remaining time with us.

See ya later today M8!

Pretty Dang obvious, We all Love man!

Your Friend



Dear Jim,

Thanks for sentencing me to serve with the K9s. I can't remember when or how I was roped in, all I do remember back then was how cool this group of scumbags were. First thing that struck me was how you knew the first name of EVERYONE, that says a lot to me. Second thing, was how down to earth everyone was. No uppity Major-Colonels you had to salute in game chat :blush: just grab a kite and get up there. Kill or be killed. Give Painless some jip, the standard stuff.

I would also like to apologize for any grief I gave you. With crap like, "Jim, you've left unlimited ammo on, again!" or "...hit fly Jim, we're waiting..." as you refilled your whiskey glass for the third time that evening/afternoon. ^_^

There's been so many fun times with the Dogz. I flew as your wingman on many occasions (especially if I wanted a good laugh) and once remembered vividly, following close behind your flame painted P-38 in another Ardennes ground attack mission, and thinking to myself, "...where the hell are we going? The front line is back there!.." and as you bombs left the rack, I imagined, "... here comes another load of negative points for Jim..." We often said you would of been court-martialled by General Patton if you ever did fly for real in WWII.

You do attract some amazing blokes to this squad (sounds a bit gay that), which is a testament do your outstanding character.

I'm only sad I never got to meet you in real life.

All the best,



Thanks to you Jim I found a great bunch of guys I am proud to call friends even though we have never met. You turned a $5.00 game into a meeting point that has and will give great pleasure to many. In my own bad times I knew I could always log on and hear friendly and comforting voices. It goes without saying that you have hundreds of guys like me that have never met you but would always be there for you. Salute my friend :bow: Jim,"Dino"


Oy BG!!

Rog told me that you're still holding your ground with fixed bayonet and ammo runing low.


You are not alone Jim.

See, many of us came.

All of us.

Don't be afraid ...or sad...old dragon.

Time of fear and sorrow is gone for you.

It was just a dream BG.

And you are about to be awoke.

At much better place than this shithole that we call world.

And then...one day... we shall stand our ground and fight same battle as you now.

One by one.

And you will lead us.

One more time.

Salute Jim!

Good speed you Sir.



Only a little longer than two years since you first guided my faint steps into what became part of my daily life. Even my wife and my parents know some characters from the kennel, and although they don't speak english sometimes when they hear me talking in TS they ask me "who is FT" or "BG" - and i tell them that you are MY FRIENDS from across the lake or a bit closer ...So sorry i was not able to meet with you and the rest of bunch at Duxford but than again life gives us twists beyond our possibilities to avoid.

I think YOU have created a bond extending over the borders of space and time , where people learned more about respecting , understanding and helping each other in a time where society demands us to be selfish, uncaring and ruthless.

You should be proud on what you achieved by getting us all together,

Now i only wonder who's gonna say "Stop it there Jedi!" when interminably explanations will occur ...

Thank You Sir,

A proud Dog



~S~ Jim,

It's sad that it's taken such news to get me back here.

I still remember the night in September 2007 when I popped up on your server, un-announced and (sort of) uninvited. WTF you said, who are you....? It didn't seem to matter very much, the welcome was warm and the flying good, even if I could do barely more than take off. I wanted to join the Dogz so much I even went through Joint Ops... 4 years later, still can't fly worth a damn, but the welcome and friendship is as warm as ever. You have created a very special bunch of misfits and reprobates (no names - you know who you are..) from all over the world, and I was privileged to meet some of them and you and Helen at Duxford 2010.

I haven't flown much lately due to my own "problems" - how trivial they seem compared to some. Time to take a leaf out of your book, and make an effort to return to something I enjoyed so much.

You and Helen are in my thoughts.

Rest easy my friend.



Sorry to intrude upon your squadron forums but I've recently learned of Bg's situation and knowing he and his wife Helen are following this thread wanted to add my thoughts if I may.

I'm very fortunate to work with such a dedicated team of moderators on the forums of which Bg you are most definitely one. I've only ever had the privilege to know you in a professional capacity but in that time have known you to be one of the most dedicated community members I know across countless game forums both official and fansite. You're always willing to help others, and always been on hand when I've required you're assistance without a second thought. I have the upmost respect for you, my thoughts are with you and your family x


Well I'm a newbie around here and I haven't really flown with anyone yet but already my impression of this group is that you're a spectacularly kind and human collection of people who share a common interest. If you are the reason this group exists then you deserve a lot of respect and credit. I hope whatever you are contending with meets you with a positive outcome.


Hope I get to meet you some time.


