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..only In B.c. ...outdoor Grow Op Busted....with Guard Bears?

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Now that I've got your attention,apperantly the RCMP busted an outdoor pot grow -op in the Christina Lake area.About 1hr from where I live.It seems that there are about 10 or so black bears that hang around the compound.Early news reports said that the bears where being fed by the land owner,who also had an outdoor grow-op,and the bears where there to "guard the crop".

Pics where taken with the cops posing in front of the bears etc.As the story progressed,officials decided the the bears would have to be destroyed.Because they would pose a "great threat to the public".After huge public outcry and more exposure from the news,as of today it has been decided that the bears were'nt there to be "bears on patrol"....or to guard the the crop.And they won't be destroyed after all.

It turns out the land owner has been feeding these bears for quite some time,and is basically a wildlife lover who has racoons and other wildlife who he looks after as well.It has been wisley decided that he can go on feeding the bears untill they go into hibernation.At which time the"experts will re-evaluate the bear's situation."There is still the small matter of the grow-op to deal with,but for now the bears are well fed and are doing well....lol

If I had more time I would post some U Tube links...maybe some of you guys...Canuck guys, could look into this story a little more,and post some links and stuuff.

Apperentley the guy is now called "The Bear Dude."...which is so typically Canadian and is so B.C.We are pretty laid back here in B.C.....maybe 'cause our weed is soo goood.....so I've heard....lol




Weed bust are easy pickings for law inforcement. Ususally unarmed, mellow, and don't run. They pick on these guys because they have a hard time getting the hardcore drugs and they need to bust somebody.

It is a crying shame!! I see more people impaired, violent, and fucked up on alcohol than I ever have on marajuana. This just pisses me off!

Legalize it ! and go after cocain and meth.



Hmmm.....I kinda thought this story would generate a little more interest with you guys.Maybe because it's a local story for me....kinda in my neighbourhood.I don't care about the grow op thing.....It's about the bear story that I'm more interested in.Seems to me that this is a uniuqe situation concerning the bears.I don't condone what the "Bear Dude" has done,....I just want a "Happy ending" for all the bears,....which probably and unfortunately won't happen in the long run.

Another example of humans interfering with the delicate balance of nature....

ps....I have since let my pack of "Guard Squirrels" return to their families,and have destroyed my grow op of wild rubarb.....The chipmunks have voiced there gratitude.....there is peace in the forest once again...lol..........the owls enjoy the silence of my saws...

....wow....goood weeed.




Yep,that was me....topping a tree for a friend on a Sat.morning.....just some light recreation before brunch...lol




LOL! You can take the lumberjack out of the woods but you can't take the wood out of the lumberjack. I mean er........oh, what the hell, you figure it out.

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