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A *ground Breaking* Approach To Ground Attack.

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On Friar's MDS earlier tonight. I flew in low from France, on my special infiltration & sabotage mission. My ride? A marvel of engineering. As quiet as an I-16 after pulling negative G, as stealthy as a Catalina with a leak. Armed not to blow up and destroy, but to stab through the heart.

As I crossed the channel after 23 hours of flying from France, I went in low south of Dover, the flak never noticing me in my superb discretion, furious battles raging above. I approach my target area at grasstop level, decrease speed, (and start recording).



First ich dealen mit possible threat.


Mein 7.92 kaliber ist die beste! It blowen up artillery zu smitherines-en.


Ich bin ingoren geparkt aerokraften becaus main ammunition bist limitieren. Ich searchen fur softeren targeten.


Ich habe founden trucken. HA! Taken das british autos! BMW senden its regards-en!




After destroyen die dreimal A und die autos, ich wanteden zu turnen arounden and shootzen ein big barrage balloonen, aber ich hat made ein miskalkulazion un gekrashen in hausen.


If ich hat back zu France managed geflyen, no doubten Goering would 130 pointen on mein uniformen awarden.

From Nazi Hell, Yours sincerely, Friedrich Heinz

(Nazi satan ist forzen me lektures aus deutsches language gelernen)


haha my last names HEINZE rofl...... german WWII ninjas hahahahah.... i like the whole story thing lol that was pretty awesome... nice pics.


always rewarding to break the usual search and destroy routine with messing around with a crap plane and actually doing something useful with it. I would have got 130 points if I made it back, probably more as I still had ammo. Compared to later when I flew in with a 109 over the channel only to be shot down by flak twice :D

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