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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Seen others have brief dalliances in the likes of World of Tanks (I have abandoned this personally) CoD, MoH etc.

Greyknight posted a YouTube video of Warband, you still play that?

My lad does and has a server that is a bit of a headache with admin (kicking and banning etc).

Any one tried MineCraft which appears to be quite popular?


I have a minecraft server, incredibly fun game. You can build everything from working roller coasters to forts. The only limit is your creativity, and it has multiplayer!


I was watching Gamespot's 2010 Game of the year video a week ago and that is when I heard of a console game called Red Dead Redemption. I am not much of a First Person Shooter gamer, but I love westerns, have read almost all of Louis L'Amour's books and many others. And I would love to be able to play Gamespot's Game of the Year 2010 on a PC someday!

Their review of the game here is fantastic. Check it out here, and just jump to 2:00 minutes into the video if you want to skip the other 2010 candidates:

  • 1. DDz Quorum

One of the servers I'm renting is an 8 core 8GB RAM box with 750GB disk space.

Running 1/2 Warband servers for my lad, and 2 minecraft servers.

We recently started work on the 2nd MC server which is currently a whitelist server, and are scheming to get donations to keep it running.

If you PM me your mc username I can add you to the whitelist ;)

A strangely absorbing game, I generated a google map for it and it weighed in at 14GB uncompressed, 6 GB compressed so need to work out a way of uploading it :o

Our map is 18322 chunks currently..


I've given up and deleted World of tanks as well...too addictive. Was wasting too much time.

Have 'rediscovered' COD World at War (the ww2 version) and have been playing live lately...mucho fun.


I still dabble with World of Tanks, but my 2 sons love it more. The new American tanks look good, especially that speedy light tank, can't remember its name? My 5 year old just loves driving his Panzer around knocking down all the buildings and trees. :laughing7:

Just finished Mass Effect 2, that was a good single player FPS/RPG game. The opening sequence is the best I've ever experienced in a game. You're on this spaceship that is under attack and you go through an airlock and find the ceiling has been shot away and you're looking in to space and the huge planet you're orbiting fills your screen. Utterly breath-taking!

I've not played Warband, just the single player original, Mount & Blade. What kind of numbers of players can you get playing together in Warband before it gets laggy? But I do still regularly play Warhammer Online MMO. But that game is dieing slowly unfortunately, as usual the developers ignore the customer complaints and there's several new MMOs coming out this year.

Just trying Star Wars - Force Unleashed 2 now. The ability to pick up and throw Storm-Troopers around and to crush TIE Fighters into tin-cans is too good to miss.

My boss showed me MineCraft, he says it is addictive, so I'm going to give it a miss before I come addicted too.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I've not played Warband, just the single player original, Mount & Blade. What kind of numbers of players can you get playing together in Warband before it gets laggy?

We regularly see 40-70 players online on our server, there is client induced lag but this is solved by briefly hitting the menu (or so I am told).

We see peak daily data transfers of 64GB when the server is really busy (I have put a Persistent World mod on for my son).

Biggest issue is finding good admins/mods to keep rules obeyed, and why we are considering running a second no rules server.


Here are some slightly different games that have surprised me recently

The kids got a wii last year and im really impressed with some of the titles , I used to think they were kiddie but the mario games are fantastic , the new super mario galaxy 2 is one of the best designed games I have ever played, mario kart is a blast and Iv just got goldeneye , a remake of the snes classic FPS

Th eldest has just got a x-box and Batman arkym asylem and Bayonetta are 2 very good games, he likes the Assasins Creed games.


Hi guys, tried WoT but after a while it seemed all i was doing was grinding so fell out with that one, son gifted me Fallout 3 over christmas though not tried it yet, also purchased Patrician IV over the festive period and received MSFSX as a prezzie, but by far the most addictive one ive gotten into is Flight Control HD on STEAM, nice little game, the wife plays Plants v Zombies & Zuma, she's addicted hehe.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Fallout 3 is a good one, son got the Vegas add-on recently but I've not had a chance to hijack it off him yet.

He has Mafia II (I know an 18 rated game for a 15yr old makes me 'one of those' parents) and I have to say the graphics are stunning in DX11.

He asked for a new GPU for Christmas and got a 6850 and I am impressed with it's performance.


Fallout 3 is a fantastic game indeed, you should start playing it asap Mac1507. So are the Assassin's Creed games, I've always loved the Ninja/Stealth/Assassin archetype role in games, rather than the 'carry a big gun and blast away at anything in front of you.'


Fallout 3 is a fantastic game indeed, you should start playing it asap

I know i should as son keeps telling me (he's onto New Vegas & Mafia II) but atm Flight Control HD is so addictive along with Patrician IV and i've re re re installed up to date (i think) IL2 1946 plus got a new project under way but thats another topic :)



The fallout series is absolutely amazing. Fallout 3 is great, New Vegas is very entertaining as well. I loved the original Mafia, excellent game, you can't help to love a game that has the music of Django Reinhardt in it.

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