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I am considering getting rudder pedals. Don’t know if that’s a good idea, I could fly worse with them, I am a slow learner. As it is now I don’t have to worry what my feet are doing, now I will have to pay attention. I now have the Saitek X45 so my rudder is on the throttle and easy not to mess with by accident.

Been considering the CH & Saitek ones. I can get the Saitek local and I think I am leaning that way but I do want to hear what you guys have to say. I know the Saitek products can be less than reliable in the standing up to use department so I am a little concerned about that in that regard. Anyways please leave your 2 cents.


i've got my self used Sitek pedals and have no problems with them. Didn't try CH pedals, but I've heard a lot of good opinions about them. CH is more expensive than Saitek.

The learning curve that one builds while flying without pedals suddenly goes back to zero with the pedals. But then rises again more rapidly than without them.

Important thing in the beginning is to remember to use them. When i first got mine, i've used them only for take off. After take off one needs to keep reminding hem self that he needs to use them. After some time it comes natural.


I'm 5'11" tall, my foot is size 10 1/5 on the American foot scale.

I've used ch pedals with no discomfort.

I hear if your a larger framed, foot guy the Saitek's will fit you better.


I am 6'4 with size 13's and the CH were indeed too small, so I built my own. Last month I purchased the Saitek Combat Rudder Pedals but I hear very good things about the Saitek Pro Pedals as well.


Thanks guys. Looks like I will probably go with the Saitek. Didn't know they made 2 different pedals though, will have to see which one they have on the shelf.


Goth, do you have TrackIR (or equivalent) already?

If you don't, and cost is an issue, I would suggest upgrading with TrackIR (or trying some of the free/low cost alternatives) first.

Rudder pedals are great, I've had my CH ones for 6 years now and they've worked flawlessly, but TIR gives a lot more added value immersion-wise...

I'm happy with my CH pedals, but I'm 5'6" so....

Just my 2cents.


Yes, I picked up my TrackIR and am very happy with it. Works great, right out of the box. It was a snap to set up. Money wlll spent.


CH all the way for me. Whatever premium you pay now is easily returned when you're still using them 8 years down the line.



I have the Saitek Pro Pedals. They had quite a few years of hard use- at least 2 hrs/day, maybe not so much anymore but they still work as new. A quick check shows the Combat pedals at twice the price - $200 in Canada. I'm pretty happy about the value spending $100 on pedals. I would have to think hard at $200.

For sure Track IR and a good stick/throttle first though.

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