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this week there was 'shocking news' of 3 arrests in Ottawa (our capital city) of 'home-grown' Islamic terrorists.

Well, it turns out one of them appeared on Canadian Idol...which is a knock-off of course of American Idol which is a knock off of some European talent show.

Here is here audition.

I don't think I'm going to worry much about Canadian jihadists...



Poor guy was just upset over being dissed that way by the panel. He just needs a hug, and to be taken care of by the government for the rest of his life, and everything will be OK. :crazysmile:


I'm not sure Al Queda will want to take credit for this one............ :blow_brains:


.......lol....thanks,JP,....a couple of minutes out of my life I'll never get back.......the word LAME comes to mind....lol




Why I Think We'll Win The War On Terrorism and the War on Freedom too.

American Science & Engineering, a company based in Billerica, Massachusetts, has sold U.S. and foreign government agencies more than 500 backscatter x-ray scanners mounted in vans that can be driven past neighboring vehicles to see their contents.


I tried to start a new topic but kept getting that error even after logging in a few times. It seemed to fit here pretty well anyway.

Watch the video on the page ... damn creepy.


The Backscatter X-Ray vans we use will produce photos just as the article shows.

But what the article doesn’t tell you is that the van must drive past the target vehicle at a very, very slow speed. You just can’t drive past a vehicle at anything approaching a normal speed and get acceptable results.

We use these X-Ray vans at Check Points where vehicles are forced to stop. Then the van can slowly scan the vehicle.


I suppose that if we have x-ray vans roving the streets of the United States, then the terrorists have won an early victory (one among many). Time will tell if such measures have an upside.


Oh great, just what we need. This thing is like microwave on wheels. I wonder how long it takes it to cook a hotpocket?


I'm pretty sure that at this time it's use in the US would violate the search without probable cause thing.

In Canada they already have this "RIDE" program. Random spotchecks to check for drunk drivers. Block off a likely on ramp and sniff everyone for booze.

Simple enough to probe every orifice while you're waiting in line.


Every time you use a regular search engine, your search data are recorded.

Your search terms, the time of your visit, the links you choose, your IP address and your User ID cookies all get stored in a database.

June 28, 2010 Search Engines Should Become Government Spies, Says EU Parliament

I use startpage.com for searching. They don't log your IP with the search and you can even visit the results through a proxy server.

They're leading the fight for consumer privacy.


Yeah, it's not that hard to find out stuff about anyone using the internet. A 5min talk to a good hacker/cracker really opens your eyes. There was this guy I talked to that gave me an example of a not so common hack. He used Adobe's updater, and through that found a loop hole through your firewall.

Think about how many programs you got that uses updaters. For example. ;)

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