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Want a Lock-On board?  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you have Lock On?

    • Yes, got the original
    • Yes, got FC
    • Yes, got Black Shark
    • Yes - got FC and Black Shark
    • Nope, but I may get it
    • No I really hate the smell of jet fuel
    • I have no time for another game but wish those that do well
  2. 2. Interested in Participating in Tutorial Creation?

    • Yes and I can contribute
    • Yes I want to learn!
    • No thanks..
  3. 3. Are you interested in just Flying Lockon FC online, or are you interested in Flying Lockon FC with BlackShark online?

    • Just flying Lockon FC 1.12 is fine with me. I don't care about Blackshark.
    • I want to fly Lockon FC 2.0 with/against the BlackShark Ka50 online.
    • I am interested in doing both and will probably have two installations if I need to.
    • Jet engines are only good for roasting weiners.

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Check it out here if your a Lockon fan.

I have too much other stuff going on at the moment, but do plan to get this in a few weeks. I may wait for the boxed version in April.

This update to the game lets you play Lockon FC against Blackshark. So you can fly all the flyable aircraft that is in LO FC and also the Ka50 BS chopper in an online mission together. Very sweet indeed!

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Check it out here if your a Lockon fan.

I have too much other stuff going on at the moment, but do plan to get this in a few weeks. I may wait for the boxed version in April.

This update to the game lets you play Lockon FC against Blackshark. So you can fly all the flyable aircraft that is in LO FC and also the Ka50 BS chopper in an online mission together. Very sweet indeed!

You wanna host a few Dogz sessions later in summer Snacko? This could be a lot of fun.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Now that makes me think about dusting off my copy of FC, but I really need some help with using it.

The concept of Lock On really grabbed me, but hardware struggled when it first came out and I never really got to grips with the control system, I can add a Tutorial modification to the boards that may be handy..

  • 1. DDz Quorum

YouTube Video for those who want to whet their appetite:


I've got the original Lock On. A brilliant sim for it's time, just released too early and not supported by UBI. Re-installed it last night and my system runs it really well. Does FC2.0 work with the original? Coops would be cool but I'd need to spend some time learning all the stuff again and Rise of Flight is in the post too :sheepsmile:


That's right Arthur, 2.0 is supposed to be a "one pack to bring them all" sort of thing.


I have Lockon FC patched up to 1.12a. I have a bunch of multiplayer missions for the A10 that are fun and not 'too' hard. They are challenging and good for noobs and more experienced. Unfortunately they did not make FC 2.0 compatible with the 1.12a missions, so all my missions will be no good if we use FC 2.0, which really sucks. They did add a new mission builder, the same one that is in Blackshark in FC 2.0. And enhanced the game a little, but the big thing is being able to fly with Blackshark. So, if flying with Blackshark is what you are looking forward to, then yes, you should get FC 2.0. If not, then you don't need FC 2.0 and 1.12a will be just about as good.

Also, from what I understand, you can have two installations. So, if you want to fly the old Lockon FC 1.12a, you can do that, and have another install for FC 2.0 to fly with BS.

I added one more question to the poll at the bottom. Asking if you were just interested in flying Lockon FC 1.12, or also FC 2.0 with Blackshark.

Also, check out the Blackshark Trainer that I made for Boomer's Squad, the Warhawks. We can put that on this site if people are interested in it. Just login in as Guest on their site.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I added one more question to the poll at the bottom. Asking if you were just interested in flying Lockon FC 1.12, or also FC 2.0 with Blackshark.

Slight Hijack..

Poll system on this board is good eh!


I have Lockon FC patched up to 1.12a. I have a bunch of multiplayer missions for the A10 that are fun and not 'too' hard. They are challenging and good for noobs and more experienced. Unfortunately they did not make FC 2.0 compatible with the 1.12a missions, so all my missions will be no good if we use FC 2.0, which really sucks. They did add a new mission builder, the same one that is in Blackshark in FC 2.0. And enhanced the game a little, but the big thing is being able to fly with Blackshark. So, if flying with Blackshark is what you are looking forward to, then yes, you should get FC 2.0. If not, then you don't need FC 2.0 and 1.12a will be just about as good.

Also, from what I understand, you can have two installations. So, if you want to fly the old Lockon FC 1.12a, you can do that, and have another install for FC 2.0 to fly with BS.

I added one more question to the poll at the bottom. Asking if you were just interested in flying Lockon FC 1.12, or also FC 2.0 with Blackshark.

Also, check out the Blackshark Trainer that I made for Boomer's Squad, the Warhawks. We can put that on this site if people are interested in it. Just login in as Guest on their site.

The benefit is that with 2.0, all the problems with flaming cliffs are over, the UK version was notoriously buggy. The GUI and mission builder is supposed to be better. I wonder if they will add 6dof to the other aircraft beyond the KA50.


I know how to build missions very well in the old FC, but in Blackshark and FC 2.0 the mission builder is pretty hard to use. You would think that I know almost every detail in the older mission builder that I could figure out the new one quickly, but I have not been able to. It does have some nice features, one of which is called triggers. You can script events to occur based on certain other things happening for a more dynamic gameplay. Also, you can add mission messages and radio messages to the scripting. But this is very complicated and time consuming.