I first spoke with BG around 2006 and he was an instant friend, inviting me into the DD group and teaching me everything he knew. Heck, he even invited me for a stay at his home (though unfortunately I never made it to the far north to visit). He's always been good for a warm welcome and a joke, some jokes being more appropriate than others. :) Jim, I remember you telling me the story of your brother and how proud of him you seemed. I haven't had the internet at home for the last five or so years (and thus haven't been able to fly with the DD) but to this day, from time to time, I stop and wonder how my friend Jim is doing up north and I smile at how fond we can all become of a man that we play silly games with, a man who many of us have never met.

Jim, all the best to you and your family my friend. You're in my thoughts and always have been. Thanks for the smiles, all million of 'em. :)

~Sloan (Arin) from Virginia



I don't believe that it is possible for me to adequately thank you for all of the many acts of kindness and consideration that you have shown me over the years.

I had never flown on-line prior to joining the Dogz, nor had I ever used TeamSpeak. But no matter what problem or question I had, you were always there to offer friendly and helpful advice. You also graciously assisted me with keeping up with the Mods, by mailing me dics containing the huge Mods that I could not have possibly downloaded over the internet connection that I have here in Egypt.

But more than anything, I want to thank you for creating and sustaining this wonderful group of people who make up the Danger Dogz. Jim, you have created a real community of people here from all over the globe. People who have gone from having a common interest in IL-2, to people who have come together and become real 'Mates'.

That Sir, is no small accomplishment.

It has been an honor and a pleasure to have known you, and you will always have my greatest respect.




I wasn't around the last 3 years or so, I dont play this game much anymore, my interests shifted somewhere else, but everytime I think about this game, my thought shift to you and the great bunch

of "fools" you got together throught your friendship and generosity, flying around laughing our head off like kids.

My thoughts goes to you today with my all my heart. I cant find the words to express the gratitude I still feel today for giving me your friendship so freely with so much kindness when I first joined the DangerDawgs.

Salute Sir, Jim. :icon_salut:

And "Bon courage",

Yves aka Drinksky



it's hard to believe but it's been about 8 years since we first connected in 2003 via the Ubi Forums discussing overclocking of our AMD 1700+ CPUs.

Since that time the technology has advanced exponentially and so has my sim experience, thanks in large part to you.

You were the one who sent me a headset to allow me to TeamSpeak with the West Coast guys and you, joined a little later by JP...

You were the driving force every step of the way to getting the DangerDogz where we are today. Taking the initiative and inviting all (no matter how weird and twisted ;) ) to join our disparate gang of fun-loving pilots. You hosted, you gently pushed, you prodded, you made fun of yourself as much as of others setting the tone for congenial online simming. I remember when you first threw out the idea of getting a permanent website, rather than merely sending around e-mails- I didn't think it was a good idea but you were dead-on right and the Dogz have flourished as a result.

We all want to leave a mark in this world. Whether it be through changing others' lives, making the world a better place generally, or being remembered for some sort of legacy.

You sir, have succeeded in all three in our little sphere. I am sure that you have far greater accomplishments in this world that I have no knowledge of at all.

In these times of personal difficulty, I hope that these messages provide you with some measure of hope, satisfaction and joy in knowing that you have changed all our lives in ways large and small.

In the end, what I take most from meeting you is an appreciation for quiet leadership. Leadership which doesn't impose itself on others but, rather, considers the opinions of others and makes suggestions taking disparate views into account and emphasizing the commonalities in those views over the contradictions.

My thoughts are with you and Helen,

Angus A.K.A. the Cold_Gambler.


BG, Jim,

What can I say that has not been said by all the other members of the Danger Dogs, Your kind and cheerfull voice was always there to greet us. You and Painless where the reason I joined the DDs. You have fought the brave fight and you and I and others are fighting the same fight in our own way. Your courage will be remembered for a long time. you were an excellent student at JO and Jim you will be missed during our weekly flying together. You were always a voice of reason and an example for all of us to follow. God Bless, Fair winds, and blue skies my friend.



Gary Webb


Salutes BG,

Words cannot describe all the emotions that go through my heart and soul as I write this. The only thing I can say is "thank you".

I have been a come-and-goer in the DangerDogz, and it was only recently I was up flying again for a very long time. What has kept me away has been the long, gruellingly stressful two years at 3D Game Art school.

But many times when things were at the toughest, while battling impossible time constraints and painstaking tasks, I could always take a moment's rest in the comfort of knowing that - there is always the Dogz.

Just knowing that this fantastic group - your creation - is around, was something that kept me going through those tough times. The safe knowing that having a good time amongst friends is just around the corner, in good times or in bad. So - I end this post as I began;

Thank you Jim. For creating the Dogz, all your work, for good times, for your high spirits, your friendliness, your hearty laugh, your good character.

You truly are among this world's finest.

Yours, always,


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