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In my on going quest for better immersion I have been playing around with the speech recognition utility found in the control panel. I have been using it for pilot based controls such as toggling gunsight, centering TIR, SansFOV, icons, calling up the map etc. In fact anything that is not activated by an actual control in the cockpit.

I find it works quite nicely. It seems a bit more natural to say 'press D' or 'press Delta' for instance when centring your sights than to press a joystick button or reach for the keyboard. It soon becomes second nature and frees up a few buttons, especially the hat switch. I now use the hat switch for firing guns with my thumb which is a little more realistic than using the trigger.

The only downside is that even though it works with little more than a whisper it would still probably be picked up on teamspeak so you really need to use press button mode rather than voice activation. I tend to do this anyway as my house is often a little rowdy. I am sorting out a button to keystroke utility so I can use one of my redundant joystick buttons as the microphone button.


It does look pretty cool. Although I would only want to use voice recognition for a very few commands, mainly those I mentioned above plus perhaps using the chat window to control AI etc and you could possibly type in the comms window using voice if the need arose. For everything else I would use my joystick and throttle quadrant and I have the switches and buttons and a Bodnar board to make a more realistic control panel than a keyboard if I ever find the time. To use voice commands for anything else would perhaps start feeling a little Star Warsy for a WWII flight simm. I found the utility quite quick and easy to set up and use and above all else it's completely free.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I'd think it'd be cool for us to shout 'Eject Eject Eject' over teamspeak, your speakers will make you voice recognition pick up the command and next ... :laughing7:


“Eject, Eject, Eject” :rolleyes:

FT, I am surprised and saddened to find that you are using ‘Jet’ terminology here.

Surely someone as intelligent as you are, knows that these kerosene soaked, winged monstrosities called ‘Jets’ will never catch on. ;)


Are you guys taking this seriously? Anyway shouting eject wouldn't work . You would have to know which keyboard key I have mapped to eject and shout that. And I would never tell so you would have to shout every key until I popped out of my plane. And even then I might have eject mapped to one of my redundant joystick hat switches then you would all look pretty silly, wouldn't you? :ass:

  • 1. DDz Quorum

“Eject, Eject, Eject” :rolleyes:

FT, I am surprised and saddened to find that you are using ‘Jet’ terminology here.

Surely someone as intelligent as you are, knows that these kerosene soaked, winged monstrosities called ‘Jets’ will never catch on. ;)

You're completely right there Trib, except... well... I was afraid 'Bail Bail Bail' wouldn't work, as it would probably cause his Ms-Outlook to open ...

Are you guys taking this seriously? Anyway shouting eject wouldn't work . You would have to know which keyboard key I have mapped to eject and shout that. And I would never tell so you would have to shout every key until I popped out of my plane. And even then I might have eject mapped to one of my redundant joystick hat switches then you would all look pretty silly, wouldn't you? :ass:

Look silly? No way. Not as long as TS hasn't got the webcam integration and we're all using that... And if so, then... nothing special would have to happen... we'd all look as silly as we are all of the time...


And another thing which might work with voice recognition in Clod is that if you say 'show numbers' then every item on screen that can be clicked with a mouse is given a number and then you say 'click whichever number' and that item is activated. Which might be handy in clickable cockpits. Although this feature dosen't work with the various setup screens in IL2 so I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.


In my on going quest for better immersion I have been playing around with the speech recognition utility found in the control panel. I have been using it for pilot based controls such as toggling gunsight, centering TIR, SansFOV, icons, calling up the map etc. In fact anything that is not activated by an actual control in the cockpit.

I find it works quite nicely. It seems a bit more natural to say 'press D' or 'press Delta' for instance when centring your sights than to press a joystick button or reach for the keyboard. It soon becomes second nature and frees up a few buttons, especially the hat switch. I now use the hat switch for firing guns with my thumb which is a little more realistic than using the trigger.

The only downside is that even though it works with little more than a whisper it would still probably be picked up on teamspeak so you really need to use press button mode rather than voice activation. I tend to do this anyway as my house is often a little rowdy. I am sorting out a button to keystroke utility so I can use one of my redundant joystick buttons as the microphone button.

This sounds intersting and would also work for us guys that fly offline as well, like to issue commands to wingmen etc. This "speech recognition utility found in the control panel", thats the Windows contol panel? What version of Windows if it is?

As for push to talk button, a utility would be needed to do this?


I have Windows 7 and I'm pretty certain it's in Vista and it could also be in XP. I just spotted it in Control Panel whilst fannying around trying to sort out issues with TS and thought hmm what does that do. There are various programms for mapping key strokes to controller buttons. I have installed Autohotkey but that looks way too complicated for what I want but there are plenty of others. There is no reason you cant just use your keyboard its just that I have virtually no desk space. I only have 1ft 6ins square (about 450mm x 450mm in new money) to fit a Saitek quadrant, Sidewinder FF2 plus keyboard and room to swing a mouse. The monitor floats over the top attatched to an arm and the keyboard gets shoved to the back underneath so it is difficult to reach. I do use a Nostromo game pad which takes up much less space and is pretty effective plus it has its own software for mapping keys but I think the press to talk button would be much better placed on the joystick as it is one of the most important buttons when flying with the Dogz - God bless them all.


