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Every time I fly an Il2, just before I get to target, I hear Arthur or Sweper announce " Il2's below" and then my wing gets blown off.

Would it help if I approached target at altitude and only dove down at the last minute?

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I think taking note of Arthur and Sweper's IP addresses and banning them, or kicking them just before you hit fly, would be a more reliable fix Jim...

They will likely always be above you!

So a tight pack of IL2s may provide the best defence, but of course the AI won't play ball with that one..


Sounds like mostly bad luck to me BG. But sometimes when I am flying a bomber I don't exactly follow right on the waypoints to avoid being detected until I get to blow something up. Bombers don't get the fighter cover the mission designer intended usually I believe.

  • 2. Administrators

In theory, being at altitude makes you easier to spot, and although diving down to the target gives you a greater entry and exit speed, I suspect the 109 or 190 will still overhaul an IL2 pretty quickly.

That really leaves being low down, and from what I've read, for an aircraft to blend in, it's got to be really low. Regardless of what you choose though, multiple aircraft have a better chance of getting through, provided a reasonably tight formation can be maintained, and you might want to consider shortening the icons further for enemy aircraft. Ground pounders need to be able to slip in and out of the target areas without being detected to have a good chance of survival.

How about changing routes to and from the target, so you approach from an angle the dastardly Arthur does not expect? Ignore the waypoints and sneak around the back as it were.

The last statement would have been funnier if Snacko hadn't beaten me to the punch.


Every time I fly an Il2, just before I get to target, I hear Arthur or Sweper announce " Il2's below" and then my wing gets blown off.

Would it help if I approached target at altitude and only dove down at the last minute?

Sorry mate ;D I


Well, this is what I'd do, to avoid the fighters seeing you.

First and first most, I would wear a custom skin that blends in, No more goudy bright things. Save them for the parade.

Second if flying with AI's Fly like they do, don't wonder away stay in formation.

A human is quite easy to spot, and allot more fun to take down, so look like an AI.

Sometime taking lead position will give you the advantage of being seen late, and the stragglers will catch the heat SOMETIMES

I also will fly the entire map, to come in from the opposite direction, for just one good run, and have my momentum headed towards the house, and I never look back. Loitering to get more targets gets you killed unless your fighters control the area.

I also do this same thing, but come in from just under contrail, and dive in for a bomb run pointed towards home.

It depends on the aircraft of course. IL2 for previous, P-38 for example on the latter.

I always fly something subdues though no matter the mission, even if I'm forced into a default skin.

Hope that helps

Posted (edited)

I have too much time on my hands....

Try this Jim:


It's an IL2-I, but you can probably put it in most of your IL2 folders.


Edited by B16Enk
Added back missing attachment
  • 2. Administrators

Nice work Snacko. I wonder if Jim's first co-op tonight will feature the IL2....

On TOADs point of the bomb run exit pointing towards home, this was a tactic employed successfully by Beauforts in the Med when attacking shipping with torps.



........First and first most, I would wear a custom skin that blends in, No more goudy bright things. Save them for the parade.

that only works if we start flying with ICONS turned off............LOL

Well, this is what I'd do, to avoid the fighters seeing you.

First and first most, I would wear a custom skin that blends in, No more goudy bright things. Save them for the parade.

I always fly something subdues though no matter the mission, even if I'm forced into a default skin.

Hope that helps[/quote

Yep, the small but perfectly formed brain of DD_Arthur is attracted to shiny things m8. B) ]


Seriously, the best thing is to ensure that you have dedicated fighter escort to sweep the area and keep the buggers occupied while you attack. The last time that I remember escorting the IL2's into a target was 2 weeks ago on a UbiZoo Saturday mission, on the Stalingrad map where we had Yak 1b's against Me 109G2's, and we cleared everyone out except Squawk, who was forced to go up high or get ganged up on by 2 of us who were after him. The IL2's had a fairly clear run of things as I remember.

The Dogz are just getting too good at attacking IL2's, Jim. They need a live pilot escort.

Posted (edited)

Here is a generic IL2 DDz skin if anyone would like it. If you would like one with your name customized on it just ask. I have one with my name and it's easy enough just to change the text. ;)


If you are using Firefox, right-click and select Save Link As to download..


Edited by B16Enk
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we had Yak 1b's against Me 109G2's, and we cleared everyone out except Squawk,

I never did know when to quit ;D I sure kept eye'ing you down there, but just couldn't get enough sepparation from the Yak's to make a good BnZ.

