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  • 1. DDz Quorum


Just saw the Steam minimum specs..


ATI®: 5830/5850/5770/5870/6870/6950/6970

NVidia®: 250/260/275/285/460/465/470/480

So my 4870 is not on that list... and a new card is so not on my horizon anytime soon either :growl:

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I think a gtx460 is in order for me....

I went for a 460, one of these . Absolutely great for '46 and everything else I do - good value too. I waited a while, the price came down so I got another. I had CoD in mind when selecting this card, so going for 2 in SLI (when fully supported) was cheaper than buying a 480 and dual card setup performs better than a 480 on my resolution of 1680 x 1050 for virtually everything (or so Tom's Hardware says....)

Go for a 460.


Glad to hear that the new sim is sorting itself out slowly. I will have to experience it through your comments as my puter is nowhere near capable of running it and that will not change anytime soon.

  • 2. Administrators

best bang for buck option at the moment is a GTX560ti imo.

seriously, or less you can pick up a cheap 480 as there selling them off, 560 is the way to go.

obviously if you have the money 580 all the way.

It defiantly seems at the moment its very much gpu limited, not cpu from todays testing between myself and mayhem

heres a comparison of a 460 v 560 by the way,


At the moment, with a gtx280, with the res turned down to 1280x800 (anything higher slideshow), i'm getting @50fps over the sea, but high teens low 20's over land.

I'm in no rush to buy the english version now, until i get a new card, and/or it becomes much better optimised, thats for sure. Hope the upcoming patch at the end of the week addresses some of the issues.

at the moment, its not really acceptable to me with the hardware i have (read gfx card) and how it plays, i can do dogfights over water, but thats it in reality, and only at a shit res to boot.

  • 2. Administrators

well BadAims doing OK on a 470, so maybe a 460 will be the min card needed to play it well.


Ok so, first time I flew over water at full resolution, performance was horrible but it worked. Second time I flew over land at 1200xsomething, even worse, and after a few seconds game crashed. Now, I played over water again, at 800x600, and framerate was at about 20 which was good, but I put a single do17 there to shoot at, and as soon as it came into view, game started locking up, and I again crashed.

I still haven't found a place where I can fiddle with the graphics settings, only the resolution options, under which are 2 check boxes and a dropdown menu on which I selected the uppermost value. Is there a way to disable cockpit shadows for one? If I can't have the eye candy I at least want to check the flight and damage model, regardless if it's in 800x600, and I have yet to find shadow, filtering and texture quality settings to tune them down and hopefully stop my game from crashing every time something other than water comes into view.

Oh and also, my stick isn't working, any advice on setting it up from someone who figured it out would be welcome.

I also got the hang of most of the menus, if anyone needs help I can post screenies and translate basic menu navigation.


Hah, my PC can handle dogfights over the sea after all! At 800x600, but still....I shot a Beau with a 110, one of its gears kinda went half way out, and while he was pulling G's it descended completely, amazing detail!

Ok, in case anyone who bought the russian game still doesn't know, here's what I figured out so far:

Main menu


Single game menu


Training menu


Multiplayer menu


Options menu


Difficulty menu, what I managed to figure out so far


Stick Controls setup (under "controls" in the options menu, haven't yet tried finding stick calibration but it's somewhere here, maybe the two buttons above "back"...


Gun controls setup. Still need to find the option to turn on the gunsight, so far I can only do it manually by clicking the cockpit


The extra features menu (from the main menu)


And when you press escape during a mission, this is what you get



Ok so now my game completely went to shit. Steam did an automatic "update", the menus are now all bugged, like I'm unable to go back to main menu after clicking on something from there, and I CANNOT start any mission, at all, I get an error while loading: Method not found: 'Int32 maddox.sound.WGroup.getHandle()'

fu***** great update

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