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Having successfully accomplished the first part of my journey…the meeting with Angus…I move on to complete the mission:

Visit the one known as BlairGowrie and deliver the DangerDogz gift.

I consider the meet up with Angus a success as I made it without getting sued by Angus. A notorious tort-happy lawyer.

The mythical land of BlairGowrie starts about at the edge of Toronto. However, the land is so large that it is about a 2 ½ hour car drive from Toronto to the centre of BlairGowriea.

As I drive, I know I am getting close to the nerve center of BG’s empire: I spy some of the windmills used to generate power for his immense empire:



I spy a mail box on the side of the road! Alas, I am almost there.


Expecting to find his house close, I turn off at the entrance of BG’s driveway and sigh as I realize how large his place is.

His driveway goes forever. I sense what the Nazi’s thought as they invaded Russia. Cold, snow and tundra that stretches forever.


I travel by what is obviously a dumping ground for BG. Yet, still no house…


Finally – I sense I am close.


I pull up to the mansion and am greeted by attack dogs…in the distance I hear their master’s voice bellow a warm greeting: “get him! Attack, attack!”



I am ushered into Castle BG and immediately am welcomed like an old friend. Once I pass through security at his front door.


Here I am arriving finally at the guest quarters…checking in.


There is a long walk from the entrance to the actual quarters…


I relax with a drink in the guest lounge while I await the Castle’s Lord.


Jim set me up in Helen’s office to fly and was kind enough to pour me a shot of scotch. A ‘shot’ at BG’s is like everything at his residence: oversize. I am poured at least an 8 ounce pour. I comment to Jim that beer steins are not meant as scotch glasses. He calls me a wimp and heads back to flying.

Jim, Helen and I share a great evening of dinner and wine…and then headed to a friend of theirs…we get 10 minutes away and are turned back by white out conditions. The snow was so bad, Jim actually missed the turn-off to his house (after living there 12 years). Or maybe he was just drunk. Hard to tell.

Had a great nights sleep. If you have ever been in a spot where there is zero ambient noise, this was similar. No car noises, no planes overhead, no neighbours…absolute quiet. It was quite something.

Having slept at both Dubbo’s house and at the house of Painless, I can say it was enjoyably unique at being able to sleep at a Dogz house without the host trying to crawl in and ‘cuddle’. Shudder.

Next morning I get up rested and head to the breakfast nook for a bite.

Then grab a quick snack in the guest nook.


Jim and Helen give me the grand tour…

The house is magnificent. After seeing pics of it, and hearing about it, for years – it was nice to see it for real.

Much was built by Jim and Helen from wood harvested from the land. Jim will have to describe the type of wood used…but it is spectacular.

How do you describe to people someone like Jim and Helen who built the place from scratch? “Oh, yeah…they are banking execs who harvest wood, cure it, cut it and frame and build a magnificent house themselves…just like all normal banking execs”.



A pic of the famous wireless tower through the stained glass that Helen did (the one that Jim DID NOT break…yet)


Had some snow overnight as mentioned. About 8 inches.

My rental car:



How would I get out? Jim says he’ll get out the snow blower. I have visions of Jim pushing a snow blower to clear a few kilometers of driveway.

Should have known better.

“…this is a snow blower!”



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