IIRC, after all the human pilots RTB'd I did pick off a couple of AI stragglers. >:D (patience rewards all things)

  • 2. Administrators

Even shorter icons will help, for instance, earlier this evening when TOAD and I were flying Tiffies down low over somewhere French even though TOAD got bounced and taken out by Snacko, when he (Snacko) went high, I snuck out low, and I think I got out of icon range before he levelled off and due to being on the deck, was probably out of visual range too (either that or he just let me go :( )


Even shorter icons will help, for instance, earlier this evening when TOAD and I were flying Tiffies down low over somewhere French even though TOAD got bounced and taken out by Snacko, when he (Snacko) went high, I snuck out low, and I think I got out of icon range before he levelled off and due to being on the deck, was probably out of visual range too (either that or he just let me go :( )


OFFICIAL Posted Print :icon_shaking2:


That was enough FAME and GLORY to satisfy him, without even getting you, you silly SOD. ;D

OFFICIAL Posted Print :icon_shaking2:


That was enough FAME and GLORY to satisfy him, without even getting you, you silly SOD. ;D

Well, I will admit it was not a dogfight. I just snuck up behind you and blew your brains out. It's the only chance I really have.

But I am making myself a new rank avatar: Top Gun Killer ;D


Yeh I know, just having fun with it.

Well I had a pretty good feeling you were there, Painless had called out seeing you, and had lost eyes, He was in a P-38 so I knew you weren't on his six with his visibility.

I knew if I bothered to yaw and look back it would just slow my mule down. So I just kept flying straight as fast as it could. Hoping one of the Cap guys would eventually find you again.

Just goes to show, BG anyone gets killed in a low and slow Bomber type of operation.

It doesn't matter who's in the seat, you fly a high percentage of these type of flights your going to get caught sooner or later. Being low, you have already given up your margin of error, (Altitude) for survival. Even High alt Level Bombing is pretty risky, if alone. Numbers of aircraft raise your chances, but at least if you are attacked, you still have the last resort of survival. BAIL OUT

I was even still over the township, Snacko's ruthless killing spree, not only killed me, but plenty of civilians below.

Freaking Nazi!!!!

If you do, enjoy that new rank. I get killed all the time though, so you had better be ready to hook up most of the crew with it.

Besides I need one, too I've shot Painless and OB down on occasion. hehehe

Speaking of that we'd better hook them up with an Rank as well.


in coops its going to be hard as there are long icons and the defenders know where you are from the brief.

so be sneaky

either 1) go as fast and as low as you can and try to hit it before they arrive or

2) wait. go a long way round and hopefully the defenders will be busy when you arrive. fly past a grid to the side and check if its hot, if not then make your bomb run, if hot go around and come back in 2 mins

with il2 you have to stay low as they are too slow.

With others its a good idea to get high. I typically ingress at 6000m, drop to 3000m a grid out, fly past and then turn and drop while heading home.

Only make ONE pass as otherwise you will get caught

hope this helps


Thanks guys. That all helps.

They said that a bomber pilot in WW2 had a life expectancy of 6 weeks. Mine is about 10 minutes max, each mission. If it wasn't for hosting I think I would have given this silly game up a long time ago. I want to be INVINCIBLE! There is a setting for that, isn't there. Too bad you can't set it for host only along with unlimited ammo.

Thanks guys. That all helps.

They said that a bomber pilot in WW2 had a life expectancy of 6 weeks. Mine is about 10 minutes max, each mission. If it wasn't for hosting I think I would have given this silly game up a long time ago. I want to be INVINCIBLE! There is a setting for that, isn't there. Too bad you can't set it for host only along with unlimited ammo.

u r not alone there BG. i think that i'm not bad dogfighter but in our coops i did not manage to live more than 10 min. except when i get lost :o


as host you can always set up an escort flight of AI fighters, these will at least follow the way points and the brief, unlike humans who tend, in true dogz fashion, to ignore this. ;)

YOu could even set these AI as flight 2 in a wing , and you take No 1 position in the wing and that way you will have command of them

During the war the russian pilots were disciplined if they left the bombers alone, perhaps you could ready the dungeon for those dogz that run away and play without escorting you mate



Exerpts from BG's A.A.R. of the 'incident'

-Attn: WingCo.

-So there I was yeah, flying along n' this n' that. Minding my own business yeah.

-Then along comes Swepper yeah, from out of the sun or whatever. And like, this is him to me, yeah.

"Sorry BG, I'm going to have to shoot you now."

And this is me to him, yeah. "Actually, no... your'e not. I'm like the host or something, you're not allowed to do that, its like, against the rules. It says so right in the DDz convention. I have a note and everything."

And this is him yeah,

"Rat a ta, Tat a ta, Tat. Cause like, he's shooting bullets at me n' stuff.

-Well you know my plane? Like how many wings its always had n that? Like 2 or some such S#### like that. Yeah. Its only got one now, and its well shot up. And I was like Oh my god, No way!

-So like, I had to bail out and all this. And I was like, well stressed out, and cussing him bad.

-Then I was in this parachute yeah, it was like one of those cheap parachutes, like the kind your mom would buy in the market, like if she was a Gypsi or something like that. And I was thinking, Im gonna die. Cause like, I thought I was gonnna die. But then I landed in some trees n' this n' that. Like birds or squirrels or leaves or whatever. I was supposed to land in a field or whatever, with all grass n' that. But I got blown off course.

-But that's not the worst of it, yeah. Worst bit is yeah, when I got down yeah. I found a hole in my trousers, you know, the ones that's well hardcore with all pockets n' S###. So like, I want some compensation.


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