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Conservatives won a majority in yesterday's General Elections. The Bloc party which is the Separttist Party in Quebec only got 4 seats (down from 47) and lost their Party status. Liberals also got cleaned and the NDP (socialist) now form the official opposition.

Great to have a stable government again.

Good bye gun registration, hello F35's


Ecstatic and smiling like a maniac.

Spent last 38 days campaigning for our guy...working till 5pm then off to the campaign. Every weekend from sun up to sun down. Knocked on about 3000 doors personally, delivered thousands of flyers.

Finally have a stable majority in place with a great Prime Minister.

To give you an idea how the other parties are (Liberals and socialist NDP) are:

Past Liberal Prime Ministers actively fund raised for the Tamil Tigers, appeared hugging Gadaffi, marched in parades with Hezbollah and stole millions from the taxpayers. The NDP leader had been caught by police in a raid on a brothel (he was found naked in a room). He tried to say it was a community health clinic during the election. A community health clinic with armed asian gang members at the door that had been raided repeatedly by the police for vice issues.

Our guy outlawed Hezbollah and the Tamil tigers from Canada, actively supports Israel, massively supports families, our military and likes hockey.

Poor Cold_Gambler must be preparing his immigration documents to move to the Socialist Utopia that is the USO (United States of Obama)

All is right with the world.


I'm writing from a rowboat in the middle of Lake Ontario.

There's a commune in upstate New York that will be hiding me for the next four years. I'll be working in their greenhouse growing patchouli for their line of organic perfume. They don't have an internet connection and I can't take this rowboat with me :(

I'll miss you guys and my beloved country, but it's a small price to pay for freedom from the oppression of Harper's Conservative Canada.


I'm writing from a rowboat in the middle of Lake Ontario.

Lol lots Angus! :laughing7:

BG whats all this about 'fundraising' for the Tamil Tigers? Did this really happen. What has been Canada's connection with Hizbollah? :blink: I'm asking you as I know I'll get a straight answer. I expect JP's too busy considering a political career!!

Oh yeah, what happened to the Quebec mob? They seem to have gone into meltdown.


The Quebec separatists simply jumped their sinking ship and into NDP boad.

The Quebec separatists are a very, very left wing socialist bunch...so they really just switched from one radical left wing party to another.

here is some info on the Tamil fundraiser.


Here is former Liberal Prime Minister playing Ghaddafy fanboy. Even though Canadians were killed over Lockerbie as well.


supporting Hezbollah


liberals supporting hezbollah and attacking Israel for war crimes


Liberal Leader (defeated yesterday) ...defending his statement on Israel war crimes


Socialist leader of the NDP getting caught in a whorehouse run by asian drug gangs


have a look at the video...it shows at the end where he got caught. There were asian gang members guarding the doors. He, Layton, tried to explain it was a 'community health clinic" Unfortunately, the lefties of Canada are quite happy to have men of power abuse women and use prostitutes...as long at they are fellow Lefties.


Canadian lefties and our press really hate this stuff and hide it as much as they can...


I'm writing from a rowboat in the middle of Lake Ontario.

Lol lots Angus! :laughing7:

BG whats all this about 'fundraising' for the Tamil Tigers? Did this really happen. What has been Canada's connection with Hizbollah? :blink: I'm asking you as I know I'll get a straight answer. I expect JP's too busy considering a political career!!

Oh yeah, what happened to the Quebec mob? They seem to have gone into meltdown.

It's the ole' my enemy's enemy is my friend conundrum, the lefties (and by that I mean the politicians, I do feel that there are people who actually believe in that stuff, like Angus) have no qualms about bedding down with the enemies of their own country, so long as it serves their agenda. This is business as usual for them.


All is right with the world.

We might not be that far along, but you are defiantly making progress.

So Congratulations, it sounds like the good guys well and truly won.

And I also think that it is noteworthy to see that the official opposition is now clearly defined as the socialist party.


The last thing we need right now is more government handouts, more government programs. The government is incapable of doing anything efficiently. Everything they touch is a waste of money, costing 5X what it should - your money, my money.

In tough economic times Fascist governments have fared the best weathering the storm. True Fascism is "government supporting, almost working for industry".

What we need most is jobs and economic encouragement. That brings prosperity for all those who don't mind working to paying their own way.

That's what we got in this election, the closest thing to fascism we could get minus the nutbar dictator(some may not agree) and the Gestapo (they've already been developed by the anti-gun Liberals in our case).

This was our best option to keep too much of the shit sandwich that's looming on the horizon from sticking in our teeth.

Five surgeons are talking.

#1 The first, an Ontario surgeon, says: " I like to see accountants on my operating table, because when you open them up, everything inside is numbered. "

#2 The second, a Quebec surgeon, responds: " Yeah, but you should try electricians. Everything inside of them is colour coded. "

#3 The third, a B.C. surgeon, says: " No, I really think librarians are the best, everything inside of them is in alphabetical order. "

#4 The fourth, an Alberta surgeon, chimes in: " You know, I like construction workers.... those guys always understand when you have a few parts left over. "

#5 But, the fifth, a Newfoundland surgeon, shut them all up when he observed: " You're all wrong. Politicians are the easiest to operate on. There's no guts, no heart, no balls, no brains, and no spine, -- and the head and the ass are interchangeable. "

  • 1. DDz Quorum

This financial crisis is forcing State and local agencies to make some tough decisions.

If things continue for much longer, there's a real risk that we may have to lay off Jose.


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