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Hi Guys,

Haven't been around for awhile,been working lots,until the other day.

Sat.May 1,at 9:34 am my truck was hit by a car in our work zone.Everyone is ok,which I guess is the important thing.But my nice big bueatiful truck is Totalled,thanks to the stupidity of a speeding driver,who was fiddiling with her phone.She was doing at least 70km,in our 50km workzone.She had her head down and drove right into my truck.which was the buffer vehicle for the work crew that had their boom truck parked 10m (30 ft) in front.

The impact knocked my truck into the ditch,with only the driver side wheel still on the pavement.She hit the left rear quarterpanel,and tore the rear tire off,snapping and bending the axle.Her car bounced off,and slid sideways around the front end of my truck and scratched up the front bumper real good. If my truck hadn't of been there she would of drove right into the BIG boom truck and the Crew of 5 men who where around their truck.

And,get this....we were all parked OFF the road!!,on the shoulder,1m (3ft) from the fog line,or white line as most people know it as.I had my hazard lights on and my rotating amber light that sits on the roof of my truck.As well as 3 cones or pylons on the line,beside my truck.Me and my 22 year old trainee had to jump out of the way of the car as it slid around the front end of my truck, because we were standing 10ft beside the front end,in a bit of a wide spot,which we would use as an escape route....we were LUCKY.....and we remebered our training in where to stand.

I'll post some pics later.I have the week off so I can deal with all the stuff concerning this.The police said she was at fault and that my work zone set up (proper signage,distances and safe work plan) where all "textbook".


Lucky Bucky

  • 2. Administrators

Sounds like you were lucky AND well-prepared Bucky, glad no-one was hurt.



Wow! Glad to hear that everybody's ok, Bucky! Keep up the good work! I vote Bucky for safety NCO!


I'm glad it turned out good. A truck is replaceable.

So how far out ahead do you have to setup your lane drop for the crews, and doesn't your company have attenuator trucks for this, instead of your truck?

Here she would of been liable for a minimum of a $10,000 fine for the mistake, and possible manslaughter if she would of killed any of you.


Training, preparation, situational awareness = no need for body bags today. Nice work mate, I wish you well in the ensuing cleanup, and second the nomination for Safety Officer.


Up here they just passed the "hands free" law. It will make little difference in the accident rate.

Hands on the wheel means nothing if your BRAIN isn't focused on the ROAD ahead. I fail to see why they don't understand this.

Damn glad you're all safe Bucky.


Glad you guys are ok Bucky. How is the girl?

Stupid Cell Phones! I was almost forced off the road twice in one day in my Harley by two cell phone drivers once. Both changing lanes with the cell phone in their ear.


Glad your ok.

I absolutely hate (and that is the nicest term I can use) idiots that drive down the road with the damn phone glued to their ear, completely oblivious to anything around them or even which of the three lanes they are weaving in and out of is the one they started in. I truly believe it's as bad as driving drunk.:thumbsd:


I’m glad to hear that you and your crew are safe. But I am sorry to hear about your truck. Doesn’t your employer supply you with a vehicle?


Hi guys,

The female driver was unhurt as well.A lot of traffic control companies around here require employees to use their own vehicles.It is a condition of employment.My company,because I carry signs and other equipment,pay the extra cost for the extra insurance to be covered as a work vehicle.I also get travel time,and a gas allowance of 40cents per klick.as well as a higher rate of pay.

On a side note I quit this company today.I now will work for another outfit,that will supply me with a company truck I start on Mon.May.10.Never again will I use my personal truck for this sort of work.In fact,I'm thinking about ending my traffic control careare in the near future.

@ Toad...signage and distances,length of tapers,lane closure lengths are all done according to the posted hwy speed.The higher the speed,the longer the distances are for your set up.Although I have these memorized,I keep my Traffic Control Manual (written by the Ministry of Highways in B.C.) in my truck as a reference if I need it for different types of work zone set ups,in different situations.

Tomorrow I meet with my insurance adjuster,to discuss stuff concerning my truck.....then I might go shopping for another one!


  • 2. Administrators

It's illegal to drive over here whilst using a mobile (unless 'hand-free'), but many people choose to ignore it. Since when was the law of the land optional? And why is it (nearly) always the drivers of expensive cars? Just wondering...

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Bucky M8,

Sounds like a familier story, arse wipe driver on mobile phone causes chaos ! I'm glad you and the other boys were OK.

I don't know if this would be any use to you guys but what the Fire Service do here to protect crews at the side of the road is to use the "fend off" parking method...........

~S~ Painless



@ Painless,

That diagram is pretty much an exact replica of what we do over here.Note how the truck is parked on an angle,INSIDE the taper,(as we call it) and the work zone is coned out,down the center line,and then tapered back to the shoulder.



I think the main problem is the unrestricted handing out of drivers licenses to just any twit. I hesitate to blame cell phones for the problems, I've been using them since they were invented, and the only problem I ever had was when the chord to the handset (yeah, the handset) got tangled up in the steering wheel and threw my truck in reverse while I was making a turn. I moved the jack the same day and never had another problem. I suppose some people can't walk and chew gum at the same time either. I mean If you can't see a full sized pickup surrounded by orange cones, you are having some trouble besides chatting to much, perhaps it's that 2year old's attention span that needs fixing. Just my take on the situation. /rant.

Good move on the company truck thing, Bucky.

  • 2. Administrators

Too many damn cars on the road anyway - let alone too many bloody idiots - I spent many years driving the highways and byways of ol' England, and I never ceased to be amazed by the appalling driving standards of my fellow road users - it's a worry, particularly when it's an artic two inches from your back bumper. Phones aren't the half of it, they just make a bad situation worse IMO.


hey Bucky:

1) glad you are ok

2) good to see you back

I had my car creamed and destroyed about 3 weeks back. Same thing: women with one hand with a cigarette and the other holding a cellphone. (oh, with both wrists in braces because she had operations on both)

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