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Your in the right place. Dr.

These guys, host on Tue, Thur, This time of day, with mostly Brits on.

And Wed nights for sure 7pm EST

Plus plenty of impromptu times through out the week.

Once BG gets in and give you the TS info you will find plenty of pilots to spend time with.


Salute Dr. Killpatient.

We fly several times during the week. If Wednesday evening, Saturday and Sunday afternoon are good for you then we have a fit! We also fly Tuesday and Thursday afternoons but you are likely at work then.

The group uses Teamspeak 3 and Ultra Pack 2.0 mods which we can help you with, if you need it. We usually play with externals and minimap on so we are not a full switch squad.

If you want to give us a try just post back here and I will give you game IP's etc.

What nick do you post under at Ubi Zoo?


  • 2. Administrators
I've got the carrier take-offs & landings down

Damn, you're way ahead of the group. Most of us are at 50% success rate in taxying. Get your ass online m8, it's a way better place to learn. Most of us screw up frequently - it's just that we don't admit it.


Mostly we play with icons set at 2kms. That gives the slower ground pounders a fighting chance.

We try to vary maps and aircraft as much as possible so you may find yourself flying a TB3 in a dogfight with another TB3 and unlimited ammo.



The easiest way to go from CFS to IL2 is to make your IL2 keyboard controls match what you had in CFS.

That's what I did over 8 years ago.

Now with that said, and from experience.

If you have a Joystick that has a pro-filer, and are using it in CFS then leave the IL2 controls as stock as possible, and make the pro-filer manipulate the IL2 commands to resemble your CFS stuff.

Head sets, well depends on your location, and available stuff at your local retailers, unless you order Online.

I'm using a set of Platonic at the moment, they work well, but the mic boom has to be taped into position to hold still.

I got three years out of an EDimensional set. and before that just some cheap 20 dollar logitecs worked well, but kids were too rough on them, back then. Kids are gone, and off to college, so I could probably get by cheap again.

Dang it Zooly, you got me Pining for a new pair now.





Goodie, another doctor. I'm feeling safer by the minute. ;D Welcome doc!

I'm using, and fairly happy with, the Koss SB45 headset. Fits my big head quite nice.


Goodie, another doctor. I'm feeling safer by the minute.

Well, I suppose that depends on the discipline...I might just happen to be a gynecologist. :happy_ff:

;D Welcome doc!

I'm using, and fairly happy with, the Koss SB45 headset. Fits my big head quite nice.

Thanks for the welcome & recommendation.


Goodie, another doctor. I'm feeling safer by the minute.

Well, I suppose that depends on the discipline...I might just happen to be a gynecologist. :happy_ff:

;D Welcome doc!

I'm using, and fairly happy with, the Koss SB45 headset. Fits my big head quite nice.

Thanks for the welcome & recommendation.


Well, I suppose that depends on the discipline...I might just happen to be a gynecologist. :happy_ff:

No prob. My alter ego is Hannah Montana. I think she flew with the Aerobatic guys yesterday.


Goodie, another doctor. I'm feeling safer by the minute.

Well, I suppose that depends on the discipline...I might just happen to be a gynecologist. :happy_ff:

;D Welcome doc!

I'm using, and fairly happy with, the Koss SB45 headset. Fits my big head quite nice.

Thanks for the welcome & recommendation.


Welcome Doc!

No worries about your skillz, just get online and enjoy, nothing too serious going on here.

There are plenty of targets to have a go at, so you'll get all practiced up real quick.


Goodie, another doctor. I'm feeling safer by the minute.

Well, I suppose that depends on the discipline...I might just happen to be a gynecologist. :happy_ff:

;D Welcome doc!

I'm using, and fairly happy with, the Koss SB45 headset. Fits my big head quite nice.

Thanks for the welcome & recommendation.

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