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  • 1. DDz Quorum

Without any warning at all a flight of Fw190s roars down int the valley....


And latches straight on to the long suffering Mayhem... I dunno bout you, but I reckon laxative is wholly unnescessary when two Fw's are pumping their entire arsenal at you!


I'm trying to engage but the 190s just have too much speed....


As they wingover I'm behind but mushing and can't quite get the shot...


They roll in on Mayhem again.. he must be getting fed-up with this by now!


He breaks in time as I fight the bucking trembling lightning round to get a guns solution on this aggressive little bastard of an Fw...


Almost there!


Alas he breaks and forces me to overshoot. Meanwhile Mayhem's miseries multiply as he takes a flak hit that liberally ventilates his port wing... and the fuel tank.


The Focke-Wulfs are showing no mercy...


The two I'm chasing throw themselves straight into a mountain-side for no reason - perhaps the leader got splashed by friendly AAA or just misjudged his manoeuvre. Either way his wingman - some rookie no doubt with orders to stick to his leader like glue - went straight in after him. Avoiding their fate I swing round, climbing towards Mayhem's fight, the ever present flak clawing at me as I go....


Getting there... Come on!


He chops his throttle trying to force me out in front so I barrel-roll attack; it's a brute force affair, my throttles are firewalled and I got a good notch of flap down with lashings of tail heavy elevator trim, as she shudders, rattles and wobbles on the edge of a high speed stall... but I stay behind him...


My first burst is wide, my second peppers his rear fuselage and both wings, but my third...


The Jerry bails as I watch his crate spin crazily down into the forest below...


With no sign of the remaining Fw, I join up with Mayhem and after a quick damage assessment we wander home.


But what's this? Mayhem spots 4 contacts in the sun. They are large and as they are flying out from the direction of our lines, I suspect they're Liberators.


But no! As we close it's with a shock I realise they're Ju52s! Easy meat!


Part 5 here

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