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Gray Ghost is with us in Edmonton right now.


Same model as "Hammy" Gray flew on his final mission where he was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross for his relentless attack on a Japanese destroyer.

We're sponsoring the visit - so was able to spend a time with the bird and its crew. :)

Something I never knew - what I thought were dive flaps are not dive flaps at all. The chief mechanic told me they are just regular flaps - specially designed to fly slow for carrier landings.

In the Corsair, the dive flap would lower landing gear - which could be set to any angle - as the dive flap - 30, 40, 50 degrees - whatever. The tire, as it lowers, is parallel to the wing (only when fully lowered for landing does it straighten). This, and the strut cover shown here, acted as the drag.

The wings can be manually folded with a pump without power on. Apparently using a air pressure release. It took about two minutes per wing to fold-up. And the guy in the cockpit was about 70 - and he could handle it no problem.


Was able to sit in it with canopy closed and the view backwards is minimal - but better than in the game. View forward again is better than in the game...and with just poking my head a bit left or right gave a very nice view forward...maybe due to height. Pilot said very easy to taxi in because of this. Even with seat lowered, you sit quite high in the cockpit. Canopy is actually quite awkward to open/close...



Ok...I looks constipated in this one. I never have luck with people taking my pics in cockpits.


Rudder and aileron were very, very easy to move. "Even at speed" he said. The CH pedals require more effort I think.

There is about a one foot drop from the rudders to the bottom of the plane...there is no cockpit 'floor' per se. It is just wide open (although armoured I assume). "Drop anything and it sits there till you land" I'm told.


This Corsair looks like the tail sits very high...with a large/long tail wheel. I was told this plane is unmodified, and that is how it is...





cockpit left, right and centre








me just holding the camera up while in cockpit and taking pic back...




sorry - here's the intended pic of the strut cover.


Never knew it was modeled in-game as the dive flap...though in game the wheel rotates fully when it should stay parallel to wing in dive flap 'mode'


Nice pics, thanks for posting. She's a pretty bird, ain't she? I found the cockpit to be quite cramped on the one at the New England Air Museum, but it is a prototype, so the might have made changes. I thought the pedal position was extremely awkward, especially by comparison to the P47, which was like sitting in a Buick.


ok, I want to sit in a P47 as well.

Pedals I found fine and very easy to move. The stick was very short...came up below my belly button.

We're going to try to get Squawk in it tomorrow...he's a good 6 foot something...we'll see how he does in it.


Real nice stuff JP

Nice Wingtips too, I haven't seen them since my Grandad passed away.

I've only been in one WW2 type At-6 and its rudders and controls were very easy to move on the ground.

The stick was still fairly light in normal flight.

But the rudder tighten right up once in the air.

And during a loop it took probably 30+ pounds of pressure on the toes to keep the loop level.

I would think with a Corsairs large rudder it would aswell.


Very intresting and nice pic´s JP. Thanks for sharing. All that technology and a simpel crooked metal rod with a single fire button. Nice.


JP if you can, and have time, can you take a look at just how far away you can actually be from it and still read the 115.

I'm curious, been tweaking my icon settings to compensate for the game not being real life visuals.

Like possibly be there when it taxi's and find out the length of the airfield, and distance from your standing point, to its location on the field.


JP if you can, and have time, can you take a look at just how far away you can actually be from it and still read the 115.

I'm curious, been tweaking my icon settings to compensate for the game not being real life visuals.

Like possibly be there when it taxi's and find out the length of the airfield, and distance from your standing point, to its location on the field.

That's awesome!

You lucky, lucky Dog, JP.

Thanks for sharing. :)


Really really really enjoying those pics, JP. Thanks! I bet it was really tempting to ask if you could fire it up too. :)


We managed to get Squawk down today and into the cockpit as well.

Him being about 7 feet tall or soo, it was touch and go there for a bit.

Got loads of pics though...hopefully he'll post them up soon. (hint, hint...)

Tomorrow we hope to drag Rattler out to see it.

It's had mechanical problems so it might be here for another three or four days.


Hey JP,I'm on my way there....be there in 8hrs....( I wish..).You are a lucky dog for sure.....you and the others.I'm jealous.




You mentioned Hammy Gray.I just have to add this..

Hampton Gray was from Nelson,B.C,only an hour from here.If memory serves,I seem to recall an episode on the History channel about him.Early in his careere,he was involved in an attack on the Tirpitz..Due to his inexperince he went in way too close on his attack run,with guns blazing.His gun camera footage from that run was later used for training purposes.

He became quite a good pilot,and If my memory is right was THE last Canadian serviceman or maybe the last serveman in the war to be killed before Japan surrenderd.It may have been the next day after his death.Anyways,can't wait for more pics!


  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ JP M8

You are one lucky bugger, fantastic job getting the "inside story" .

Whats next , an IL2 maybe ? LOL

Great picsgoodjob.gif

~S~ Painless.


I sat in it too! Awesome plane! My youngest, Jeremiah, got to unfold the wings by hand. He had a blast!

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Rattler, Squawk and I had a DangerDogz breakfast (food, plane talk and no women) together this morning with the two chief mechanics for the Corsair.

What a blast!


Rattler, Squawk and I had a DangerDogz breakfast (food, plane talk and no women) together this morning with the two chief mechanics for the Corsair.

What a blast!

Lucky guys, you all are. It must have been a lot of fun !

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