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Morning Gentelmen,

I want to thank you for letting me try my hand at some online group fun, and combat. I will try to get one with you guys today, still working on the teamspeak, actually waiting for my girl to come home with a headset. I am looking forward to tearing up the skys with you all.. I'm basicly new to this. Heck I have only had a computer for about 2 years now. didn't have much use for one.

Now I do.

I'm sure I will be asking some questions here in a while.


Hi and welcome - dont hesitate to call for help - we all started off the same and appreciated the help we got to get us going.

If you are newish to the game then check out this site if you dont know it already-


read the FAQ and the user manual - you will find many good answers there

see you around soon

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Welcome to the howling grounds m8

I know you're going to enjoy it!

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I've been with the Dogz for about 2 months, everyone makes you feel welcome, least I think so, so of the M8s from the UK

are mighty hard to understand. Welcome, in a few weeks you'll feel like an old salt.



:D WOW, Sunday was so cool!! I can't believe it was 5 hrs! :shock: You guy will be seeing alot of me, this just might bite into my other hobbies, but I still need to find time for the girl. She was very understanding about my ignoring here on sunday. it must have been the huge grin on my face while trying to chase down a 262. I didn't even get within fireing range :evil: you guy were very tolerent of me while trying to take off the Twin engine in the dark. thanks. I can't wait to see my name in the roster on the web site. I will be proud to call myself a dog :) . is Thursday really 4 days away? :cry: well I need to get back to work so I can get me a IRtrack!! and maybe the 3 monitor split with a gaming chair and rudder peddles :D

Just wanted to say thanks alot


AKA" Von Tonar" Tonar = totally Nasty


Yeah, that was fun. No worries on the engine start stuff, it's not exactly intuitive. At least you didn't drop your bombs prior to takeoff and kill everyone on the runway like BG did! :P The jet mission was excellent, I'm gonna add that to my favorites.


Von Tonar Sir. If you are going to get Track IR make sure you get the Track IR4. Although it looks more a bit more expensive, with the extra stuff you get that is included like Vector Expansion it is no more expensive than Track IR3 Pro and better.

And Aresenal, you had to bring my bomb dropping on the runway up. It's the only way I get to kill some of the other pilots in the group. lol


OK I have a question. I am a little fuzzy on the difference between the Danger Dogs and the Hell Hounds. Anyone want to give me a quick explination?

OK I have a question. I am a little fuzzy on the difference between the Danger Dogs and the Hell Hounds. Anyone want to give me a quick explination?

Well to start with, we are far better looking and are straight.

The Hellers, as we affectionately call them, are best described as our sister squadron. I seem to recall that BG invited them (or visa versa) to fly with us one night a year and a half back and we became fast friends.

We share (or squat on) their TS server (kindly hosted by Quazi - who btw is a forum mod on the UBI boards).

You'll often see members of both clans (kennels?) pop back and forth and fly with eachother.

They share a similiar love of the game - and booze - and bad humour - though are a bit more serious than us (but then, who the heck isn't).

They are made up of: Quazi, Dubbo (who did our jackets and the original logo), Beebop, Zeuscat, PlanB, Emann, Enforcer and Sunflower.


They are made up of: Quazi, Dubbo (who did our jackets and the original logo), Beebop, Zeuscat, PlanB, Emann, Enforcer and Sunflower.

You Guys Have Jackets??


Iv got a lovely white jacket that they use to tie me up when the medicine doesnt work

:shock: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :shock:


Welcome to the Dogz' pound m8!

while I'm "resting" on psych-leave I will look toward your involvement in this great group of guys!

Cheers from the Psych ward!


  • 1. DDz Quorum
Welcome to the Dogz' pound m8!

while I'm "resting" on psych-leave I will look toward your involvement in this great group of guys!

Cheers from the Psych ward!


We need to get this 'patient' some R&R in the way of tracks, screens and may be the odd movie.

Volunteers any one?


