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i'm not sure what's more probable;

that i'll get the flu or that i'll have some strange side-effects from the mentioned shot


  • 1. DDz Quorum

Would rather let my own immune system deal with it the way nature intended, rather than circumvent the defences using a product designed to line the pockets of the over bloated pharmaceutical machine.. and we all survived H1N1 when we got it.

None of my kids have had any vaccine, they can choose for themselves once they are 18.

Sucked (to put it mildly) when one of them had suspected measles and we were chastised by the doctor and told our child may die as a result in front of the 7yr old child too.

Jane spent many years working with vaccine victims, my kids got the 'killer' disease whooping cough and lived to tell the tale.

Drs admitted (after the event) that the whooping cough vaccine only gives 3-4 years immunity.

Granted the symptoms were appalling and gave us a sleepless week.

Too often fear is used as a means of control..


nope - and our goverment is now trying to sell huge stockpiles as the crises seems to be over.

My kids have had the regular injections but this one seemed rushed through with little research and the flu strain was less virulent than origonally thought so we decided to not get it.

Its good that our goverment tried its best to ensure we had stocks, one of these pandemics will be bad and how we handled this strain should provide valuable lessons for the future- or am I just too trusting that the powers to be


no way.

Alarmists have overestimated the effects of the so called "aporkalypse".

And besides, I can scarcely believe that this flu could possibly survive the limitless fury that is my immune system.


BG: it is our provincial government here in Alberta that was dictating/controlling this...

They've released it now to doctor's offices...but only after the 3rd wave had gone through.

Hockey players, politicians, prisoners (but not prison guards) and special departments of civil servants were allowed to jump the queue though.

That's why are government here is dying in the polls.

  • 1. DDz Quorum

~S~ Jim,

No we haven't had shots here either. My friend John, (Hawkeyepierce) had swine flu and it knocked him for six for a month but he survived.

~S~ Fluless.


~S~ BG,

No shots here for the last 10 years. I don't trust that particular vaccine for some reason. AFAIK it's not even properly documented whether it works or not. Plus, the cocktail of 6 or 7 shots I got in the military should serve me for a good decade or two further ahead.


The "hype" is media-driven and is un-helpful in the way that it sets up the issue for the kind of polarisation that we see demonstrated. We've even seen this one transformed into a politico-religious issue! No doubt someone will announce that it's a result of liberal thinking among pro-Darwinian scientists next :rolleyes:

Blame the news media for stirring the pot in the constant search for copy, but don't be fooled into thinking that influenza isn't dangerous just because the death toll was relatively light.

The truth, as Cuda has sadly demonstrated, is that we are not touched by the grief of death unless it is of someone we know. It's alright until it isn't, simple as that. Anyone who has been touched by loss knows that: the rest will eventually find out one day. None of it is a reason to dismiss the information given out by the W.H.O. We'd all be laughing on the other side of our face if the virus had mutated into something more virulent.

B :knight:



guess you gents r thinking like us .... let the Govern have their shot.... and if something goes wrong ..ups told u so


Nope, got the regular shot earlier this year, then I heard the H1N1 was actually loosing its strength due to a short shelf life of the vaccine.

So never got it. been wrestling sore sinus for a few days, taking Echinasia , Golden seal, cloriseptic spray to ease the pain.  


No flu shots here either but I'm old enough that I may have been exposed when a child.

I would have gotten the nasal spray if it was convenient. I have issues not so much with the vaccine but with the adjuvant used and that once anything is injected into your bloodstream it's there forever without having to pass the natural barriers of your body.

Funny you should say that TOAD. I never get sinus stuff but I had one hell of a bout over Christmas. Didn't even know what was going on till it was full blown.

  • 2. Administrators

Well, given that the old boy is one of the 'at risk' groups (he had his spleen removed as part of a cancer op a few years ago), the whole family's had it. No side effects AFAIK.



Got my shot back in november. For me it was the right thing to do. I got sick for a couple of days and I went back to normal. Describe normal:

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