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I think it was Snacko that mentioned the Micro FFB on Ebay today.

I just almost won it. Made two bids in the last seconds. Up too $75.01 and got out bidded in the last 3 seconds.


Well if it was one of you, Enjoy it LOL

  • 1. DDz Quorum

I gave up trying to get one on ebay a while back because that is what kept happening to me - very frustrating, particularly on the fourth attempt. I put a comment on the Zoo relating to this and a number of replies came back saying that people collect them for two reasons, for spares and for selling on.

Not bothered now as I won't have a use for it.


I agree it is satisfying to win the bidding by a couple of dollars but if I really want something, I will enter a large bid just before the end of the auction. If that stick was any good then I would have entered something in excess of $100.



  • 1. DDz Quorum

Bloody hell, I've got 3 of them.

Was given one a couple of months back that has barely been used, no box though..


Microsoft FFB2:

They say it's a fine stick...

I got me one, but was disappointed with it...

Are you nuts FT?!? Did you use your FEET to control it?

I had the original MK.I, the FFB Pro with the old 15-pin interface, and it was great and lasted me 10 years.

Then I managed to get hold of the Mk.II recently, the FFB 2, and it was a great upgrade.

If I had one of the many other numerous, non-FFB sticks, I think I would forget about IL-2 and play 'Lemmings online'.


Lemmings, I bloody love that game. Spent my the first 10 years of my life playing that (was two when it came out).

  • 1. DDz Quorum

Microsoft FFB2:

They say it's a fine stick...

I got me one, but was disappointed with it...

Are you nuts FT?!? Did you use your FEET to control it?

I had the original MK.I, the FFB Pro with the old 15-pin interface, and it was great and lasted me 10 years.

Then I managed to get hold of the Mk.II recently, the FFB 2, and it was a great upgrade.

If I had one of the many other numerous, non-FFB sticks, I think I would forget about IL-2 and play 'Lemmings online'.

No, I'm not nuts...

I still got an FFB Pro.

But it's not as good as the Guillemot! It's FFB too you know!

Why's Ms FFB not that good? Them feckin' gears!

Guillemot has rubber belts that bring the forces from motors to the stick, much better, no grinding at all!



You just can't beat that!



You say that is a Guillemot? I have never heard of that stick. I assume you like it a lot?


Iv never used ffb , even on sticks that supported it I turned it off, as I think its far too much in IL2.

If my x-45 failed Id probably get a ch fighterstick to try but that looks a nice piece of kit FT !


i had microsoft sidewinder stick (no FF) many years a go and did not like it ether.

i wonder; if the MS FFB cost's so much why not buy ch fighterstick? over a hundred key press combination's with included SW! same thing is with Cougar. A bit of planing and u have real Hands on throttle and stick (assuming that u have a throttle)


i wonder; if the MS FFB cost's so much why not buy ch fighterstick?

Because you can "feel" the aircraft begin to shutter as it approaches a stall, that and more.


I've also got the MS FFB2 stick (just one and I think I'll cry when it bites the dust)

I hear that Pooka and BG have quite a stockpile between the 2 of them....lol

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