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Really ought to have a thread for this gem of a time-gobbler. It's tank-sim lite, fun and addictive. I know some of you dogs are already playing it, what're the rest of you waiting for?

Btw, it's closed beta, but getting a key is easy- as always, google is your friend!

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Open beta should start soon so no code will be needed also a 'softwipe' will be done as a newer version is due shortly so all data upto that point will be lost/erased. I cannot recommend this game highly enough, its fun with just the right mix of action and sim.


I don't think you can get inside, Toad.

Anyway, I just found out you can pay 250gold and then recieve 50% more credits & exp for that day. It's under "profile".


Looks good!

Got a key from http://mmohut.com after signing up and downloading now.

I just applied for the beta testing. What is this? Is that some other way of trying it out?


Hop on here, get the key, put it on the website,register and you should be able to download the client and able to play. On TS now if you need help.


I'm going for a T-34 from A-20 and trying hard to upgrade my new KV (that thing is so sloooow) but the T-28 with the 85 gun is pretty capable for a low medium.


TOAD, you can use your mouse scroll wheel to zoom to a gunsight view, but that's all the inside you can get. I find that you can zoom down so that it looks like you're sitting in the commander's hatch.

Premium account is the way to go. Some smart guys pointed out that you only have to save gold for 16 days to buy a month's premium account, best bang for buck.

T28 is a good ride, Zooly. (And a heck of a target for my 100mm!)


If you really want to get inside it, there's a secret hatch underneath which can be activated doing this:

down,right,up,down A,A,B,B, left trigger, right trigger, up. You'll hear a "ding" followed by a "plong", then you can enter the tank.


So you’re saying that you can’t get into the tanks at all? The only thing you can do is zoom the gun sight? That doesn’t sound very realistic.

Now this is a beta, does anyone know if they are planning to have proper crew positions modeled?

In the first clip it seems to show a guy in the driver’s position. Is that just a cut scene of some sort? I was hoping that this was going to be a vastly improved version of Red Orchestra, where you had to have a real tank crew, of at least a driver and a commander/gunner. And what is this business about earning Gold, and buying upgrades? When you’re earning Gold, there are usually Elves running about.

Are you guys sure that this is a tank simulator and not an Eastern Front version of Grand Theft Panzer? ;)


More like the latter I am afraid Trib, it is not a simulator, nor a wholly arcade game. It is placed in Sim-Limbo. Still, it remains a reasonably fun game. If you want to try a good tank sim, try Steel Fury, very realistic and quite excruciatingly frustrating when sitting in a Matilda II and all you can see is through a little view slit and you are trying to find the PaK-38 that is denting your armour.

Short little video here, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzMfWTd8z-A&feature=related

The sim does a very good job at creating the inside of the tanks, very nicely rendered in full 3d. Quite scary well you hear rounds dinging in the armour. You have all the crew positions in the game, all with their own duties. I prefer to be the gunner, ordering the driver where to go and use the commander as a spotter. The game does feature combined arms, with infantry, artillery support (and enemy artillery) and even air support.

With some mods, the game is quite excellent, far more realistic than red orchestra.


~S~ Jedi

Thanks, Mate. I’ll have to look into this. It definitely looks much better than Red Orchestra.

But let me ask you this. Are you saying that you can simultaneously drive the tank and man the turret? That was the real downside to playing Red Orchestra solo. You had to stop the tank and then pop into the turret, you needed at least two people if you wanted to use realistic tank tactics.

Also, is it possible to have two or more people in the same tank in this game? If you could have a human driver, gunner and tank commander, you could have a very realistic tank simulator. You could even throw in a human hull gunner position for extra fun.

I’ll have to add this to my list of things to buy. But it will have to wait until I’ve got RoF ICE and a TrackIR 5. I’ve got to force myself to use a little restraint and self control.


It is a single player game, with three campaigns in the stock game, but mods add so much more.

You can move while firing, in effect, you command the driver to drivesomewhere, or direct with him left/right commands. Fairly simple. I've played entire missions solely in the commanders seat, looking out the slits of the PZ-III, a bit difficult, but a lot safer than popping your head out.


Here is a demo, it is a bit rough since it is unmodded and quite an early release. The problem is the distributer collapsed just after release, halting the development of the game further. None the less, it remains an interesting game for armour aficionados.

One game that does multiplayer armour well is WWII online (Battleground Europe). A combined arms sim, you can fly, run around as infantry, use ATGs and drive tanks on a halfscale map of the battle of France, Belgium and Holland. It more like an online war than most games, the flight modeling is a bit lacking, but the ground aspects are quite well made.

It is unfortunately a pay per month subscription game, the graphics are slightly uneven, but quite a fun game.


just tried it yesterday. fun game. got my self one kill !!! with german forgotthename. got it fully upgraded. now i'm saving money for a new tank. is there a place where a n00b can do some practice?

  • 1. DDz Quorum

just tried it yesterday.

Wouldn't happen to be gec100 would you?

If so we were on the same server a few times, same side at least once!

There are training servers/rooms you can create.

Servers are off-line now until Wednesday, when they will come back and be state side.

New patch being applied too, which includes ability to form squads (and invite friends to them) which would make TS/Mumble voice comms a good idea!

They are doing a soft wipe too, so all tanks will be reset and existing accounts credited with 5000 gold - so that is enough to buy and crew 3 tanks apparently.

A fun game that is easy to dip in and out of, with battles lasting 15 minutes or longer, and being able to take a reserve tank out when one gets knocked out makes for an enjoyable diversion.

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