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As a general rule, in the area I live we get lousy radio reception. I decided to look into Satellite Radio today. I picked up a radio (Sirius Starmate 5) from Radio Shack for $60 and had it installed by a local garage for another $40. The monthly subscription cost for 130 radio channels is $15 and it took me no time to activate the satellite radio

There is a great cross section of music, sports and news. There are hits from the 40's, 50's, right up to today and four separate jazz stations. BBC world and CNN.

Most of you guys live in big cities and have access to lots of boring stations but for those who live in the boonies, like I do, I can highly recommend satellite radio.


Yep pretty neat aren't they?

The truckers and all the New trucks have them, now days.

We have one set up in the shop to rebroadcast and we tune our radios on our tool boxes to it.

I like the comedy channels, us techs get a kick out of it late at night.

if i get bored with what everyone else is listening too, I have a laptop in my tool box and I just tune in something on it from the web, and rebroadcast it on a mini Fm transmitter so my Stereo on my box can receive it and play it louder than everyone else s radio. :thumbsu:


amazing what you can get on satellite...

I found a "Bruce Springsteen" station...all Bruce...all the time.

did you try just streaming radio from the web with your mega-uber-download speed?

thousands and thousands of stations...


I am on my 3rd XM Radio. While I love satellite radio, their recordable radios have been kind of crappy and expensive. But the plain old radio receivers work well. I have it record talk shows every day so I can listen whenever I want.

With the Droid Incredible that I bought about two months ago, I can also receive about 200+ radio stations all for free with the 'I Heart Radio' app and other apps..


Satellite radio? Is this what we call DAB (digital audio broadcasting) over here? We're big on radio in my house. To my kids disgust, I'm a bit of a TV Nazi. I see no reason to have more than one TV in the house. Certainly none in bedrooms. Ten years ago here in the UK we had just four or five channels. On a Saturday I used to sit down with the TV guide and have look at what was on, make a note of it and make sure I'd watch it.

Nowadays we have 'Freeview' which is digital broadcasting. We've got something like forty channels now. It's total shite. As there is not enough decent telly to go around most of these forty channels just recycle the same old garbage constantly. I just can't be bothered.

Most evenings my wife and I find ourselves banished to the kitchen as my now big kids command the telly rights. Neither of us mind. We can read, drink tea, my wife can thrash me at scrabble. I can smoke the occasional cheroot. We have the radio on. We did have a DAB jobby down here which was great if the reception was working but usually hopeless. It was fine upstairs. Last year I bought a Phillips Internet radio. It's fantastic. Works off the signal from our wireless router upstairs. The choice is truly endless. Despite what I said about modern TV I find radio much less obtrusive and a kind of nostalgic adventure. As a kid in the seventies I used to do my homework listening to the John Peel show and the Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy. That originally started out as a radio series on the BBC.

I still prefer to listen to soccer commentary rather than watch it. Somehow just much more exciting. Been getting into Baseball too. English language radio is endless. Every local station worldwide seems to have an internet stream these days. I get a kick out of listening to local radio from Perth in western Australia knowing that my cousins out there will be listening too as they work at printing money-or pool contracting as it's more commonly known. Local radio ads from the Soloman Islands become fascinating. Even the Goon show is streamed by someone. I'll be checking out local radio from Ontario and Missouri later tonight after coops! :thumbsu:


I miss listening to the radio too Arthur. During the war years I used to listen to Dick Barton Special Agent and his trustworthy sidekick Jock. Then when I was in boarding school we were allowed to listen to the radio but no comics.

The wife saw my car satellite radio today for the first time and, of course, she also wants it in her car..

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