Sweet jacket. I'm going to put my face on a pilot as soon as I get home. It's just like a skin correct? modify it and save it in the correct directory?

  • 1. DDz Quorum
Sweet jacket. I'm going to put my face on a pilot as soon as I get home. It's just like a skin correct? modify it and save it in the correct directory?

Yes, drop it into C:\Program Files\Ubi Soft\IL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles\PaintSchemes\Skins (or wherever you have FB installed).

Neat avatar btw. Wouldn't want that that close to my nutz though :lol:


I like the skin very much, and shall fly with it. I also fly in my pyjamas sometimes...and here is an explanation of why.


One of my all time favourite books is Carrier Pilot by Norman Hanson. Here is what the cover looks like these days.


Don't judge it by its cover. It is far better than the cheesy artwork would lead you to believe.

Also a passage that sums up the fatigue and some of the awfulness of wartime flying.

"The passage of 30 years has blunted for me many of the details of our part in that seemingly endless battle. Of the four carriers which took the fight to the enemy that day, Illustrious was the weary one, for we had endured life in the tropics longer than most and strain and tiredness were now to be seen in the faces of the aircrews. We were becoming worn and 'twitchy'. To seek an early night's sleep just didn't seem to work. One flew round the cabin, dodging the flak, practising a landing, for the first two hours; and if sleep eventually came, only three hours or so of fitful rest remained before a shake from the duty boy brought one reluctantly to the dark, cold beginning of another day. Breakfast had always been a cheering time with plenty of wisecracking and laughter. Now it was a silent feast of too little food and too many cups of coffee and cigarettes-and a significant absence of chatter.

The losses and prangs we suffered now had a telling effect. Where our pilots in earlier days had produced resilience and courage, which seemed automatic, to recover quickly from their own accidents, or crashes or death involving their friends, the losses were now hard to bear and brought dejection and fretfulness. Their natural ebullience retreated and left them thoughtful and introspective. Tiredness brought lethargy and carelessness to their flying. Some of the landing approaches and landings themselves were hideous to behold and to watch them was a nightmare few could endure for more than minutes at a time.

Yet, through it all, youth and the rich instinct born of sound training could still find a crack to burst through, to express themselves in a bright flash of repartee and fun. And every day produced a fresh crop of incidents which, tragic or dangerous though some of them might be, at least sent the adrenalin pumping through, strongly and excitedly, and restored the boys, even briefly, to their old excellence and brilliance.

The day's work began at 0330 when aircrews, squadron ratings and flight-deck parties were roused. Between 0430 and 0500 the ship closed up to action stations in readiness for suicide attacks, for we were now in Kamikaze territory. All guns' crews closed up. All watertight doors were secured, which meant that for most of the officers their cabins were barred to them.

The ventilating fans were shut down, causing the inside of the ship to become airless and, as the day wore on, decidedly smelly! Food consisted of bully-beef sandwiches and endless tea-typical action stations rations.

So we were thrown out of our cabins, usually at the last moment-and, if you were unwise enough to snatch those last few precious minutes, unwashed and unshaven. Some chaps, in a fine (Oh!-Sod-it!' spirit, shunned ablutions-even breakfast-and flew all day in their pyjamas against the Empire of the Rising Sun, Most of us went along for some sort of breakfast. Those on the early shift, so to speak, then made their way to the air operations room, some to remain there on standby, the remainder to grab their helmets and Mae Wests and go out to the flight-deck in the cold of a pre-dawn morning, to climb into their Corsairs and sit and shiver."

After reading this I made a pilot skin of pyjamas. I think it rather fitting.

  • 1. DDz Quorum
You sure about that Mr. Enk? Not the dog near your nutz but where you put the jacket. I think the jacket goes in Pilot not skins.
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: Mucho embarrassed.

Quite right Mr. BG sir!


Neat avatar btw. Wouldn't want that that close to my nutz though :lol:

Yeh, I had her all wound up un a head lock smacking her nose. She likes that. I have a new Avitar coming soon. got the Idea last night, but I do like my current one.

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