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I have been unable to get Fraps working in Clod. I have been using a registered copy with 64 bit Windows 7.

I uninstalled the registered version and downloaded the unregistered version from the Internet. Now it is working fine and I get 40 frames over the sea with my ATI 5970.

BTW is was thinking of picking up another 5970 for Crossfire when it comes out but even on Ebay this card is going for $600 used. Just a tad rich!

The 6970 replacement retails for $300. I wonder why this should be. (Answer seems to be here: http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110215230119AAzrRQX)

I wish there were more ATI fanboys around here other than Bucky and me.


Hey BG, no idea on FRAPs, mine is working ok. Could there be something keeping Fraps from loading the overlay into memory?

On the GPU issue; the 5970 is still significantly faster than the 6970 so that might be a reason. Not to say that the 6970 are not very fast, they are. The 6000 series were not meant to replace the 5000 series as far as speed but to add features and improve power usage (as I understand it). My 5850's are faster than the 6800 series cards (according to benchmarks). Supposedly the 6000 series are cheaper to make as well (as explained on Tom's Hardware site, so take that as you wish). The 6000 series also adds DX11 support but so far (again from reviews) this has not been an overwealming addition.

Just my .02



At 600 clams you might be better off selling your card and getting 2 GTX 570s or 560s. The newer cards appear to have improved scaling performance, lower power consumption and temps. I believe the same is true for 6900 series.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Another ATI user here ;)

Not tried my copy of Fraps yet with CoD.

5970 is a rare beast Jim, none on eBay here in the UK.

58xx still available as new buy.

FYI, the 5xxx series do support DX11, and having seen what that can do (on my lads 6xxx equipped PC) I want... and shame CoD isn't DX11


Woops, sorry. Yes, they do support DX11, I misspoke. That was one of the selling points then the 5000 series came out.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Hey.. there are so many bloody variants now it is hard to keep up.

I had to look it up myself!


I have been an ATI Fanboy way too long...

When I get a new card sometime this year, I am open to giving nVidia a try..

Of course my only single beef with ATI was with IL2!


I think the trouble with fraps is the hard drive, hard drives can;t keep up with the read writes speed required by FRAPS,I am waiting for the price of solid state drives to go down and then I will try Fraps again.


I think the trouble with fraps is the hard drive, hard drives can;t keep up with the read writes speed required by FRAPS,I am waiting for the price of solid state drives to go down and then I will try Fraps again.

Well, it goes without saying that recording on another drive besides or your install or gaming drive will probably show some performance increase as you would be doing it all on one hard drive controller. And by the way, I loved my ATI. Had some driver issues with IL-2 there for a second but int the end stuck with the 10.9 drivers and my 4830 held in there like a trooper. Only time I went Nvidia this time was everyone telling me how great the drivers were but to tell you the truth, I kinda liked my ATI running ATI tray tools better as far as the UI is concerned. Still, Nvidia makes a fine GPU for sure. Either way, it's performance that matters most.

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