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I had talked to Prop and Gus about joining your squadron. After searching for some type of "New Member Form", Prop directed me to B16Enk who subsequently directed me to the general area of the forums. I am Wolfp and am looking for a home (go ahead and get the urination jokes out of the way...they dont hurt so much anymore). I recently left the Warhawks after about a year. No hard feelings, it was just time for me to go. A little about me:

Age: 43

Occupation: Retired military but now in Government Service (yes, one of those evil doers that Fox News keeps harping about)

Location: Eastern Standard (North By Gawd Carolina to be exact)

Family: yes, but both kids have been booted from the compound; CINCHOUSE tolerates this hobby, it keeps me out of the bars

Sims: Played multiple but have more or less settled on IL2 and ROF, but am waiting...patiently...for CoD to be released

I've had the opportunity to fly with a few of your pilots, BadAim, Gustang, Propnut, Jedi, Jack, AP, etc., and have found them to be a good group (well...maybe not Prop; he kinda falls into the mediocre column) and would like to think I would be a good fit. Here's to hoping you look upon this plea favorably, and if my association with Prop has any impact, I really hardly know him at all. Look forward to hearing from you.


R/JB (aka Wolfp)


(well...maybe not Prop; he kinda falls into the mediocre column) ....and if my association with Prop has any impact, I really hardly know him at all. Cheers!

R/JB (aka Wolfp)

The OUTRAGE!! Others can vouch for my character....right guys? Anyone? Anyone? Um....er.....Sweper? How about you? No? Um...er.....yeah.....ok. :notfair:

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hi Wolf.

BG will no doubt be along shortly, and will pass judgement ;)

Courageous of you to admit to being acquainted with PropNut, we have a support group for that :roflmao:

We use IL2 1946 4.10.1 and are nudging towards UP3 too.

I'm in the process of fixing a newly discovered bug with our web server that deems files over 100MB or so are not really needed when we attempt to download them..

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Salute m8! Nice intro.....

Welcome! Hope you enjoy yourself here :thumbsu: .


  • 1. DDz Quorum


Just occurred to me, a wolf in sheeps clothing perhaps...

So he's likely to get laid more than the rest of us, better get our sheep rounded up guys ;)

Welcome to the pound Wolf :)


Thanks all...looking forward to getting up in the air with ya; its the staying up that's the challenge...So, I think the sheep are safe...for now. :D


its the staying up that's the challenge.. :D

Welcome to the DangerDogz Wolf. Our man JP can recommend something you can get on prescription that will help with that. :thumbsu:

  • 2. Administrators

Welcome to the pound Wolf - grab yourself a vacant kennel and enjoy your stay - Be warned though, the DDz can be habit-forming...



Hello and welcome. Don't forget to wipe your feet on the way out. :laughing7:


Again...thanks for the warm welcome. :bow: MT, long time, no type. How're they hangin'?


Again...thanks for the warm welcome. :bow: MT, long time, no type. How're they hangin'?

HI wolfP, I have just been busy but I'll be back flying in no time. :) Everything is good and thanks for asking.


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