I guess the reason that I bring this up is that I have been very disappointed in the quality of missions that came with Blackshark and also users. Most of them were impossible to sucessfully play and very unrealistic. And also not much fun when you are just dying over and over. Part of it was mission design. Users had the blackshark flying into hostile areas, where it would never go without some other aircraft making it safe to fly. Also, and within the same reasoning, the blackshark has no defense against enemy lockons really. It has a laser detector, which you can basically use to know when to run away and hide, but it is usually too late because it activates after a lazer is pointing at it. So, I am cautious about how fun the mission will be since all the missions I have made and collected won't be any good. But maybe someone will make a tool to convert missions.

But I suppose if you are flying something other than the Ka50, those issues are not so bad. I was just diappointed in flying the Ka50 in missions. The simulator itself is frigg'in awesome!


I just got it yesterday. Steep learning curve again, but once you get used to it, it all comes back again. Each plane needs to have controls set up separately, so it's best to focus on one for now. I'm working on the F-15C right now.

Their training tutorials are whacked out: YouTube videos? Really? Yuck!

Multiplayer seems to working fine so far. Flew with a few guys last night checking out radar modes and wingman/formation flying. Need to work on my jet fighter brevity codes now!

See you guys up in the (much higher) skies!


One of my old flying buddies is sold on it, and always has been a Jet fan.

I have FC and the original.

I got FC off of Ebay on the cheap.

I never truly put any effort in the game, too complicated.

With proper group I might be convinced.

Some of his post, on it since its release the other day.







@Rattler, So, you got the new FC 2.0? Or, the old one?

I'm flying FC 2.0 right now, SnackO. I have FC installed as well, as I thought it was a purchased add-on. I'm finding FC 2.0 easier to figure out than FC was. The F-15C is da-bomb!

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Completely off-topic..but they are all jets (its an old one but still good)

Ignore the hokey Top Gun start..


Roger, those flybys are awesome. But I am surprised none had a sonic boom. They were going Mach 1+ weren't they? Hm..

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I got FC 2 today.

My first problem is how the @*~¬ do you assign controller Axis when you have:


CH Pedals

CH Throttle

CH Throttle Quad..

Thought it would be a case of click and move, but no looks like a degree in software and hardware engineering is required..

Methinks this could make for the first tutorial!!


If it is anything like Blackshark it is hard to figure out by yourself.

In BS you have the game command names/axis on the left side, and each column is a controller. At the top you can see the name of the Controller I believe. You go down and assign the command to the controller button/axis in the grid cell. In BS I had to assign my TrackIR the same way, but it was off the screen to the right and I could not see it. There were some scrollbars at the bottom of the grid to slide it to the left so I could see the TrackIR (somebody finally told me). After I had all my controls assigned and tested I went back in one day and clicked Save and saved them.... Big Mistake! After my system crashed a few weeks later and I had to reinstall I tried to load that saved controller file but it only saves the current controller that you have selected by clicking a cell in the grid. So, I was screwed and had to start all over. That was a stupid design. So, I had to set everything up again, but this time saved a controller file for every frigg'in controller and backed them all up. Stupid, but that is how BS works.

I will get it soon...


I have all ch controls and when I looked in the game it saw the controls. When I assigned the axis controller to pitch, roll, yaw and then the throttle it would switch between yaw and throttle. But when I checked the control output on the right they all appear to be working normally. I then started the game and all the controls work just fine. Haven't started with TIR yet.


Their training tutorials are whacked out: YouTube videos? Really? Yuck!

I just looked at this and it is much better than what we had before. You used to have to just read the text yourself while only watching. If you have two monitors you can watch, and pause the training and try things out and look around. That is much better IMO. But not the best I have seen. I remember a sim back in the late 80s or early 90s that had R. Lee Ermey speaking to you as he told you what to do step by step in the game. That was great.

Sounded something like this. But not so harsh...


Although it is nice to have these videos to watch on a second monitor, I was very disappointed at the voice audio quality. All they did was use fraps to capture in game audio I believe.


I bought FC2 today, thought it was a new released sequel and it wasn't. Now I just need to find somewhere to buy/download LOMAC. Maybe just buy the box set and wait a few days instead. It's a shame that it doesn't have Tomcats in it but Migs and Su's are pretty close I guess.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I bought FC2 today, thought it was a new released sequel and it wasn't. Now I just need to find somewhere to buy/download LOMAC. Maybe just buy the box set and wait a few days instead. It's a shame that it doesn't have Tomcats in it but Migs and Su's are pretty close I guess.

Yes I was surprised that it needed 1.1 installed first, even though it installs in it's own folder.

Must be a way around that..


I broke down and got it yesterday as well. I've spent about 3 hours in all configuring all the controllers. The TrackIR Z axis has to be moved to the Zoom command to be worth anything. Also, I always add a nice curve to my Pitch Trim, so I can hone in on those tanks with my cannon. You have much finer control that way. And I could not get the Maverick to fire. The training video left out some stuff and so did the manual... You have to 'hold' the weapon release for a few seconds. That is not stated anywhere and was not the case in Lockon.

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