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I need a little help here. I would really love to fly the co op tonight but I need some help setting up UP and whatnot. I'd also like to apply for a slot on the Dogz team but we can go over that whenever. Could someone post the Teamspeak server info so I can speak with someone. I'd really like to fly if there is a co op tonight.


Sorry mate but we are not flying tonight. We also need to know a little bit about you before we hand out TS info. Where are you from and how old are you?

34 from the US. North Carolina to be exact. Had talked to TheFruitBat in the IL-2 forum and was under the impression you all had an open teamspeak server during Co ops. I could use some help getting set up with UltraPack. I downloaded 2.01 and installed it but it doesn't seem to have changed anything in my IL-2. I enabled a few mods and clicked on this ultapack updater thing an now it's downloading stuff for like hour and hours. I don't really know if I am doing this the right way?

  • 2. Administrators

Did I,lol? Whats your ubi user name Major Mayhem?

Sat nights whoever is around flies on the ubizoo co-ops, which is open to everyone, and the teamspeak server details for that are posted in the satnight co-ops thread stickied at the top in the off-topic forum.

As the dogz we fly on a different teamspeak server, but i sure BG will be along in a bit with more details and info for you.


S! Major,

Fruitbat was probably talking about the open TS that BG hosts for the UBIZoo on Saturday afternoons (USA time). He is from England, so for him it was evening. Sorry for the confusion with that.

BG will be back soon I am sure.

In the mean time, you downloaded UltraPack 2.01 and installed it into your games folder? What OS are you running? If you are running Win7 or Vista, you may have UAC permission issues. UAC stops programs/viruses from changing files in your Program Files folders. So, Mods may not work.

You can either turn off UAC (at your own risk) if that is your issue. Or install your games that you plan to mod in a different folder. I install all my games in a folder that I created called C:\My Programs.



Did I,lol? Whats your ubi user name Major Mayhem?

Sat nights whoever is around flies on the ubizoo co-ops, which is open to everyone, and the teamspeak server details for that are posted in the satnight co-ops thread stickied at the top in the off-topic forum.

As the dogz we fly on a different teamspeak server, but i sure BG will be along in a bit with more details and info for you.

rfxcasey, I've been posting a lot lately.


Picture of thefruitbat

Posted Tue June 08 2010 13:22 Hide Post


Originally posted by TinyTim:


Originally posted by rfxcasey:

Pardon my ignorance but I don't know Ubizoo.

Oh you do, you just don't know it yet! Veryhappy

A crumb from Matrix comes to mind:

"Ubizoo is everywhere. It's all around us. Even now, in this very thread..." (hint hint Wink)


To the OP, why don't you join us next sat, for the ubizoo co-ops?

"The enemy has struck at one of our weakest points. If they persist at this time, then we will soon no longer have any fuel production worth mentioning. Our one hope is that the other side has an air force general staff as scatterbrained as ours." Albert Speer to Adolf Hitler, May 19th 1944, Obersalzberg.

My OS is WIn XP, I have installed the Ultra Pack 2.01 and enabled several mods in the generic mod enabler like the splash screen one but I notice no difference in the game nor to I see any of the planes that are added. For instance I have all the B17 mods installed but I can't select them to fly in game? I don't know what the problem could be?

  • 2. Administrators


Yeah, the ubizoo (nickname for the ubi.com il2 forums), co-ops starts at @7:30-8:00ish the evening GMT, so afternoon for you, as Snacko says, i'm from the other side of the pond, sorry about that confusion.

Did you download the full UP2.01 on torrent, its by far the best way. You then need to install it over 4.09. As soon as you start the game you will know if UP has installed, as you will have a different loading splash screen, what does yours show?



Yeah, the ubizoo (nickname for the ubi.com il2 forums), co-ops starts at @7:30-8:00ish the evening GMT, so afternoon for you, as Snacko says, i'm from the other side of the pond, sorry about that confusion.

Did you download the full UP2.01 on torrent, its by far the best way. You then need to install it over 4.09. As soon as you start the game you will know if UP has installed, as you will have a different loading splash screen, what does yours show?

hum yeah there was no change in the loading screen what I downloaded was UP2.01 which came with the installer and 3 large cab files. I ran the installer and it said all went fine but nothing changed and I don't see any new splash. It did put the ultapack updater shortcut on my desktop as well as an ultrapack switcher and the generic mod enabler. I ran the ultrapack updater and chose update and now it's downloading for like 5 hours.

  • 2. Administrators

that sounds like you downloaded the patch from up2.0n to 2.01 rather than the full UP2.01 install, which is why the updater is running for hours, the link to the full install is here,

UP link

and scroll about halfway down the page until you see this,

UP 2.01 Full Download is available for Torrent:

UP 2.01 Full Torrent

UP 2.01 Full web downloads at Filefront *FIXED-UPDATED!*.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

its a big package, 2gigs maybe off the top of my head. I personally would download it through the torrent, much less chance of any errors, and just leave it downloading overnight.

Its well worth the effort though.


that sounds like you downloaded the patch from up2.0n to 2.01 rather than the full UP2.01 install, which is why the updater is running for hours, the link to the full install is here,

UP link

and scroll about halfway down the page until you see this,

UP 2.01 Full Download is available for Torrent:

UP 2.01 Full Torrent

UP 2.01 Full web downloads at Filefront *FIXED-UPDATED!*.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

its a big package, 2gigs maybe off the top of my head. I personally would download it through the torrent, much less chance of any errors, and just leave it downloading overnight.

Its well worth the effort though.

Try more like 4 gigs. Yeah I guess I did download the patch instead. That website sux and is confusing. That i were I originally got the patch. It's only gonna take 4 hours. Thanks for all of your help guys.


I thought you might be rfxcasey after reading your posts on UBI Forums.

The Danger Dogz will be flying later today starting around 2:30pm EST. We usually fly on a dogfight map for about 45 minutes then start coops around 3:15pm. You are welcome to join us and I am sure someone will be available to help you out with the feckin mods.

I will send you a private message with TS details. (We are on an open Forum now).

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