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I'd like to see some of your findings.

PC parts are

Win7 64

Processor: AMD Phenom™ II X4 965 Processor (4 CPUs), ~3.4GHz

Memory: 4096MB RAM

Page File: 1657MB used, 6531MB available

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260

Display Memory: 2668 MB

Dedicated Memory: 877 MB

Shared Memory: 1791 MB

Current Mode: 1600 x 1200 (32 bit) (85Hz)

I just ran Black Death in IL UP3

AF x8

AA x16

AA override application


High quality

Triple buffering

With the Free version the findings are.

GB on 38 avg 10 min

GB off 66 avg 17 min

With #UP# folder disabled

GB on 74 avg 17 min

GB off 49 avg 10 min

IL2 4.10.1M

GB on 74 avg 36 min

GB off 74 avg 37 min

Just ran BDT in CLOD also.

AF x4

AA override application<------------Doesn't work

AA x16 <---------------------Doesn't work Game says 8 but its not even close to that.



Triple buffering

Set to the COD exe

GB on 40 avg 10 min

GB off 40 avg 10 min

Set to the Steam exe

GB off 40 avg 10 min

Game surges the ground, rubber bands and textures plane suck.

It makes me think, my machine is too weak.

Or GB has no effect on CLOD.

Or possibly does the GB need to access both the COD and the Steam exe at the same time?

Could you test this with your paid version please?

Did ROF ever make a in-game fps counter?

At this point unless it helps with newer games, I'm holding off on spending any cash on it.


You have to be careful with those BDT findings. Not assuming you didn't but it's best to let it run once or twice and then restart the FPS counter for each test. Other then that I would be suspicious of something else skewing the results. I find it unusual that in IL-2 GB would actually make the minimum FPS lower then without it, though I'm not saying it should improve it much or at all either. For me then only thing that really makes a bit of difference in BDT is setting effects to 0 in my conf.ini. I run some effects mods so the explosions and such are still very pretty just for some reason with effects set to higher then 0 in the conf.ini it impacts performance regardless. It could be that the modded effects are just lighter or optimized better then the built in ones.

That said I've tried game booster and thought I may have noticed a slight difference I'll run a few benchmarks today as post my results. I'll tell you this though shutting down unnecessary processes is never a bad thing in my opinion and the more few memory the better. Another thing that makes a difference is making sure your web browser is closed before you play the game. I can't speak for Chrome but Firefox uses quit a bit or resources just being on thought I still like to listen to streaming audio and fly at the same time.

Be back with some results shortly.


Yes, well aware of the testing aspects of the BDT, been doing that test since we adopted it as the Bench test track many years ago in the UBI community Help forum.

One fps second either way, means nothing, it might as well be the same. I only posted it because I ddin't want someone saying, Something opposite.

Like are you sure all your test were exactly the same results???

I'm going to go test in XP pro 32 after bit.

That OS I have a strong hold of and can get my processes well below 20 before starting the game.

Win7 is another story best I can get even with this tool is 49.

Ended up with same results give or take a fps or two with XP


Ill do some real testing later - my machine is

Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7600) (7600.win7_gdr.110408-1633)

Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

System Manufacturer: System manufacturer

System Model: System Product Name

BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG

Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.7GHz

Memory: 4096MB RAM

Available OS Memory: 4094MB RAM

Page File: 2100MB used, 6086MB available

Windows Dir: C:\Windows

DirectX Version: DirectX 11

DX Setup Parameters: Not found

User DPI Setting: Using System DPI

System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)

DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled

DxDiag Version: 6.01.7600.16385 64bit Unicode

Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460

All I know for definate was that I got micro stutters on CoD and ROF( especially when firing guns) and they were gone last night. I havnt done extensive tests , just one or two flights in each but it was very noticable to me.

I havnt had any problems with IL2 for years, I run with vsync on and get steady fps


here are some quick test results- using black death tracks- vsync on

IL2 46 run at 1280* 960 AV 48 min 14

+Gameboost AV 53 min 18

UP3 run at 1280+960 AV 51 min 6

+gameboost AV 51 min 14

CoD run at 1280*1024 AV 25 min 0

+gameboost AV 27 min 2

so a slight improvement in numbers but as I said in the last post the perception while playing the more intense games CoD and RoF is that they are smoother

hope this helps


OK here goes

Win7 64

Processor: AMD Phenom™ II X4 840 Processor @3.2GHz

Memory: 4096MB RAM

Page File: system managed on separate drive 4.1GB allocated 6.1GB Recommended

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560ti @ 925Mhz core, 1850Mhz shader, 2200Mhz memory

Display Memory: 1 GB

Current Mode: 1920 x 1200 (32 bit) (60Hz)

AF x8

AA x16

AA override application

Supersampling x8

High quality

Triple buffering

GB Free version:

GB off

Processes 76

RAM 1.33GB in use

Page File 1.7GB

GB on

Processes 45

RAM 1.18 in use

Page File 1.54GB


GB on 66 max 44 avg 20 min

GB off 66 max 44 avg 19 min


GB on 69 max 43 avg 19 min

GB off 69 max 44 avg 19 min

Disabling #UP# made no difference and no where near as pretty as without mods.

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