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Pardon the stupid questions from the unwashed, but I take it this is some sort of mod for the sim that attempts to make it more realistic, yes?

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Yes, it is from the Histericaloric camp with emphasis on data accuracy.

I have the released version on the server, downloaded via torrent, and will updat our vault with it.

This is in the vault for the benefit of those that want it, it is not mandatory - only obsessives or those with a genuine need should download it!

  • 2. Administrators

No such thing as a stupid question m8 (only answers - lol).

Essentially you're right, HSFX is a set of mods which change or add to certain aspects of the game - so you might have new aircraft, changes to flight models, corrections to existing aircraft, cockpit and map repaints etc etc which enhance playability or eye-candy, but you could also have mods which change internal parts of the game code such as updates to the QMB or FMB for mission builders.

These are only examples, but if you have a look on the developers website, you can get a break-down of all the mods within this update - be aware that it runs to over 4GB, so if you want to d/l it it may take a while.



Thanks for the explanations. I don't sound like it will improve my gunnery so I think I will pass on it for now.

It might as the mods have more visable tracers and hit effects.

To improve your gunnery try using the p-51-d-20 with predictor sight , it will show you how much lead to use, set your convergence at 200- 250m and set up the sight at convergence.

there is a guide on how to use the sight at mission4today


hope this helps


Thanks for the explanations. I don't sound like it will improve my gunnery so I think I will pass on it for now.

If your gunnery is half as bad as mine, you have reached the absolute correct conclusion. This mod, however might make the game look a little better while you miss your target.

Seriously though, The HSFX pack is specifically designed to work well with SEOW online wars, so it's kind of application specific.

  • 1. DDz Quorum
(...) it will show you how much lead to use, (...)
Initially, I read this as 'lead' [led], as in the soft heavy metal... now that'd be cool... "For the aircraft in the gunsight to be destroyed, you will need to put 76lbs of lead into the right or left wingroot ..." :icon_cyclops_ani::icon_study:

On HL you should find a server running this set of mods: =gRiJ=HSFX5+Expert Mode

You find all the info in the ReadMe of the package, but I'm going to show the greatest differences here:

Sound: - This is a hybrid system but is most heavily based upon Tiger Sounds II, although very heavily streamlined, reduced and optimised to work Ok using default settings and Hardware acceleration.

The engine sample sets are now composed of a larger number of (smaller) samples so the engine state/rev bands are far more differentiated than before. These Samples were mostly Tigers but reduced to 2s loops, which is the il2 default.

Tiger introduced a couple of great innovations: -

In game it is to set distance restrictions for external sounds and this helps to stop 'Sound radar'. You are unlikely to hear an enemy aircraft unless it is very close.

A fundamental problem with a flightsim is that you don't experience the same kind of feedback that a real pilot does. Its impossible obviously to recreate this, however sound can be used more effectively to do this than it has been so there has been a conscious effort also to expand upon this aspect with new sounds for new functions and more Stress and G force related sound cues.

Huge thanks to Tiger and the original team (Josse coding ?) that made TigerII sounds. (and RollnLoop for his input also with us in relation to this a while ago). Also to Freddie for the breathing effect and some of the xtra G cues.

So you'll improve your gunnery since the guy ahead will not evade from your attack when you're still far from him. They will see you only because of your tracers (but you should have already damaged them!)

EXPERT mode Highly Recommended that you try this.

Developed for SEOW but the same changes should be universaly applicable.

This Switcher Option activates Aachens FULL FM's. (see full explanation below)

Custom ini's ( see below, Ground and Ships) reduce load and we believe, make the ground and naval war more realistic.

Tanks, Guns & Infantry perform more efficiently and historicaly in relation to each othere.

Outcomes of Naval battles are more as you might expect them to be, naval AAA uses effective rather than maximum ranges.

Ranges are usually less and reload times longer, so you can have more objects in missions or you can turn up the RoF settings.

The blast radius of larger Kilo bombs are equalized out so that IJN and Soviet bombs display similar blast characteristics to LW ordinance.

(not sure why they should have been so radicaly different, the power is similar, but the blast radius were radicaly different for the same amount of explosives. :rolleyes:

Because this is its own unique net version we were able to enable a few extra opening Canopies for this option as the incompatibility that creates the smoke bug should not arise.

Tanks' armor values and bombs' damage power... see why I always said that I really don't trust the stock game...

Aachens Flight Models

A little Background:-

Aachen is a professional Aircraft design engineer, we were not sure if we wanted to go inthis direction at first, but were so impressed by how much closer to what we have read flying soem of these aircraft and fighting in them has come, that it was inconceivable to go back.

We hope that you share the views of the many 'test-pilots'. You retain a choice still anyhow. Using the ful work is strictly optional.


In Stock Configeration Oleg's Flyables are all Stock (by Oleg or TD) although all new aircraft * that Aachen has worked on have his FM's also.

In 'Expert Mode' All of the aircraft below use Aachens FM's.

We have altered the Netcode and the encrytion for this mode, so that players cannot use the modified 'Stock' FM's on stock servers.

Those that play online require very reasonably that everybody is playing with the same.

Expert mode is to protect this desire.

List of modified aircrafts

The complete list of planes modified is as follows:


E1, E1B, E3, E3b, E4, E4B, E4N, E7, E7N, E7NZ

F2, F2B, F2trop, F4, F4B, F4trop, F4Z

G1, G2, G2trop, G3, G4, G4trop, G5, G6early, G6Erla, G6Late, G6Mid, G6trop, G10, G10C3, G10Erla, G14, G14early, G14AS

K4, K4C3, K6, K14


A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A5-165, A7, A7sturm, A8, A9


D9, D9late, D11, D13


G55, G55late, G55-ss0, G55-ss0late


MC200, MC202, MC205, MC205V


P51B, P51C, P51CM, P51D20, P51D20NT, P51D25, P51D30


P40B, P40C, P40E, P40E-M-105, P40M


P38J, P38J10LO, P38J15LO, P38J25LO

P38L, P38L5LO, P38Llate


P47D10, P47D22, P47D27, P47D27late

Of course it's not like all the planes have being improved... for example some 109s have being nerfed..

Knowing all these old aspect of IL2 I'm scared about CoD, above all after the russian betatester has said that "now the 0.303s are really effective" (like the russian green ray of death?) :occasion5:

EDIT: I've just seen the new video (the interview to Luthier); I'm not afraid anymore.

  • 2 weeks later...

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