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I started a Britsh campaign tonight and got in 2 missions.

1st mission found me in a Rotol sitting on the runway in Tangmere starting up. Lead takes off and the 1st flight of 110's attack while I'm trying to get warmed up. They hit the hangars with some big explosions. I see the 2nd wave inbound and am finally able to start rolling as they are dropping their bombs on the field. Lucky for me they miss the runway and I get airbourn. I see them behind me making a right turn so I start a left turn to head off their escape. They are very low, about 600 feet so I'm able to cut them off and start to saddle up behind the last vic. I can see their gunners firing at long range that is pretty ineffective. As I close on the right wingman in the VIC they must be reloading because they've stopped firing. I've got my gun set for 150 yards. I fire a short burst at about 200 aiming for the fuselage. I see my stream cross and hit both wings. A little closer to about 150 and another short burst into the tail and I see the elevator fly off. The 110 pitches up and then the canopy comes off and I see the pilot and gunner jump. I pull up and right then roll left looking to reacquire the 110 group. I find the group and continue the left to come in on the left 110 of the 2 ship formation now. As I start to close I see a Squadron mate closing and firing on the same 110 so switch to the lead. I start to close to 150 and aim for the right engine. 1st burst, good hits, and something is leaking. 2nd burst and more good hits. 3rd burst and I'm a little outside the nacell, the 110 wing fails at that point and he start a right spiral into the ground. The remaining 110's have made the channel now heading for France. I push up to full throttle and give chase. I know my ammo is still good for some more Jerry pounding. I now close on the next trailing VIC and start my attack on the right wingman. I fire my 1st burst at about 200 and again see hits on both wings. Something start to leak from the left side. I close and put in a good burst at 150 into the fuselage. Immediately black smoke comes pouring out. He goes into a right descending turn ending in a big splash. Still with some ammo left I close on the VIC lead. I get some good hits but run out of ammo before I can finish him. I now break off and turn back to England and home. Only problem is I don't know where home is as I didn't pay much attention to the area when I departed and couldn't remember the name of my field. I figure as a DD that I'm exempt from reading the brief. So I wander around the fair countryside until I stumble over a field that looks like a nice place to pop in for a pint.

So mission number 2 comes up. Lead tells me to follow him and away he goes while I'm trying to warm up my engine. I get airbourn and lead in nowhere insight. So I decide to learn the terrain around Tangmere so I can find my way home. Next I hear about Ju-87's sighted and not to let them attack the ships. AH-HA...they must be out in the channel somewhere. I head that way and hear lead say not to let them get the 2nd ship. Sure enough, I find a burning ship but no one in sight. It appears that I am all by my lonesome out here. I look around but the sky is empty. I finally turn for home and head for Tangmere which amazingly I find this time. The Captain makes be buy the drinks that night for not keeping up with the flight.

  • 2 weeks later...

They really need to do something about the AI taking off immediately and leaving you trying to warm up your engine while they head off at full throttle. The apple don't fall far from the tree.

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