Yes, I agree, a press to talk button has to be somewhere on the HOTAS if its to be practical. I am just getting into all this and have yet to get eveything setup, I see its a process that doesn't happen overnite.

  • 1 month later...


Download here: http://dangerdogz.com/forums/files/file/501-dd-mayhem/

Tried to use Shoot before but I couldn't get it to work at the time so this is a great alternative. I'd actually say MVC is better but I can't compare the two because I never actually used Shoot . Shoot may have just needed AutoIt installed or something similar but I just found this instead and used it successfully for quite some time. Tired using shoot again today just to check it out but you have to install a dotnet fix for with Win 7 and Windows reported an incompatibility issue with the fix so I'm not messing with it any more. My Voice Controller works and doesn't require any dotnet fixes for Win7 though it does for XP but that fix actually works. I'll make up a new IL-2 profile for it and post it in the next day or so if anyone is interested. There is a basic one I have included named Default.mvc. Making your own profiles is easy too. Supports macros and all that jazz so its great for things like commanding your wingmen to assist you, break off, return to base or whatever. I highly recommend checking it out. The performance really good. Blah blah, blah blah blah...

READ ME!!!!!

Created by Mayhem 4/26/2011

The main download for My Voice Controller is broken but I just happened to have a copy of the latest version. You can also go to the MVC forums for more information http://5hyphen.com/phpBB2/


If you're still on Windows XP you may need to install the dotNetFx35setup.exe as well as the SpeechSDK51.exe but fear not homies I dun hooked you up, it's all in the zip. Then set up your voice recognition by clicking on the Voice Recognition icon in your control panel. You do remember how to get to your control panel don't you? If you've previously set up voice recognition in Windows XP you should be fine already. If your using Windows 7 you don't have to bother with any of this.


Now install AutoIt-v3-setup.exe (Pretty sure there is a newer version of AutoIt but I know this one works) so if you install the latest version let me know if it works cause I don't feel like doing it right now and this is the version I have installed and it works fine. The reason for installing this is that some programs, mostly games like Half-life 2, have built in macro and script protection to prevent player from exploiting the game or pressing key combos faster then humanly possible. They often will not except simulated key strokes from external programs but AutoIt can circumvent much of this. You may or may not need this for IL-2 but if you want to use My Voice Controller with other games you should have it.


2nd Copy the My_Voice_Controller_Self_Install_v1_8_11_20 folder to your C:/program files(x86)/ directory if your in Windows 7 or just your C:/program files/ if you're in XP. Then RIGHT click on the My Voice Controller.exe and click send to desktop to create a desktop shortcut which you can then put in your start/programs/whatever folder or just leave it on the desktop I really don't care where you put it.|=^)}


Anyways, when you Win 7 users start up the program it is going to start you voice recognition setup for windows, at least it will if you haven't set it up already as I hadn't. If you've already set up your voice recognition in 7 I don't know if it will bring up the setup wizard or not.

Once your voice recognition is set up start My Voice Controller and this will open the main MVC windows.


Your Windows 7 Voice control window with the mic on it should also open at the top of your screen and say "sleeping" in the status window. Say "Start Listening" if you have voice activation set up, or if you have it disabled hit the hot key combo to start listening (I think its Cntl + Windows key. The status of the Windows Voice Control window should change to say "listening".


Ok Now that MY Voice Controller is open and running focus on the main window and on the upper left click on file/load profile. Click on Default.mvc to load that profile. Then look in the main status box under then information tab of the My Voice Controller program. The first line should read "Last Speech Recog:" with some blue text next to it. Say aloud either "show map" or "external". Look to see if it recognizes the command. Then next line will say "Last Command:" with blue text next to it saying "sendkeyaim". If you want to add voice commands go to file/edit profile then to add new line one like this: toggle gear|(sendkeyai:PGUP)

The "toggle gear" will be what you say to trigger the keystroke(s) and the sendkeyai: (the "ai" pipes it through AutoIt)is the key to be pressed to make your gear toggle, in this case PGUP. As long as PGUP is assigned to your toggle gear in the game controls when you say "toggle gear" the program will simulate the PGUP key stroke through AutoIt and to IL-2 which will then perform the assigned function.

