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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hi Guys,

With regard to the store of co-ops that those of us that host have. I know the ones I have have been around for a while now, and with the many new game versions and additional planes that have been added, I feel that we are not perhaps getting the best out of it.

What I would like to suggest is that we set up some sort of "Co-Op Factory". Those that would be willing to help either do bits of a mission and pass it on for someone else to finish or we each undertake to build/convert a block of missions each.

We could also have suggestions for new scenario's that have not been possible before due to map/plane restrictions.

These should then be stored in the vault so if one wants to host they can be shared out.

I open my proposal to the floor...........

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Good thinkin'...

I'd rather see brand new missions... (not necessarily on new maps) than modified old ones... then again, there's still many a mission out of the pack of 2450 we haven't flown at all, or maybe only once.

I'd sure like to spend time on mission building, but at the moment I haven't got the inspiration to think of any mission-idea-plan-map-aircraft-goal-opposition...

Then again, I know how to build missions building stuff, but have only created one or maybe two...

Basically, suggest me some map/mission/aircraft idea, and I can try and build it... B)

(Next Thursday and Friday I do not have to work, so... I got some spare time then...I hope... will depend on "Honey?" I guess...)


I'll do some up. Time allowing. I've already tested some of Snacko's MDS missions and found some of them not working properly.


Jedi and I flew a couple of Snacko's MDS missions in UP 3.0 the other day and everything worked out well. We did Korea and Midway, which ones did you try?

Friar, good idea although I have no experience building missions for IL-2 I have been learning the RoF mission builder, perhaps I can find similarities with the two and learn IL-2 mission building.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

To get into it, I've re-worked Taranto (Nighttime colors are rather different as of 4.10.1m, the night is pitch black now!) and Naro Fominsk (A mass of 110's attacking village, in the orginal mission they were G2's, for 1941 now less incorrect: C4's, C4/B's, F1's, F2's.)

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Can we perhaps create a new section in the vault, perhaps called "2011 Co-Ops". Once guys have checked out a mission and passed it as complete (timings are good, description and brief correct etc) they can be copied to a central place which will make it easier for them to be shared out.

Anyone who wants to help can, you don't have to host. Get a cop-op file, I can send a number of missions out to you, run them on your own (if you dont know how to, just ask, it is very easy to do). If they check out ok you can then put them up into the new area as having been checked.

If you feel they are un suitable, or dont work, just move onto the next one, we have plenty to get through ;) IF you feel that the plane set could do with being tweaked for a particular mission and dont know how to I would be more than happy to set up a training session for anyone who want to know, or just report it back and I am sure we can sort something out.

If we all pull together on this one we can get the Dogz up and running on a good, fresh, varied and interesting set of co-ops.



I'll do some up. Time allowing. I've already tested some of Snacko's MDS missions and found some of them not working properly.

I read on the UP site that they combined the Ship Pack with the normal ships, so now if you had old missions that used Ship Pack ships they will not work. They all need to be updated (thanks UP guys?). I think it might be one of those things where it's easier to edit the mission file with notepad...

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Rgr that snacko; it's quicker to use the Notepad 'Edit' menu 'Replace' function: anything that says 'ShipPack' to be replaced by 'Ships' - did it on a P-38 Slot campaign and all works lovely now. :)


I'll bet that's why your Palau MDS Mission didn't work right for me, Snacko..... Must've been the ships. It doesn't make sense that a ship problem would cause the airplanes to not work but I've always thought that mission building in IL2 was a lot like Government work, so maybe it does make sense after all (in a nonsensical sort of way).

I think I'll start on reworking the MadJek packs, as I reworked a lot of them for UP2 and proberly broke them for UP3.

Snacks, do you have any interest in looking at that Palau Mission, or should I give it a go?

I also intend to start working on some Pacific "strafer" missions. That A-20 strafer really gives me a woody.


Snacks, do you have any interest in looking at that Palau Mission, or should I give it a go?

No, I'll take a look at my missions and see what works. I agree that the shippack stuff should not affect aircraft.

I noticed that when I press ctrl-F2 I do not see enemy aircraft the few times I have tried. Did they change(fix) the game so you cannot toggle through enemy aircraft? Or maybe the aircraft are really not their and I have something to fix??

As a programmer, I really don't like it when they fix things that are not broken, like the shippack stuff. Yes, it would be nice if it was part of the original ships, but if that is the only reason they made this fix... that broke 100's of missions, then that was a bad fix... But they seem like smart guys, and maybe there was another reason I hope...


Sorry, I took a look before I came back here. I beg your forgiveness!!!!! But on the bright side I found several aircraft that were changed as well. Most notably the A6M3's. All of them have different .ini names, and since it didn't make any sense I put it in a bug report. The rest were planes that were consolidated like the B-24 and the SBD-3. I'll stick to the Madjek missions and my own stuff from now on. The Palau mission was very helpful in showing me what to look for since that I had flown it several times, so I knew what to expect and it makes extensive use of modded items. Thanks.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Snacks, do you have any interest in looking at that Palau Mission, or should I give it a go?


As a programmer, I really don't like it when they fix things that are not broken, like the shippack stuff. Yes, it would be nice if it was part of the original ships, but if that is the only reason they made this fix... that broke 100's of missions, then that was a bad fix... But they seem like smart guys, and maybe there was another reason I hope...

Well, they are smart guys, but they did mess-up. In my opinion, they messed up in 2.0, by creating that 'Shippack.' stuff. That was completely weird, it was a dirty trick to keep the new ships separate from the existing ones I think.

And now, they appear to have fixed that mess. But, by doing so, they did not really think of the consequences, as to keep it compatible.

And, changing them aircraft names is just silly... I found they've also gotten rid of C_47A, F4U1.... silly...

Oh well, there's ways to get around it...


Well, I didn't know this was a Beta/Release Candidate and not the final. Don't know how I missed that.

So, I am going to wait until the Final is released to change any of my missions. I read on the UP site that some are thinking of making a script to automatically fix missions. I made one to fix ship packs a year ago and it saved me a lot of time. So, maybe if somebody makes one you can just run it against your mission folder and it will save you some time as well.

And I suggest the DDz wait for the Final UP 3.0 to make this official to avoid any problems. But continue to test it out.

  • 2. Administrators

I'm happy to pick up and test a few missions. Any suggestions?



As far as the shippack issue, I think the Idea was to keep them separate to make it easier for people who were building missions for both modded and non-modded games, it's probably just not an issue anymore. The aircraft consolidation that they've done is for performance issues because IL2 is reaching it's design limits on many levels, the amount of planes it can handle being a big one. It seems that at some point IL2 will simply refuse to accept any more planes, so they are trying to pare down the excess planes to leave more room for player addons. The thing that gets me is the way they changed all of the ini's on the A6M3's; but I suspect that they're just typos in the files. I think that what they're doing will work just fine in the end, but there may be some growing pains.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Can we perhaps create a new section in the vault, perhaps called "2011 Co-Ops". Once guys have checked out a mission and passed it as complete (timings are good, description and brief correct etc) they can be copied to a central place which will make it easier for them to be shared out.

Is done, sorry didn't see this before..

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