Here is the default profile sample profile Olddefault.mvc, I created a new default for IL-2 which is the default.mvc you loaded in step 6 but this original one has all the comments to help explain what does what. Hope you like it, works best with a headset. If anyone needs help customizing there profiles let me know. Other profile examples can be found here http://5hyphen.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=19&sid=7dcaf4507eda67dbb763230f3246d131



# this file contains a test example of all the features

# comments start with#

# the format of commands and macros is:


# NOTE: the first part is the voice command

# separated by |

# next comes the function and action which are separated by TAB

# multiple functions and actions can be placed on the same

command line

#macro example



#sendkey example

sendkey test one|(sendkey:a)

sendkey test two|(sendkey:F1)

sendkey test three|(sendkey:left)

#sendtext example

#special commands % = ALT, ^ = CTRL, + = shift

sendtext test one|(sendtext:a)

sendtext test two|(sendtext:F1)

sendtext test three|(sendtext:left)

sendtext test four|(sendtext:^+s)(sendtext:LEFT)

#keydown / keyup example

keydown test one|(keydown:a)(keyup:a)

keydown test two|(keydown:left)(keyup:left)

#mousedown / mouseup example

mouseupdown test left|(mousedown:left)(mouseup:left)

mouseupdown test right|(mousedown:right)(mouseup:right)

mouseupdown test middle|(mousedown:middle)(mouseup:middle)

#mouseclick example

mouseclick test left|(mouseclick:left)

mouseclick test right|(mouseclick:right)

mouseclick test middle|(mouseclick:middle)

#mousemove example

mouse click here|(mousemove:100,200)

#mousesave / mouseload example

save mouse|(mouse:save)

load mouse|(mouse:load)

save mouse two|(mousesave:2)

load mouse two|(mouseload:2)

save mouse twenty|(mousesave:20)

load mouse twenty|(mouseload:20)

#mouseadd example

click mouse here|(mouseadd:200,0)

#mousewheel example

mouse wheel up ten|(MOUSEWHEELUP:10)

mouse wheel down five|(MOUSEWHEELDOWN:5)

#delay example

wait a bit|(delay:1000)


Display Priest File|(RUNEXTERNAL:priest.txt)

Run Notepad|(RUNEXTERNAL:\windows\notepad.exe "\tmp\dxdiag.txt")


say hello|(SPEAK:hello my voice commander)

say clipboard contents|(SPEAK:clipboard)


# uncomment the below line for 10 man healing with the healbot mod

#[iMPORT]|priest - healbot.mvc


open google|(webbrowser:www.google.com)




switch to browser commands|(LOADPROFILE:Maxthon Browser.mvc)



guardian handle|(FOCUSWINDOWNUM:B)

guardian name|(FOCUSWINDOWNAME:B)

focus two|(FOCUSWINDOWNUM:2)

focus three|(FOCUSWINDOWNUM:3)


#more to come. view the file other .MVC files for more examples


Here's my profile for the Insurgency Mod for Half-Life 2. Pistol, Rifle, Grenade, Flashlight, Choose Guns (!Guns), choose 1, choose 2, etc..... You'll have to bind the !guns command to the c key to get the !guns mod menus to work properly though. You will also have to have AutoIt installed. Using voice commands really gives you an nice advantage too. Hope you enjoy, see you online.


#Insurgency voice commands by MajorMayhem


cycle mode|(sendkeyai:i)


accept promo|(sendkeyai:PGUP)

reject promo|(sendkeyai:PGDN)


spray logo|(sendkeyai:t)


show map|(sendkeyai:m)

choose guns|(sendkeyai:c)

choose one|(sendkeyai:1)

choose two|(sendkeyai:2)

choose three|(sendkeyai:3)

choose four|(sendkeyai:4)

choose five|(sendkeyai:5)

Choose six|(sendkeyai:6)




alt fire|(mouseclickai:middle)


This seems quite interesting, Mayhem. Have downloaded everything and set it all up. When I launch My voice controller it brings up the windows voice recognition utility but I don't seem able to get it working. With the default file loaded the utility reacts but not with the correct keystrokes. Will play with it some more but might need to get back to you for some help.


This seems quite interesting, Mayhem. Have downloaded everything and set it all up. When I launch My voice controller it brings up the windows voice recognition utility but I don't seem able to get it working. With the default file loaded the utility reacts but not with the correct keystrokes. Will play with it some more but might need to get back to you for some help.

Years ago there was a product called Game Commander....I used it...worked great. You would train it to your voice, saying the command, like "gear" then map the appropriate key stroke(s)...worked good off line. I used it mostly for comms to base, wingman, flight, etc. For instance I'd say "home" and assign the Tab X X comm(not sure what they are) same as hitting the multiple keys...nice, or rejoin, attack, cover me, permisson to land, takeoff,etc....Now I have them programmed to my HOTAS. So when the wife comes into the room an makes a comment, I don't bail out...LOL

  • 2 weeks later...

I have this vision of me going down in flames, screaming "Control E, Control E, ffs, Control E!"

The only time I used a voice recognition utility it was made by IBM and was fairly slow. I was dictating a sentence and had to cough. The program promptly typed the word Lutheran :icon_puke_r:

I never could work out why a non-conformist church was in the vocabulary or how a cough would bring it to light.

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